Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View

Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View
Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: История России. Все серии. От Рюрика до Революции 2024, July

The name of the country - Russia, arose from another word - scattering, which, in turn, was formed from the name of the scattering (the territory over which the great race settled, that is, the white peoples - voluntary migrants to the earth from other star systems of space. the word rasseniya passed into the Latin language Ruthenia and began to be translated as simply Rus.

Russenia was a part of the ancient Slavic - Aryan empire (in ancient times it occupied the territory of the modern continent of Eurasia), which lay west of the Ripean (Ural) mountains.

The lands east of the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and further from the lukomoria (Russian north) to central India were named the land of the holy race (the land of the Ases (as is a god who lives on earth), representatives of developed civilizations. The abbreviation race was formed when the phrase “Clans of Ases of the Country of Ases , And the holy race is the four great clans of Ases: Da'arians, H'arians, Rassens, Svyatorussians, who lived in a communal-clan way of life. Foreigners called this country differently. One of the last foreign names known in Europe until the end of the eighteenth century, there was a great Tartary (great Tartaria or mighty Asia - the oldest power of white people on the Asian part of the continent of Eurasia) - the largest country in the world, as it is said about it in the first edition of the British Encyclopedia of 1771. Those who wish can see for themselves by looking at this publication of the encyclopedia.


On all uncorrected maps up to 1772, including the maps in the first edition of the British Encyclopedia, the territory ruled by the Romanov dynasty "stretched" in the West from Riga, Smolensk to Belgorod, abutting against the Little Tartary, better known as the Zaporizhzhya Sich. In the south, the border ran along the Don, bending around the Volga in the lower and middle reaches, passing north of Samara and at this latitude abutting the Ural (Ripean) mountains. In the East, the border ran along the Ural mountains, abutting against the Kara Sea. In the north, it borders on Lapland and Sweden (Sweden. And the Romanov empire was called Muscovite Tartary.

The Tsar of Moscow on all European maps until the end of the 18th century was called the ruler of Moscow Tartary, on some - even the Duke of Moscow.

In the same British Encyclopedia, the Russian Empire, better known as the Great Tartary, refers to the territory east of the Don, at the latitude of Samara to the Ural mountains and the entire territory east of the Ural mountains to the Asian Pacific Ocean:

“Tartary, a Vast Country in the Northern Parts of Asia, Bounded by Siberia on the North and West: This is Called Great Tartary. The Tartars who lie South of Moscovy and Siberia, are Those of Astracan, Circassia, and Dagistan, Situated North - West of the Caspian - sea; the Calmuc Tartars, who lie Between Siberia and the Caspian - sea; the Usbec Tartars and Moguls, who lie North of Persia and India; and Lastly, Those of Tibet, who lie North - West of China."

Promotional video:

“Tartaria, a huge country in the northern part of Asia, bordering Siberia in the north and west: which is called the Great Tartaria. Those tartars living south of Muscovy and Siberia are called Astrakhan, Cherkassk and Dagestan, living in the northwest of the Caspian Sea are called Kalmyk tartars and which occupy the territory between Siberia and the Caspian Sea; Uzbek Tartars and Mongols who live north of Persia and India and, finally, Tibetans, who live northwest of China."

As follows from the British Encyclopedia of 1771, there was a huge country of Tartary, whose provinces were of different sizes. The largest province of this empire was called the Great Tartaria and covered the lands of Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In the southeast, Chinese Tartary adjoined it, please do not confuse it with China. in the south of the great Tartary was the so-called Independent Tartary Central Asia. Tibetan Tartary (Tibet) was located northwest of China and southwest of Chinese Tartary. In the north of India was the Mongolian Tartary (Mogul Empire) modern Pakistan. Uzbek Tartaria (Bukaria) was sandwiched between independent Tartaria in the north, Chinese Tartaria in the northeast, Tibetan Tartaria in the southeast,Mongolian Tartary in the south and Persia in the southwest. In Europe, there were also several Tartaries: Muscovia or Moscow Tartary (Muscovite Tartary), Kuban Tartary (Kuban Tartars) and Little Tartary (Little Tartary.

Mongolian Tartary (Mogul Empire), which has nothing to do with modern Mongolia, is located on the site of modern Pakistan, while modern Mongolia is located in the north of modern China or between Great Tartaria and Chinese Tartaria. There are thousands of kilometers between the Mongol Empire of the eighteenth century and modern Mongolia, and they lie on opposite sides of the greatest Himalayan mountain range on earth, and were inhabited by completely different peoples, having nothing in common with each other.

And in general, the word Mogul (mogul) is of Greek origin and means great and, thus, has nothing to do with the self-name of any Asian tribe.

Thus, on the maps of the seventeenth - eighteenth centuries, you can see at least nine to ten different Tartarii, which suggests that, more recently, they were parts of one whole - a single Slavic - Aryan empire, in the Middle Ages in western Europe called Great Tartary. The reason for the appearance of such a number of Tartarii is the branching off from the Slavic - Aryan empire (Great Tartary) of the outlying provinces, as a result of the weakening of the empire as a result of the invasion of the Dzungar hordes, who captured and completely destroyed the capital of this empire - Asgard - Irian in 7038 from s. M. Z. X or in 1530.

The main population of this empire were Slavs, for the most part - Russians. At the same time, many other peoples lived on its territory, who had equal rights with the main population. Approximately the same as is the case in modern Russia.

The name of Tartary has nothing to do with the name of the Turkic tribes. When foreigners asked the inhabitants of this country about who they were, the answer was: "We are the Children of Tarkh and Tara" (the goddess Tara is the patroness of nature and her elder brother Tarkh - grant God - the keeper of ancient great wisdom) - brother and sisters who were, according to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, the guardians of the Russian land. These ideas did not arise out of nowhere: the fact is that a person "Came" to planet earth through the so-called star gates (energy complexes using gravitational and space-time spin - torsion systems for moving between planets and star systems) about 40 thousand years ago.

Among the settlers there was a relatively small group of highly developed humanoid creatures, very close to modern man, forming a kind of caste, which the rest of the settlers called Ury (representatives of the planet Urai; ur is an inhabited fertile territory.

During the millennia-old past of the Slavs, the self-names of different Slavic tribes, which initially had a single culture and a single language, were determined by various reasons. Before the disappearance of the Uv, all Slavic tribes had a second name, Urrus. After the disappearance of the level, the functions performed by them were compelled to be distributed among their wards Rus. This led to the formation of several castes: the caste of the Magi - the bearers of knowledge and traditions, the caste of professional warriors who protected from external enemies, castes of artisans, grain growers and pastoralists. Above all these castes stood the tribal aristocracy. © based on the book by Alexander Novak "Forgotten Facts of Ancient Russia".