Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View

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Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View
Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Earth Round Or Flat? - Alternative View
Video: Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 2: The Stars 2024, September

What is the actual shape of the earth? Is the earth a flat circle or a ball? Does the South Pole exist? For many years such questions have been asked not only by ordinary people, but also by famous scientists and people. There is no exact evidence that the Earth is spherical, so people will look for evidence until all the hidden truth takes over.

People have a lot of questions about the flat earth theory. People want to find the answer: Is the earth round or flat? In any case, Flat Earth is round, not spherical. The earth is shown by flat-earthers to be round and flat in the shape of a disc or saucer.

Wolves in sheep's clothing enveloped our eyes in wool. For almost 500 years, masses of people were completely deceived by the cosmic tale of astronomical dimensions. We have been taught lies on such a scale and so brutally that we have become blind to our own experience and common sense about seeing the world and the universe as they are. Through pseudoscientific books and programs, media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been constantly brainwashed and slowly instilled over the centuries with absolute faith in the great lies of all time. “Geography textbooks teach children when they are still too young to understand these things correctly, that the world is a huge ball revolving around the Sun. And this story keeps repeating itself, year after year, until the children become adults, and during this time they are so busy with other things,that for them it no longer matters whether that teaching was true or false. And since they have not heard anyone refute it, it is concluded that it must be true, and if you do not believe it, then at least accept it as a fact. Thus, they tacitly agree with a theory that they would immediately reject if it were originally presented to them during what we call "the years of prudence." The consequences of diabolical teaching, whether in religion or science, are far more devastating than one might suppose, especially in a luxurious age of connivance like ours. The mind becomes weak, and the consciousness is drained. "they tacitly agree with a theory that they would immediately reject if it were originally presented to them during what we call "the years of prudence." The consequences of diabolical teaching, whether in religion or science, are far more devastating than one might suppose, especially in a luxurious age of connivance like ours. The mind becomes weak, and the consciousness is drained. "they tacitly agree with a theory that they would immediately reject if it were originally presented to them during what we call "the years of prudence." The consequences of diabolical teaching, whether in religion or science, are far more devastating than one might suppose, especially in a luxurious age of connivance like ours. The mind becomes weak, and the consciousness is drained."

Evidence for the flat earth theory

500 years ago, an elite group of sun worshipers conspirators spread a nihilistic cosmology / cosmogony that the vast majority of the world unconditionally believes in. We have been taught, contrary to all common sense and experience, that the apparently stationary, flat Earth under our feet is actually a huge moving ball spinning in space at more than 1000 miles per hour (1609 km / h), which sways and tilts on 23.5 degrees from its vertical axis while revolving around the sun at a blinding speed of 67,000 miles per hour (107,826 km / h), in conjunction with the entire solar system spiraling around the Milky Way at 500,000 miles per hour (804670 km / h), and sweeping through the expanding Universe away from the "Big Bang" at an inconceivable speed of 670 million miles per hour (1078257800 km / h). But you do not feel any of this and do not experience it yourself! We have been taught that a mysterious force called "gravity" is a magical magnetism responsible for keeping everything from falling and supporting a spinning globe that is strong enough to hold so firmly on the surface of humans, oceans and atmosphere, but so weak that it allows insects, it's easy for birds and planes to take off! "While we are sitting, sipping our cup of tea or coffee, the world is supposedly spinning at a tremendous speed and in our tea there is not even a hint of ripples, until you lightly tap the table with your finger and …!"to hold so firmly on the surface of people, oceans and the atmosphere, but so weak that it allows insects, birds and planes to take off easily! "While we are sitting, sipping our cup of tea or coffee, the world is supposedly spinning at a tremendous speed and in our tea there is not even a hint of ripples, until you lightly tap the table with your finger and …!"to hold so firmly on the surface of people, oceans and the atmosphere, but so weak that it allows insects, birds and planes to take off easily! "While we are sitting, sipping our cup of tea or coffee, the world is supposedly spinning at a tremendous speed and in our tea there is not even a hint of ripples, until you lightly tap the table with your finger and …!"

“I confess that I cannot imagine how anyone in their right mind can believe that the sun is motionless when he sees with his own eyes that it revolves around the heavens. But how can he believe that the Earth on which we are standing revolves with the speed of lightning around the Sun when he does not feel the slightest movement."

We have been taught that those tiny pin-pricked points of light in the night sky, known as planets or wandering stars, are actually physical, globular, Earth-like habitats millions of miles away. We were even shown a video of one of these objects, allegedly called Mars. We have been taught that tiny, pin-pricked points of light in the night sky, known as fixed stars, are actually suns trillions of miles away, each with its own solar system, rotating moons, and Earth-like planets that are a potential refuge for alien lives. We have been taught that the moon has no light of its own, that its light is simply a reflection of the light of the sun; that some NASA Masons walked on the Moon, that some other NASA Masons sent a rover to Mars;that satellites and space stations are constantly circling in a certain position, suspended above the Earth; that Hubble telescopes take pictures of distant planets, galaxies, stars, quasars, black holes, warm holes, and other fantastic celestial phenomena. We were taught that our ignorant ancient ancestors for millennia mistakenly believed that the Earth was the flat, stationary center of the universe, but thanks to modern "science" and its Masonic prophets such as Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Collins, Eldrin and Armstrong, we now believe that the world is a huge rotating ball, covered with land and seas, rushing through endless space.that our ignorant ancient ancestors for millennia mistakenly believed that the Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe, but thanks to modern "science" and its Masonic prophets such as Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Collins, Eldrin and Armstrong, we now believe that the world is a huge rotating ball, covered with land and seas, rushing through endless space.that our ignorant ancient ancestors for millennia mistakenly believed that the Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe, but thanks to modern "science" and its Masonic prophets such as Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, Collins, Eldrin and Armstrong, we now believe that the world is a huge rotating ball, covered with land and seas, rushing through endless space.

Promotional video:

We were taught that over millions and millions of random "evolutions" and the random Big Bang, the universe began to manifest suns, planets, then water, then, somehow, from dead, inactive elements, unicellular organisms arose, they grew and multiplied, and mutated into large different organisms that continued to grow and multiply and mutate, reaching diversity and becoming more complex (losing believability) to the point where amphibians came out on land, replacing gills with lungs, began to breathe air, evolving to mammals, became bipedal, extended fingers, evolved into apes, and then, thanks to a fluke, a man-ape hybrid was created, and the history of man began.

We were taught that the highest stupidity and naivety was that our ignorant ancestors believed that the Earth was flat, and that if some person somehow still thinks that the Earth is the stationary center of the universe, then he must be the most primitive ignoramus. Nowadays, the "Flat Earth" tag has become a literary synonym for "silly" and a general cliché of a derogatory term for insulting someone's intelligence.

“I remember that when I was a little boy, I was taught that the earth is a large ball orbiting the sun at high speed; and when I expressed to the teacher my fears that the water in the ocean might spill out, I was told that the waters are protected from this by Newton's law of Gravity, which keeps everything in the right place. I assumed that my face must have shown some signs of disbelief, and my teacher immediately added - I can show you direct evidence of this. A person can spin a bucket filled with water around his head without splashing it, and in the same way, the oceans can revolve around the sun without losing a drop. This example was obviously given to exhaust the question, and then I replied that there were no more questions. It can be assumed that if this happened after I grew up, then I would answer,as an adult: “Sir, I dare say that the example of a man spinning a bucket of water around his head and the oceans revolving around the Sun in no way support your reasoning, because the water in the two cases is placed in completely different conditions, since they are different in volume. For the reasoning to be valid, the conditions must be the same in both cases, and in this example they are not the same. A bucket is a hollow vessel that holds water inside, while, according to your teaching, the Earth is a ball that is convex on the outside, and, according to the laws of nature, cannot hold any water.”Source: Contact Group“Flat Earth | ISLAM "because the water in the two cases is placed in completely different conditions, since they are different in volume. For the reasoning to be valid, the conditions must be the same in both cases, and in this example they are not the same. A bucket is a hollow vessel that holds water inside, while, according to your teaching, the Earth is a ball that is convex on the outside, and, according to the laws of nature, cannot hold any water.”Source: Contact Group“Flat Earth | ISLAM "because the water in the two cases is placed in completely different conditions, since they are different in volume. For the reasoning to be valid, the conditions must be the same in both cases, and in this example they are not the same. A bucket is a hollow vessel that holds water inside, while, according to your teaching, the Earth is a ball that is convex on the outside, and, according to the laws of nature, cannot hold any water.”Source: Contact Group“Flat Earth | ISLAM "cannot hold any water.”Source: Contact group“Flat Earth | ISLAM "cannot hold any water.”Source: Contact group“Flat Earth | ISLAM"

"(Are they not looking) at the Earth and how it is spread out?" (Quran, 88:20). His words "spread out" obviously (prove) that the Earth is flat, on which Sharia scholars stand, and not spherical, as people say about it, judging by its appearance (ie, by the shape of the earth's shadow on the Moon)

Flat earth map

All routes are determined by a MAP OF FLAT EARTH, not a spherical one … it does not take into account the movements of the Earth around its axis for 1674.365 km / h and around the orbit, because the Earth does not move, on the contrary, the sun moves in circular motions over a flat Earth.

Video: How airplanes actually fly over a flat Earth:

What does Flat Earth look like roughly?


The earth is round and flat at the same time

Flat surface of the Earth, and above the ground a Dome that no one can overcome!


Is there a so-called "South Pole"

There is not a single photograph of the South Pole, but pictures of the planet "Mars" and other "false planets" exist and from all sides. But this is just photoshop, these and other planets do not exist … there is no space either. The stars are under the Dome and are not really large in size. But at first it’s hard to believe, because we were deceived from school. If they are taking photos of Mars and Saturn, then it would not be difficult to shoot the Earth … But there is not one original photo of the South Pole and the supposedly spherical Earth.

If the earth is spherical, why does the compass show the direction of Mecca in the other direction. The South Pole does not exist. This can be proved by the fact that the compass needle always points north. Even if a person is behind the equator, at the point closest to the "South Pole", it still points to the north, although it would be logical that it points to the south, since there is also a magnetic pole there.


In 1773, Captain Cook became the first modern explorer to swim across the Arctic Circle and reach the ice barrier. In three voyages for a total of 3 years, Captain Cook and his crew sailed a total of 110,000 km along the Antarctic coastline without ever finding an entrance or path through the massive ice wall!

"Yes, but we can go around the South Pole quite easily" - it is often said by those who do not know, the British ship Challenger, which sailed for 3 years "around" the South Pole and swam 69,000 miles (about 130,000 km) - a distance sufficient to circle the South Pole 6 times, according to the ball hypothesis. Now nobody is allowed to go to Antarctica, it is controlled by the Antarctic Treaty, there are many people (climbers, etc.) who have money, opportunities, etc., who have been waiting for years for permission to go there, but in vain.

It surprises me when some ignorant Muslims say, for example, that Islam is the youngest religion or that the Earth is spherical, while Islam is the oldest and only religion that comes from the Creator of the universe (all worlds), life and people, and Planet Earth is actually flat and round, not spherical.

Earlier, once "scientific" scientists believed that the universe is infinite and unlimited! And now we know that "science" was wrong and it became clear that in fact the universe is limited! Should you believe "scientific" theories? We cannot believe in ASSUMPTIONS! And not limited by anything only the Creator, the Lord of all worlds, Allah Alone, He is Eternal without beginning and without end, Perfect, Wise.


What should lead to conviction? - Not blindly following, but categorical texts of the Koran, hadiths in which there is not the slightest doubt and disagreement and proofs felt in reality, which a person is able to check … And in those places where it is difficult to verify, they lie. Allah Almighty, the Creator of all worlds says in the Qur'an:

Truth is the revelation that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and commanded to preach openly. The truth was revealed to him, which cannot be resisted, and therefore the lie disappeared and disappeared. And it could not be otherwise, because the lie is doomed to perdition and disappearance. Of course, sometimes lies take hold and spread. However, this happens only when it is not opposed by the truth. But as soon as the truth appears, the lie dies down and does not even dare to move. This is why erroneous views only spread in countries where people consign to oblivion the clear signs of their Lord.

Most believe the earth is round. But, as they say in Kuran, the majority are ignorant, and the minority is on the right path.

إذا نصحت أحداً فقال لك:

When you instruct someone, and he said to you:

أكثر الناس يفعلون هذا!

Most people do this:

فقل له:

Then you tell him:

لو ﺑﺤﺜﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻛﻠﻤﺔ "ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺱ" ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺁﻥ

الكريم ﻟﻮﺟﺪﺕ ﺑﻌﺪﻫﺎ:

If you look in the Holy Quran for the word "most people" then you will find after it:

(ﻻ ﻳﻌﻠﻤﻮﻥ - ﻻ ﻳﺸﻜﺮﻭﻥ - ﻻ ﻳﺆﻣﻨﻮﻥ)!


ﻭﻟﻮ ﺑﺤﺜﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻛﻠﻤﺔ "ﺃﻛﺜﺮﻫﻢ"

ﻟﻮﺟﺪﺕ بعدها:

If you search the Holy Qur'an for the word "most of them" you will find after it:

(ﻓﺎﺳﻘﻮﻥ - ﻳﺠﻬﻠﻮﻥ - ﻣﻌﺮﺿﻮﻥ -

ﻻ ﻳﻌﻘﻠﻮﻥ - ﻻ ﻳﺴﻤﻌﻮﻥ)!


فكن أﻧﺖ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﻗﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ﻓﻴﻬﻢ:

And you are one of the few that the Almighty said:

{ﻭﻗﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﻋﺒﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺸﻜﻮﺭ}.

"FEW OF MY SLAVES ARE GRATEFUL", {ﻭﻣﺎ ﺁﻣﻦ ﻣﻌﻪ ﺇﻻ ﻗﻠﻴﻞ}.

"DON'T BELIEVE WITH HIM BUT A SMALL QUANTITY", {ﺛﻠﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻷﻭﻟﻴﻦ ﻭﻗﻠﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻵﺧﺮﻳﻦ}.


Description of the Earth in the Quran

Here is a list of Quranic verses describing the shape of the earth:

  • (13: 3) He is the one who spread (Madda) the earth.
  • (15:19) And We spread out the earth (Madadnaha).
  • (20:53) He who made the earth a plain for you (Mahdan).
  • (2:22) who made the earth for you a carpet (Firasha).
  • (43:10) who made the earth a cradle for you (Mahdan)
  • (50: 7) And We spread out the land (Madadnaha)
  • (51:48) And We spread the earth (Farashnaha)
  • (71:19) Allah has made the earth a bedding for you (Bisata).
  • (78: 6) Didn't We make the earth a bed (Mihada)
  • (88:20) and to the ground as it is stretched out (Sutehat).
  • (91: 6) both by the earth and by that which spread it out (Tahaha)

The Qur'an describes the shape of the earth in the following words:

Madda, Madadnaha, Firasha, Mahdan, Farashnaha, Bisata, Mihada, Tahaha and Sutehat.

Each of them means FLAT. It is clear that the Supreme Creator in the Qur'an wanted to tell people that the Earth is exactly flat, and He used all the available Arabic vocabulary to convey this idea.

Allah said:

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful!

Science claims that the change of day and night occurs as a result of the movement of the earth around the sun. At the same time, being on the surface of the Earth, we do not feel the movement of the globe, but can only observe it based on the apparent movement of the sun, stars, relative to the Earth.

Sheikh Usaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) says: “The Qur'an and Sunnah prove that in fact, what rotates relative to the earth is the sun. Allah in the Qur'an says:

He said "swims" and referred "swimming" to the sun. Said:

It can be seen here that Allah attributed all four verbs to the sun, and some theories force us to distort the ayah from an explicit meaning to another. Whereas these theories are a figment of the imagination.

Allah Almighty says:

  • "I did not make them witnesses of the creation of heaven and earth and the creation of themselves." 18:51.
  • And it is not given to a person from the sciences, more than a little. A person who does not know the essence of his soul, “They ask you about the (essence) of the Spirit. Say: “The Spirit is from the command of my Master. And your knowledge of what is given to you is meager! " 17:85.
  • How does he try to understand the universe, which is greater than his creation? "Be the creation of heaven and the earth is greater than the creation of people, but most people do not know!" 40:57.

We declare that the theory that the change of day and night is due to the rotation of the earth around the sun is erroneous, because it contradicts the superficial meaning of the Quran, which is the word of the Creator Subhanahu wa Taala. And He is more knowledgeable in his creations. How we will distort the words of our Lord from superficial meaning, due to the existence of theories, when scientists themselves have disagreements on these issues. The opinion that the earth is motionless and the sun revolves around it still exists today. Allah Almighty in the Quran says that the night twists around the day and the day twists around the night, that is, it rotates. If so, where does day and night come from, except from the sun? Not where. This proves that it is the sun that revolves around the earth.."

Allah Almighty said: The sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and now they are plunged into darkness. The sun floats to its abode. This is how the Mighty One, the Knower, predetermined. We have predetermined positions for the moon until it again becomes like an old palm branch. The sun is not supposed to catch up with the moon, and the night is not ahead of the day. Each one floats in orbit. Surah Yasin Ayats 37-40

Today what we are told in schools and everywhere is absolute "Truth" for us. Many Muslims try to adapt the verses of the Koran to science, obviously distorting their meaning. And about those ayahs that cannot adapt to Science, they are silent about them. For example, the verses above explain to us the signs of Allah, about the movement of the sun and moon around the earth, as a result of which there is a change of day and night.

  • The Almighty said: He is the One who gave the sun shine, and the moon - light. Surah Yunus, ayah 5
  • The Almighty said: "… made the moon bright, and made the sun a lamp" Sura 71, Ayat 16

In other words, the Sun is a luminary emitting light, which is responsible for the day, which replaces the night. The moon is light by itself, regardless of the sun, is responsible for the night and replaces the day. Write in the comments what you think about this.