American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View

American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View
American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View

Video: American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View

Video: American Flat Earth Society Trolls Donald Trump's Space Forces - Alternative View
Video: Flat Earth rising: meet the people casting aside 2,500 years of science 2024, September

We all know today that President Donald Trump wants his established Space Force to expand US military power beyond Earth, carrying it far into outer space. However, this decision puzzled the president's supporters, who not only voted for Trump in the election, but are also loyal followers of the American Flat Earth Society. According to this part of Trump voters, planet Earth is a flat disk floating in space.

On Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence announced plans to launch Space Force, the sixth branch of the US Armed Forces by 2020. The proposed new type of service will be designed specifically for space operations, although many military experts are surprised. They ask: “Why, if the US Air Force is currently doing great on all space missions?"

And the Flat Earth society asks Donald Trump the same thing: "Why, if there is a transparent power dome over the planet and it is practically impossible to go into space?"


"Today, there is no consensus among Flat Earth supporters about how things actually work, but the general opinion of these people is that no space flight is in principle possible," Pete Svarrior, a spokesman for The Daily Beast, told The Daily Beast. Flat Earth Societies.

The Flat Earth Society is one of the most famous and apparently very large groups of people who claim that the Earth is not round, but a disk. Moreover, it is possible that this disc is covered with a dome.

The Flat Earth Society has been around for a long, long time in the United States, but it's only in recent years that it has attracted crowds of supporters and increased attention. In particular, more and more celebrities are becoming supporters of the Flat Earth and, according to the flat-earthers themselves, one of them is QAnon. But most importantly, the Flat Earth theory oddly intersects with the global Conspiracy Theory, finding more and more supporters in the ranks of conspiracy theorists.

However, Pete Svarrior is not at all sure that all Flat Earth supporters are conservative and totally voted for Trump. There are enough Democrats in the American Flat Earth Society, although in general and average US flat-earthers are on the centrist positions:

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“In my personal experience, the Flat Earth Society is leaning somewhat towards the center of the political spectrum,” Pete Svarrior tells The Daily Beast. "Don't get me wrong, I am sure that although there are many supporters of the Flat Earth Trump, I would not say that this is a disproportionately large group."

Now, Pete Swarrior says further, flat-eart support for Trump is becoming an open question, as NASA is part of a global conspiracy to convince people that the world they live in is completely round. The photographs of the round Earth taken from space by the Svarrior are not convincing, because apart from these photographs NASA cannot show anything.

Earlier, Svarrior and the Flat Earth Society published a series of blog posts where they showed and proved that Elon Musk's SpaceX faked a video showing how they put the car into orbit. And now Svarrior is surprised: does Donald Trump really not understand that NASA is deceiving him, because the Earth is covered with a dome !? Or Trump and Elon Musk?

Nevertheless, the Flat Earth Society has not yet made any hasty decisions before the upcoming US elections, although Barack Obama, who refused to talk to them, was long ago put an end to it: President Obama did not find the time for this. Therefore, before voting, the American Flat Earth Society is waiting for a meeting with the current US President, but so far no official statement has been received from Donald Trump.