How The Druids Treated - Alternative View

How The Druids Treated - Alternative View
How The Druids Treated - Alternative View

Video: How The Druids Treated - Alternative View

Video: How The Druids Treated - Alternative View
Video: The Druids 2024, September

Man is a child of nature. Therefore, it is very strange that humanity takes care of its health with the help of chemicals. After all, it is natural components that are able to fully restore the body, rejuvenate and give it strength.

An undoubted fact is the demand among our ancestors for natural methods of healing from diseases and prolonging life. This is proved not only by preserved manuscripts and other written artifacts, but also by natural monuments.

Scientists are still trying to solve the riddle of the construction of the pyramids, and Stonehenge, but official science has fully established itself in the opinion that man himself could not erect these ancient monuments. This means that this is an extraordinary indisputable proof of the presence of another form of life on Earth.

Stonehenge is a highly specialized structure made of blocks of stone. Its form makes it very difficult to understand how it was used in antiquity. Having made accurate calculations, scientists have established themselves in the opinion that it was originally built so that through it it was possible to contact space, and, focusing on its location, land on the surface of the planet.

In addition, there are historical facts that prove that, among other things, ritual services were held in the center of this building, aimed at invoking the so-called higher powers by our ancestors.

Who were these same ancestors, and did they not have the secret of eternal life and youth?

Modern science attributes the ritual services at Stonehenge to the Druids. According to one theory, it was a whole people who communicated with space, received energy from the earth. According to another theory, druidism is a scientific and religious movement based on the study of the influence of natural components on the human body.

There are hundreds of legends that describe feats and incredible actions performed by druids. Historical references indicate that these people knew how to heal almost every disease with energy.

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In addition to their personal energy, they used the energy of water, stones, plants. Our contemporaries are only trying to recover bit by bit the lost knowledge of druidism.

I must say that scientists have studied the methods of healing druids and proved their effectiveness. On the basis of these methods, a number of experiments were carried out, during which a unique fact was proved. It turns out that trees and plants at a subtle energy level catch energy vibrations and actively react to them.

So, with the help of electrodes, plant sprouts were connected to a lie detector. During the experiment, a different environment was created for the plant, ranging from dangerous, and ending with feeding it with fertilizers. For positive influences, the plant gave out an impulse of joy, but for negative influences, a clear alarm.

The most interesting thing is that not only the tested plant reacted to the negative impact, but also everyone in the laboratory. This means that the plant world is really capable of communication.

Nature lives its own life, and man has just begun to guess about it. Although this is a controversial statement, after all, based on the official records of our ancestors, they got along remarkably well with the flora and fauna.

Perhaps a person used to be more susceptible to the environment, but over time, something in his life has changed dramatically. Many bioenergetics are similar in the opinion that with the development of progress, the human race began to lose its connection with space, ancestors, destroyed the thin line of friendship with the outside world.

Previously, people worshiped nature and animals, considered them their friends, today they are trying in every possible way to get rid of them. Most interestingly, plants, animals and minerals, when used correctly, still cure humans.

Our ancestors in the treatment of many diseases turned to the plant world. In addition to grasses and shrubs, trees helped them. A symbol of youth and beauty, birch is really capable of restoring the human body after a long illness and strengthening it.

The whole secret is hidden in her foliage. In Russia, birch brooms were made and they were used to whip the body while steaming in the bath. Such a procedure improved blood circulation, provided a burst of energy, and strengthened the immune system.

Birch brooms were also used to cleanse the home. They swept the floor in the house, necessarily from the far wall of the room to the threshold. By sweeping the floor in this way, and by sentencing, our ancestors achieved the effect of energy cleansing in such a simple way.

Mountain ash is a very useful tree for health and beauty. No wonder, she saves birds from hunger in winter. There is a lot of vitamin C in rowan berries, which can increase the immune system and mood of a person. If a twig of viburnum is dried and kept in the house, then not a single evil spirit will penetrate into it, such is the belief of our ancestors.

Another protector of a person from the evil eye and various diseases is the oak tree. As you know, nothing alive grows under its crown. This is due to the tannins secreted by them, which destroy fungi, harmful bacteria.

Based on these properties of oak, scientists have developed drugs to combat psoriasis, dandruff, fungi. In folk medicine, the use of drugs using the bark and leaves of oak is also widely used.

In addition to plants, stones will come to the rescue in solving many health problems. Precious, semi-precious stones are able to restore the energy balance of a person, restore the lost functions of the body. Women in ancient times loved to wear jewelry made of stones for a reason.

They put on necklaces made of dozens of stones and thus healed depression, infertility and other diseases.

Today, scientists have established the properties of stones, such as the ability to take on the negative energy of a person, read information from the human biofield and store it, the ability to regulate pressure, and heal various diseases.

There are many techniques and methods of using stone energy, the most common is the use of charged water.

Having immersed a corresponding stone in a glass of purified water, a person can get a real drink of youth and health in just a few hours. There is an opinion that not every stone can be useful to a person.

Today astrologers advise to select stones in accordance with a person's natal chart, his zodiac sign. If, for example, a moonstone is useful for Cancer, then for representatives of the fire elements, it can serve as a stone for delays in business development.

Thus, it is worth carefully selecting the methods and methods of treating diseases. There is no need to rush to cosmetologists for help when the first wrinkles appear. It is worth thinking about the correctness of your lifestyle and nutrition.

After, it is necessary to turn to folk remedies that are really capable of returning youth and prolonging life. Of course, you should rely on the positive feedback from other people. The only thing that needs to be clearly learned is that nature is able to give a person eternal life if he again learns to respect its laws.