US Openly Occupies Oil Fields In Syria - Alternative View

US Openly Occupies Oil Fields In Syria - Alternative View
US Openly Occupies Oil Fields In Syria - Alternative View

Video: US Openly Occupies Oil Fields In Syria - Alternative View

Video: US Openly Occupies Oil Fields In Syria - Alternative View
Video: USA: Syrian oil revenue to go to SDF, not US - Pentagon 2024, September

A few days ago, while trying to discuss the topic How the US steals oil in Syria, some in the comments began to write that this is impossible, as you imagine it, and in general it is fake.

Please read what foreign politicians and experts think about it …

US President Donald Trump, in an interview at a meeting of his cabinet, openly stated that American companies can now deal with the oil industry in the SAR. He noted that Washington has already taken control of the oil fields in Syria. This statement shocked the American public, with outrage expressed by many lawyers and energy specialists.

According to Reuters, representatives of major major US companies ExxonMobil and Chevron, which operate in the Middle East, declined to comment. But other experts could not remain silent, while unanimously condemning their leader.

For example, Bruce Riedel, an employee of the Brookings Institution, called Trump's actions a dubious move and a signal to the world that Washington is planning to steal oil. And Jeff Colgan, associate professor of political science and international studies at Brown University, described his president's decision as illegal and completely immoral. He noted that such exploitation is subject to the protection of international law.


In addition, energy experts noted the destruction of the oil sector in Syria - if before the hostilities, production was 380 thousand barrels a day, but now this figure is only 40 thousand barrels.

The chairman of the board of the energy company, Alex Cranberg, said that the United States should be concerned about the fate of Syrian resources, since their misuse could negatively affect the country's economy.

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However, although the American troops have left the territory of the SAR, they are not going to leave the areas with oil fields. And Trump's statement confirms this. The President does not hide that the oil industry is a priority for Washington, and the occupation of Syrian natural resources is the main goal of the American campaign in Syria.

Earlier it became known that the Pentagon plans to deploy a tank battalion along the Euphrates River. The purpose of such actions is to prevent crossings of government troops to the oil fields. A US official told Al Monitor about this. In addition, US troops previously withdrawn to Iraq are returning to Syria.

We also note that all actions of the States are covered by the so-called Kurdistan. Previously, the presence of the military on Syrian territory was justified by the fight against ISIS, and now a new reason has been added - helping the Kurds. At the same time, Washington does not even hide that the percentage of YPG's profits in oil smuggling is insignificant.


Note that the illegal activities of the United States in the smuggling of Syrian oil contributes to the significant destabilization of the situation in the region. So in peaceful areas, the militants practically seized real power. Let us recall the "Jazeera Storm" operation, when the Kurds - terrorists practically "destroyed everything" and on their way to seize the oil fields. And throughout the occupation zone, there is a violent mobilization into the ranks of the Syrian Democratic Forces. Thus, the US criminal smuggling of oil is increasingly splitting the country. However, Washington is not worried about this, because their main goal is to fill their own pockets. Moreover, against the background of the criminal lawlessness that is now taking place in Syria, it is even easier for the State to hide its illegal business. So this state of affairs even plays into the hands of Washington.

Note that the revelations of the criminal actions of the United States on Syrian territory have begun to surface more and more and it has become increasingly difficult for Trump to come up with excuses. As a result, the head of the White House decided not to hide the theft of oil anymore and even called it a sacred US right. It is obvious that Washington illegally occupies the oil fields of other states and remains unpunished.