Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 5 - Alternative View

Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 5 - Alternative View
Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 5 - Alternative View

Video: Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 5 - Alternative View

Video: Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 5 - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Alien Ideas That Changed Human History (Season 9) | History 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -

A large part of the known Orion civilizations have an active, but unbalanced energy. This is expressed in the impulsive behavior of humanoids, their emotional imbalance. Despite this, many Orion civilizations are developing very quickly in a humanitarian, energetic and even magical way.

The Ψ sign - "psi", which is usually present in the symbolism of Orion civilizations, indicates the chosen path of development. The wavy lines crossing the psi sign represent fluctuations in thought energy. Such a cosmic sign is present, for example, among the humanoid race from the planet Arya, black Orions and other humanoids. Consider another race of humanoids from the constellation Orion.


The humanoids from the planet Toya, system 29 Epsilon, constellation Orion are a young, but rather advanced race. Humanoids have a southern temperament and an athletic build, physically developed, 1.8-2.0 meters in height, their skin is dark, light brown. They dress in light, tight-fitting gray overalls, their head partially covered by a hood. Shoes and gloves are integral with clothing.

A humanoid from the planet Toya. Drawing from the magazine "Noosphere", No. 1, 1991
A humanoid from the planet Toya. Drawing from the magazine "Noosphere", No. 1, 1991

A humanoid from the planet Toya. Drawing from the magazine "Noosphere", No. 1, 1991

Representatives of this race communicate with each other and with people telepathically. May be emotionally unstable. Their behavior is friendly or neutral-independent. There are known cases of contacts of the 6th degree with earthly women. Show interest in the everyday life of people. On Earth, they are frequent guests, obviously, performing their scientific tasks. They do not belong to the Curators and Creators of the Earth.

The Toyan teleportation ship, cigar-shaped with rounded edges and 8 meters long, hangs motionless at a height of about 10-20 meters. The surface of the ship is matte, light gray. The humanoids descended to the ground using levitation.

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The drawing was made according to eyewitness accounts. Contact of 2-3 degrees. Station Novo-Jerusalem, Moscow region
The drawing was made according to eyewitness accounts. Contact of 2-3 degrees. Station Novo-Jerusalem, Moscow region

The drawing was made according to eyewitness accounts. Contact of 2-3 degrees. Station Novo-Jerusalem, Moscow region.

The speed of levitation depends on the situation: in a calm environment, humanoids levitate slowly and unhurriedly, they usually walk on the ground, like people, and when a threat arises, they are able to levitate through the air quite quickly - about 10 meters per second. The ship can move in our space at low speeds, and then it is clearly visible, and at the beginning of fast travel, the ship disappears in place.

Spaceships toyan - typical cigars and discs. Cigars can release exploration mini-probes
Spaceships toyan - typical cigars and discs. Cigars can release exploration mini-probes

Spaceships toyan - typical cigars and discs. Cigars can release exploration mini-probes.

Some alien ships resemble a cut mushroom - a cap with a cut stem. Toyan cigar ships are teleporters, usually up to 20 meters in length, without a remote control. They are thin-walled and, in essence, are hard-walled capsules for rapid movement through space.

Drawing according to the descriptions of the contactee who visited the ship, contact of the 3-4th degree
Drawing according to the descriptions of the contactee who visited the ship, contact of the 3-4th degree

Drawing according to the descriptions of the contactee who visited the ship, contact of the 3-4th degree.

The ships do not land on the ground, they hang motionless at an altitude of about 50 meters. Humanoids are transported to the ship by individual levitation. The doorway appears in any convenient place.

The portrait, taken from the contactee's descriptions, depicts a humanoid male who has arrived from another galaxy, located in the direction between Alpha Northern Crown and Beta Hercules. The planet is 17 million light-years distant, its name is unknown.

Drawing from the magazine "Through the Looking Glass", No. 1-2, 1991
Drawing from the magazine "Through the Looking Glass", No. 1-2, 1991

Drawing from the magazine "Through the Looking Glass", No. 1-2, 1991

Humanoids of athletic build and humans are almost indistinguishable from humans. Growth is 1.8-1.9 meters, the skin is light, the hair is short, they have blue and blue bioenergy - quite rare spectra. During space travel, they wear tight-fitting silver jumpsuits.

On Earth, they behave neutral, but friendly, during a close meeting with a person, they maintain a safe distance - 10 meters. They come to Earth quite rarely, they are engaged in scientific research work. Curators are not included. On Earth, they maintain contacts with single contactees.

The alien spacecraft has a lenticular streamline shape, a diameter of 25 meters, a height (thickness) of 4 meters, the surface is dull silver. Portholes and any extensions on the hull are missing. Landing position of the ship - stationary hovering at a height of about 3 meters above the ground. At the bottom, a round hatch opens, since gravity is turned off under the hanging ship, humanoids easily get on the ship without a ladder, being as if in a local area of zero gravity
The alien spacecraft has a lenticular streamline shape, a diameter of 25 meters, a height (thickness) of 4 meters, the surface is dull silver. Portholes and any extensions on the hull are missing. Landing position of the ship - stationary hovering at a height of about 3 meters above the ground. At the bottom, a round hatch opens, since gravity is turned off under the hanging ship, humanoids easily get on the ship without a ladder, being as if in a local area of zero gravity

The alien spacecraft has a lenticular streamline shape, a diameter of 25 meters, a height (thickness) of 4 meters, the surface is dull silver. Portholes and any extensions on the hull are missing. Landing position of the ship - stationary hovering at a height of about 3 meters above the ground. At the bottom, a round hatch opens, since gravity is turned off under the hanging ship, humanoids easily get on the ship without a ladder, being as if in a local area of zero gravity.

The alien spacecraft has a lenticular streamline shape, a diameter of 25 meters, a height (thickness) of 4 meters, the surface is dull silver. Portholes and any extensions on the hull are missing.

The landing position of the ship is motionless hovering at a height of about 3 meters above the ground. At the bottom, a round hatch opens, since gravity is turned off under the hanging ship, humanoids easily get on the ship without a ladder, being as if in a local area of zero gravity.

Drawing from the magazine "Through the Looking Glass", No. 1-2, 1991
Drawing from the magazine "Through the Looking Glass", No. 1-2, 1991

Drawing from the magazine "Through the Looking Glass", No. 1-2, 1991

The drawing of close contact was made from the descriptions of an eyewitness. Repeated close contacts of the 2-3rd degree took place in the Moleb zone, contactee V. K., then they continued in other places.

The race from the Procyon system - α Minor Dog has genetic roots from Sirius: humanoids are short and with an eastern cut of the eyes. But the Procyonians, unlike the Sirians, did not participate in the creation of the eastern yellow-skinned race of the Earth, that is, they do not belong to the Creators of mankind.

A humanoid from the Procyon system
A humanoid from the Procyon system

A humanoid from the Procyon system.

Humanoids are stocky, short in stature - 1.2 meters, dark skin, faces of Asian type, narrowed and slanting eyes, short black hair, nose and mouth like humans, 5 fingers on hands and feet. There are males and females. Some procyonians can turn into an orange ball of light, that is, they control the state of their body. They come to Earth periodically.

Procyon spaceships, dimensions unknown
Procyon spaceships, dimensions unknown

Procyon spaceships, dimensions unknown.

The humanoids from the Polar Star region are below average in height, dressed in white or grayish uniforms, their face is open, and the humanoid holds a special device such as a stun gun in his hand, which by its radiation protects the humanoid from approaching little intelligent creatures and wild animals. They do not treat curators, they behave neutral and friendly. They visit our planet occasionally for scientific purposes.

A humanoid from the North Star region
A humanoid from the North Star region

A humanoid from the North Star region.

Humanoids from the planet Centeria, located behind the Pole Star, the constellation Ursa Minor is undersized - 1.2 meters, the skin is very pale, almost white, the eyes are much larger than human ones, dark. The body is thin, the arms are long and thin. They look like human rickets children around 6 years of age. Sex is difficult to determine. There is no hair on the head, no ears.

A humanoid from the planet Tsentria
A humanoid from the planet Tsentria

A humanoid from the planet Tsentria.

During long flights on ships and travels in outer space, they dress in a white uniform. This nomadic civilization never sits in one place. Alien spaceships are disc-shaped, 270 meters in diameter, on top of it rises a dome - a control cabin with numerous oval windows. The land attracts them only for the purpose of scientific research.

Centerium spaceships, reconstruction
Centerium spaceships, reconstruction

Centerium spaceships, reconstruction.

Humanoids from the δ-Mintaka system (constellation Orion) are tall - 2.5 meters tall, men and women differ. The skin is blue, the eyes are blue, outwardly they look like people, there may be no hair on the head. During meetings with a person in earthly conditions, they always keep calm and confident, their behavior is peaceful. Buddhism is widespread on their planets, the symbol of religion is the lotus flower.

Humanoid from the δ-Mintaka system, constellation Orion
Humanoid from the δ-Mintaka system, constellation Orion

Humanoid from the δ-Mintaka system, constellation Orion.

Humanoids from the Mintaka star system, the constellation Orion, are 1.9-2.0 meters tall, the body is physically developed, broad-shouldered, arms are longer than usual. The skin has a bluish tinge, the face is wide cheeked, the mouth is small in the form of a slit. During the flights, they are dressed in green overalls, which shimmer phosphorescent. Open face, breathe our air. Communicate telepathically. A dim orange halo glows above the head - a visible biofield.

A humanoid from the Mintaka star system, constellation Orion
A humanoid from the Mintaka star system, constellation Orion

A humanoid from the Mintaka star system, constellation Orion.

The Mintak spaceships are 20 meters long cigars and balls that move rapidly through the air. They visit the Earth regularly, they have their representatives here - contactees. The behavior is peaceful. Aliens belong to the Light Forces.

Spaceships of the Mintaks - cigar-shaped light apparatus 20 meters long, reconstruction
Spaceships of the Mintaks - cigar-shaped light apparatus 20 meters long, reconstruction

Spaceships of the Mintaks - cigar-shaped light apparatus 20 meters long, reconstruction.

On the planet Koshnak, in the Mintaka system (constellation Orion), there are two races - with blue and gray skin. Races of humanoids have reached the level of CC I (close to CC I). The representatives of the first race have bluish-blue skin, there are men and women. Hair in men is short, curly, black, eyebrows are black. The growth of humanoids is about 2-2.5 m. Aliens are very temperamental, emotional, communicate telepathically and voice.

A humanoid with blue skin and curly black hair
A humanoid with blue skin and curly black hair

A humanoid with blue skin and curly black hair.

Representatives of the second race are gray-skinned, similar to people, height is also high 2 ÷ 2.5 m. Both races belong to the densely physical type of techno-humanitarian direction of development. Bioenergy is white and silver.

A small alien spacecraft in the form of a chamomile flower with petals-segments that fold during flight was launched from a large diamond-shaped mother ship. The flight was silent, a pulsating fiery jet burst from the base of the small ship. The device had a diameter of about 19 meters and a height of 10 meters.

Drawing according to V. Chernobrov
Drawing according to V. Chernobrov

Drawing according to V. Chernobrov.

The ship landed on the surface of the planet, with a retractable cylinder serving as a support. The ship's cockpit in the upper part had diamond-shaped observation windows, below there were round-shaped windows. A rectangular hatch opened on the body of the central cabin of the device.

The ship's crew was international and consisted of three humanoids - a brown-haired woman with pink skin and a glowing aura around her head, a bronze-skinned man with curly hair, and a blue-skinned man with curly black hair. Humanoids with this skin color are known in the constellation Orion.

Separation from a large carrier ship of a near-planet module with a changing profile of the sliding surface (folding tail segments)
Separation from a large carrier ship of a near-planet module with a changing profile of the sliding surface (folding tail segments)

Separation from a large carrier ship of a near-planet module with a changing profile of the sliding surface (folding tail segments).

Close human eye contact with aliens occurred in September 1989. During contact, they used devices - interpreters of thought-signals. The humanoids were 1.8-2.1 meters tall. People are treated very openly and kindly. Humanoids are engaged in research work, sometimes using biorobots. They talk among themselves in a voice. Witness A. Ya., a resident of the city of Belaya Tserkov (Ukraine).

Continued: Part 6

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov