A Man With Phenomenal Abilities - Alternative View

A Man With Phenomenal Abilities - Alternative View
A Man With Phenomenal Abilities - Alternative View

Video: A Man With Phenomenal Abilities - Alternative View

Video: A Man With Phenomenal Abilities - Alternative View
Video: Superhuman Geniuses (Extraordinary People Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, July

I want to tell the story of my friend who lives in one of the Siberian cities. His name is Andrey, he is a professor of biology and has taught at the institute all his life. For the first time, he faced incomprehensible phenomena in 1988, when he was hit by fifty dollars. He was then in his third marriage, his young 23-year-old chosen one was his former student.

For the anniversary, his previous wife came to Andrey from another city. She came not alone, but with their common six-year-old daughter, Liza. The next day after celebrating his birthday, the professor and his daughter went for a walk around the city. It was August and the day was hot. During the walk, they took an ice cream and sat on a bench near the city fountain. Suddenly, Lisa began to laugh out loud. Andrei, without turning around, asked:

- Daughter, what's so funny going on there?

- Folder, how do you do it ?!

Andrey reluctantly turned back and froze. On the asphalt, under the sun's rays, his shadow clearly loomed, and next to it another one - small, in the form of a small circle - was rapidly moving back and forth. Lisa ran happily and tried to catch her. Dumbfounded by what he saw, the professor could not say a word, and the girl, without fear, continued to play with the shadow. This lasted two or three minutes. All the way to the house, walking along the city streets, he involuntarily looked sideways at his shadow. However, the strange shadow no longer appeared. At home, Lisa told her mother and young wife Andrei about what she had seen, but the professor translated the girl's words as a joke.

Several months passed, and Andrey forgot about that incident. Once on the weekend he spent the night at the dacha. Himself. The young wife did not like agricultural work - she remained in the city. Fascinated by the harvest, Andrei fussed around until dark. After finishing his work, the professor boiled a kettle and lighted the stove. Throwing wood into the stove, his gaze accidentally fell on the wall, where his shadow was reflected. Horror gripped the whole body. Before his eyes, a process separated from the shadow and began to change its shape and gradually began to take the form of a female silhouette. After a moment, he realized that this was his young wife, or rather her shadow. The frightened man jumped on his motorcycle and dashed into the city. Along the way, he was tormented by anxious thoughts - had something happened to his wife? No one answered the doorbell. Something had happened, he thought then. He took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door. His gaze appeared a naked wife wrapped in a blanket and a young man trying to kick in his trouser leg. A picture that requires no explanation. The always calm biologist was covered with a wave of rabies. Taking a screwdriver out of his pocket, he stuck it into his lover's eye … He parted with his unfaithful wife. The lover remained alive, and Andrey got off with a suspended sentence. A year later he married again.

I noted the pattern that a strange shadow appeared only when a significant event was about to occur. For example, one day he had the opportunity to buy a new "nine" cheaply. In the evening, in the light of a floor lamp on the wall, he saw a second shadow in the form of a car turned upside down. Considering this as a warning, he refused a bargain.

Here's another case. One day, late at night, he was about to go to the store to shop. Again, a small piece separated from its shadow. Gradually, the sphere took on the shape of a knife. Andrey realized that this was a warning and stayed at home. In the morning he learned that that evening two thugs robbed and stabbed a passer-by to death with a knife. Andrei could have been in the place of that victim.

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Now the professor is eighty years old, he is alive and well, he feels great, he is married for the fifth time and teaches at the university, which also speaks of his phenomenal abilities. He tries to explain his abilities from a scientific point of view, supposedly a shadow can be a carrier of information. But he never bought a car …