Megaliths Of Ireland - Note, Do-ut And Newgrange - Alternative View

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Megaliths Of Ireland - Note, Do-ut And Newgrange - Alternative View
Megaliths Of Ireland - Note, Do-ut And Newgrange - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Ireland - Note, Do-ut And Newgrange - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Ireland - Note, Do-ut And Newgrange - Alternative View
Video: A tour of the Boyne Valley ancient sites in Google Earth 2024, July

We have already heard so much about the megalithic structures of Egypt, Bolivia, Peru that we simply do not pay attention to the rest. But in fact, such structures are known all over the world on a par with Stonehenge. Here are 3 of them that are located in Ireland: Note, Do-ut and Newgrange …


Newgrange is one of the oldest structures in Europe. Newgrange is a huge hemispherical stone structure, on top of which an earthen mound is poured. Its diameter is about 90 m, and its height is about 15 m. At the top is a platform about 37 m wide. There are about seventeen such mounds in total in this place, but the most famous are three: Nout, Do-ut and Newgrange. And the latter is the best preserved. This oldest megalithic structure dates back to the Neolithic era and dates back to about the 4th millennium BC. e.; thus, it is older than the Egyptian pyramids. Although, in fairness, I must say that the age of the pyramids is determined very approximately.


The origin of this burial mound is still debated. According to one of the hypotheses, it was erected by an unknown people even before the arrival of the Celts in Ireland. This people was well versed in astronomy and architecture, no less than the same ancient Egyptians. The construction of Newgrandj took 200 thousand tons of stones and earth, and individual elements were brought here from an area located more than 70 km away. Some researchers believe that the ancient builders of Newgrange, as well as the ancient Egyptians, knew pi, the structure of the solar system, the time of the moon's revolution around the earth, the distance to the sun, etc.

Megalithic Tomb at Nout

People have lived in Nout for six thousand years, and therefore this mysterious place is of great interest to archaeologists. In addition to performing burials and other ceremonies, for millennia it was the center of public life, as well as the focus of political and military power. Apparently, the first buildings here were made of wood, and a thousand years later, in the Neolithic era, mysterious tombs appeared. The people who built this mysterious complex were skilled engineers and astronomers.

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In an interview with the Guardian on April 12, 1999, University of Dublin professor Eogan said: “The importance of the Note cannot be overstated. This is a powerful structure that shows how developed and educated the society was at that time. It showcases incredible architectural and artistic achievements and is a testament to the centrality of Ireland in the North Atlantic cultural world."


The corridors of the tomb in Nout are oriented towards the rising and setting of the Sun during the spring and autumn equinoxes (now one of the modern buildings obscures the Sun for some time of the day). The explanation probably lies in the fact that the builders of the tomb worshiped the Sun and believed that its mystical light, once inside, would revive the dead or help them travel to the kingdom of the gods.

Also in the Note there are traces of the burial of bikers, the people of the culture of "bell-shaped cups" (people of the Bronze Age). This is the only such burial site in Ireland.

During the Iron Age, the Celts came to Nout. There are mysterious Celtic drawings on the walls in the tomb corridors. Mystically, the funeral rites of the Celts included "inhumation": the dead were buried in a sitting, bent position. There are thirty-five such burials in Note.

Later, the Normans turned this mystical place into one of the strongholds of their conquest, without building anything significant, however.


An extremely interesting discovery was made by Dr. Philip Knock of the University of Western Ontario. He came to the conclusion that the first inhabitants of the Note worshiped not only the Sun, but also the Moon. Dr. Knock made maps of the minor planets and the Moon and noticed that one of the images in Note is a map of the Moon, which is four thousand years old. If his guess is correct, then this is the earliest known map of the moon. The next one was created only in 1505 by Leonardo da Vinci. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper on April 22, 1999, Knock said: “The people who hollowed out this map were the first scientists. They knew a lot about the movement of the moon. They were by no means primitive. Studies have shown that moonlight falls into the eastern corridor of the mysterious tomb and through it - directly onto the map of the Neolithic Moon.


Do-ut - the size of the monument is comparable to Newgrange - diameter 85 m, height 14 m (originally it was 16 m).


Scientific excavations of the mound began only in 1998, so it is not yet possible to enter inside, only 2 relatively small burial chambers have been found on the southwestern side. From early October to February, the sun sets in the southern burial chamber. The beam illuminates her all on the day of the winter solstice.
