In Hawaii - An Ecological Disaster - Alternative View

In Hawaii - An Ecological Disaster - Alternative View
In Hawaii - An Ecological Disaster - Alternative View

Video: In Hawaii - An Ecological Disaster - Alternative View

Video: In Hawaii - An Ecological Disaster - Alternative View
Video: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim 2024, September

Millions of marine animals are thrown onto the shores of the Hawaiian Islands every day. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm.

For example, the beaches of Mokulei on the island of Oahu have recently become literally pink due to the fact that a myriad of all kinds of crustaceans washed ashore. According to local resident Alice Rivera, there are millions of them here, and therefore it becomes scary, since it is not known why all this is happening. Although, of course, every child understands that this is not from good, this is a real disaster that does not bode well.

Indeed, on the shores of Hawaii today you can find tons of crabs, lobsters, shrimps and even dozens of large animals, not to mention exotic ones. Environmentalist Carroll Cox also found sea cucumbers, which worried him. The fact is, says the environmentalist, these invertebrates showed up on an area literally packed with crabs, which speaks of a global environmental disaster. Many species of sea animals are dying, that's what is strange and at the same time scary …


Recall that scenes from such films as Jurassic Park, individual episodes of the first season of the famous TV series Lost and some others were filmed on the magnificent, almost virgin beaches of Mokulea. Of course, exotic places in Hawaii attract filmmakers, but today it is far from a paradise for filming and recreation, but rather a cemetery of sea animals …