Science Says Silence Is Vital To Our Brains - Alternative View

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Science Says Silence Is Vital To Our Brains - Alternative View
Science Says Silence Is Vital To Our Brains - Alternative View

Video: Science Says Silence Is Vital To Our Brains - Alternative View

Video: Science Says Silence Is Vital To Our Brains - Alternative View
Video: According To Science, SILENCE REWIRES YOUR BRAIN and MAKES YOU MORE INTELLIGENT 2024, September

Hello! Let's get acquainted =)) Silence is an empty space. Space is the home of the awakened mind. - Buddha.

Noise has a strong physical effect on our brains, causing increased levels of stress hormones, according to Enlightened Consciousnes.

At some point, each of us begins to appreciate silence. She is comfortingly cozy and extremely effective. She gives us inspiration and nurtures the mind, body and soul.

Meanwhile, the madness of the noisy world affects metabolism, inhibits oxidative processes, causes irritation and aggression.

Science claims that silence may be exactly what we need to rebuild our depleted brains and bodies.


Research shows that noise has a strong physical effect on our brains, increasing levels of stress hormones. Sound travels to the brain as an electrical signal through the ears.

Even when we sleep, these sound waves cause the body to respond and activate the amygdala, the part of the brain associated with memory and emotion, which results in the release of stress hormones. Thus, living in a constantly noisy environment is always high in these harmful hormones.

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Noise has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, tinnitus and loss of sleep. Excessive noise can be a serious irritant to the physical senses, and today more and more people are positioning themselves as very sensitive and unable to function in a chaotic and noisy environment.

But now science has proof not only that noise hurts, but that silence heals.

Silence effect

In 2011, the World Health Organization concluded that 340 million Western Europeans lose a million years of healthy life every year to noise. The WHO also said that the root cause of 3,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease is due to excessive noise.

A study by Professor Gary W. Evans of Cornell University, published in Psychological Science, found that children whose school is located near the airport have a stress response that actually makes them ignore the noise. He found that children ignore both harmful airport noise and other noisier sounds such as speech.

This study provides compelling evidence that noise - even at levels that do not produce sound - is stressful and harmful to humans.


Scientists have not studied silence and discovered its benefits by accident. Silence first appeared in scientific research as a baseline against which scientists compare the effects of noise or music.

Physician Luciano Bernardi studied the physiological effects of noise and music in 2006, making a startling discovery. When the subjects of his research were in the silence between noise and music, they felt a powerful effect. Two-minute pauses were found to be much more relaxing for the brain than relaxing music or the longer silence that was in place before the experiment began.

In fact, Bernardi's random pauses became the most important aspect of the study. One of its main results was that silence is enhanced by contrasts.

The brain recognizes and reacts to silence

Many meditation teachers and gurus are aware of this and advise taking frequent meditation breaks throughout the day. While we may think of silence as a lack of information, science says otherwise. The brain recognizes and reacts to silence very powerfully.


A study by Duke University regenerative biologist Imke Kirste found that two hours of silence a day triggered the development of cells in the hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with memory formation involving feelings.

When you are in silence, the brain can "recover" some of its cognitive abilities.

We are constantly processing a huge amount of information. Research has shown that a lot of stress falls on our prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain responsible for making decisions, solving problems, and more.

When we spend time alone in silence, our brains are able to relax and give that part of the brain a rest

Researchers have found that silence helps new cells to differentiate into neurons and integrate into the system, and when we are in silence, our brains process information better. We can analyze our lives and see perspective, which is vital to mental well-being.

Silence relieves stress and tension

While noise creates stress, silence relieves stress and tension in both the brain and body. Silence replenishes and nourishes our cognitive resources. Noise causes us to lose concentration, cognitive ability and decreases motivation and brain function (as supported by research).


However, research shows that spending time in silence can amazingly restore what was lost due to excessive noise. The ancient spiritual masters have always known this; silence heals, silence deeply immerses us in itself, and silence balances body and mind. Science now confirms this.

The healing benefits of nature and silence have been known for a long time, but now we can add nutrition to our brains to health and wellness.

A simple yet ancient experience of silence is a healing balm that we absolutely need!

Author: Fia Mont