Dolmens Around The World - Versions Of The Destination - Alternative View

Dolmens Around The World - Versions Of The Destination - Alternative View
Dolmens Around The World - Versions Of The Destination - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens Around The World - Versions Of The Destination - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens Around The World - Versions Of The Destination - Alternative View
Video: Megalichic Dolmens around the world 2024, September

Various objects located in various parts of the Earth amaze me, for example, pyramids, dolmens, the same "field drawings" about which I wrote recently, and much more.

I believe that if all over the world in the past something was built according to the same technology and appearance, then this indicates either a single civilization, or that all ancient people were helped by one person.


Since all peoples have different beliefs, capabilities, natural conditions and even the level of development, it is difficult to explain the same structures throughout the Earth.

But now to the dolmens themselves, which, no matter how amazing it may be, are no less mysterious than the pyramids. When and who built them, obviously, no one knows, but they are found almost everywhere: America, Asia, Russia and part of Europe.


Moreover, the age of such structures is no less surprising, they were mainly built about 4-6 thousand years ago, but some estimate it at 20-30 thousand years. True, the age of buildings is determined by a comparative method, so you should not believe one or the other figure.

And now, it is worth asking the most important question, the answer to which has not yet been found - Why were such structures built all over the Earth?

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I think anyone who is interested in history or archeology understands that scientists reduce everything to one thing: either a religious purpose or for burials. This is the easiest way and people believe in it, the same is with dolmens or pyramids.


But of all the thousands of dolmens, during all the excavations, the remains of at least some creature have not been found a single time, which, I think, in itself sweeps aside the version with a purpose for burials.

As for the ritual purpose, no evidence of the version, apart from various bowls and similar objects, was found in dolmens. And if some rituals were performed there, then I believe they were ancient people after the very first creators of mysterious structures.


In general, there are a lot of versions of the purpose of dolmens, but I have identified only three for myself, since they are more explainable and believable.

The first is the source of energy. It's pretty simple. It is believed that for ancient civilizations, stones had a completely different value and we do not understand this, that is, they could somehow receive energy, by the way, this version is quite suitable for pyramids around the world.


The next version of the destination is the signal source. Everything is the same as with the pyramids, it is quite simple. Structures around the world could be built for some global purpose and signals (communications) around the planet, or signals into space, a completely mundane explanation.


And the last thing I don't really believe in myself, but there is a version that dolmens are psychotronic weapons in the past. I believe that everything that is inexplicable to us should not be considered "delirium". Therefore, this could also be, given that dolmens were built many thousands of years ago, and that period of history is a mystery for us.


Now, most likely, dolmens are ordinary stones without any purpose and they simply could stop working, like pyramids, although who knows.

In any case, I believe that the dolmens were created by an unknown civilization of the distant past and the essence of these structures was in something unified and global, but what is a mystery.