There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View

There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View
There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View

Video: There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View

Video: There Was No Sun Before The 16th Century? - Alternative View
Video: Dark Ages, An Age Of Light: Islamic Magnificent Art (Waldemar Januszczak Documentary) | TRACKS 2024, September

In my recent article "The Copernican Religion, the Hellish Sun, and the God Called FRS" I showed that the Sun is not at all an ancient object in our sky, but, on the contrary, is the youngest. After the article, discussions on the sites that repost it unfolded, which led to at least one very interesting discovery.

It turned out that the Sun was not recorded on any ancient and medieval canvas! For some unknown reason, there was no place for this object in any painting or lithograph. Therefore, there is no evidence for the existence of the sun.

Let's compare with today. As soon as a person acquires a camera, he immediately begins to photograph the world around him. At first, there is no question of any artistic value. A person carries out a simple fixation of the phenomena around him that seemed interesting to him. The most common subject of such photographs is the sun. This can be checked using any search engine. And against this background, it is completely incomprehensible why the ancient artists were not interested in the Sun and did not fix it on their canvases?

Moscow Kremlin, 1661
Moscow Kremlin, 1661

Moscow Kremlin, 1661.

Astrakhan, 1693
Astrakhan, 1693

Astrakhan, 1693.

But the 19th century:

"View of the Neva from the Winter Palace". A. K. Beggrov, 1881
"View of the Neva from the Winter Palace". A. K. Beggrov, 1881

"View of the Neva from the Winter Palace". A. K. Beggrov, 1881.

Another point. There was such a device - a "sundial". In various articles on this topic, their appearance is justified as follows: "The appearance of this clock is associated with the moment when a person realized the relationship between the length and position of the sun's shadow from certain objects and the position of the Sun in the sky." This is certainly not an explanation. Even a kitten, growing up, stops playing with the shadow - he realizes the connection between it and the sun. However, no cat has yet created a sundial.

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Often their invention is attributed to the "ancient Romans", "ancient Greeks", "ancient Egyptians" and, what looks the most ridiculous, to the "Arabs". Researchers studying this issue, for some reason, think that for the invention of a sundial it is enough to see the shadow and be aware of it.

In fact, in order to invent a clock, one must first realize not a shadow, but the existence of TIME. Then get hold of MATH, and then develop a number system. Next - learn how to use geometry. And only after all this it will be possible to build a sundial. I'm not even talking about the latitude determinant - a necessary element of such a clock.

Judging by the geographical maps, the concept of LATITUDE appears in the late 16th - early 17th century Actually, from that time the appearance of a sundial became possible. There were seven sundials in Soviet museums. The earliest of them date back to 1556. They are kept in the Hermitage.

By design, this watch was designed to be worn around the neck. It is a horizontal sundial with a sector gnomon for indicating the time, a compass for orienting the watch in the north-south direction, and a plumb line on the gnomon to give the clock a horizontal position. The listed elements are installed on the board. It can deviate from the horizontal position, making it possible to use the watch not at one latitude, but in the range of 47 - 57 degrees [1].

In Italy, such clocks have also been widely used since the 16th century. The Italian astronomer Giovanni Padovani published his Treatise on the Sundial around this time, in 1570. This text included instructions for making vertical and horizontal sundials. Another Italian, Giuseppe Biancani, also discussed how to make a sundial around 1620.

On August 23, 1739, a Senate decree [2] was issued, obliging on the road from St. Petersburg to Peterhof to install wooden milestones in the form of obelisks. In 1744, a decree was issued on a similar posting of the road from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. Instead of milestones, obelisks were subsequently erected "marble pyramids". Some of them had a sundial.

Such a "marble pyramid" with a sundial has been preserved in St. Petersburg at the corner of the Fontanka River embankment and Moskovsky Prospekt. She marks one mile from the Post Office building. Another "marble pyramid" (with the date "1775" inscribed on it) is in Pushkin - at the Oryol Gate [3], located on the southern border of the Catherine Park.

Thus, the actual sundial can only be dated to 1556 or so. This just fits into our version, published in the book "Metaphysics of the Earth's Climate", and saying that the Sun appeared in the sky only in 1492. This phenomenon was the end of the Old World and the beginning of the New World. Metaphorically, the beginning of the New World is called "the discovery of America." From this time, the Renaissance era began - XV - ¼ XVII centuries: 1499.4 - 1629.

Such conclusions and assumptions may seem strange and impossible, but there is one more proof of the absence of the Sun in the early Middle Ages.

Let us remember that the birth of each new word always accompanies the phenomenon it denotes. For example, an airplane appeared, and the word "airplane" was born with it. There are no words widely used in society that do not mean anything real. Conversely, there is no such environment that would not receive a verbal designation. For example, if there is a sea, then the word "sea" also exists.

So let's check the word "sun". For this, we will use two dictionaries. The first one is "Dictionary of birch bark letters of the XI-XII centuries" (compiled by AA Tyunyaev), the second, covering a later period, is "Materials for the dictionary of the ancient Russian language" (compiled by II Sreznevsky, 1893).

In the Dictionary of birch bark letters, the word "sun" is not recorded! And it is very doubtful that a person of the XI-XII centuries would not use the word "sun" in his vocabulary, if it really existed. After all, there will always be a life situation that one way or another will be glued to the concept of the Sun.

For example, in Sreznevsky (1893) this word is already present and it is glued together with a number of corresponding concepts from real life: “SUN, SLE, SUN - the sun; SLLNTSE, SUNTSE, SUN - the expression of peace treaties to determine their eternal inviolability; shine; SLNTSEVIDNYI - like the sun's brilliance; SLNTSEZARNYI - solar; SLNTSEOBRAZNYI - similar to the sun; SLNTSEPRѢVRATNIK - a member of the sect of "sunbreakers"; SLNTSEPRѢVRATNYI, SLЪTSEPRѢVRATNIK - facing the sun; SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEPS, SALNTSE - sunny; SLEEP, SLEEK, SLEEK, SUN, SUN - sunny; shining; light coloured".

It is not clear to what time the word "sun" appeared. Sreznevsky has no specific date. But there is an interesting indication - the sect of the "sunbreakers". A chipper (nowadays the wrong “doorkeeper” is used) is one who opens and lets in, but not in the sense of “standing at the gates,” but in the sense of making a transformation. Perhaps it was about the transformation of the Sun that this sect broadcast in the Middle Ages.

Modern history, which we are taught at school and at the institute, has nothing to do with reality. It was created by writers in the 19th and 20th centuries in order to form a false reality for the enslaved peoples - so that the slaves do not know and do not think about yesterday's lost freedom. The "official" story is based on medieval novels, in which the poor and pitiful knights - the RAMANS, or the Romans, the Romanovs, who were looking for rich brides in foreign lands, in order to find them, become ordinary gigolos - were praised.

Modern humanity is already developed enough not to follow the medieval path - not to trust the chronicles and medieval scribes who composed "events" to order and to please their bosses from various criminal diasporas.

Along with the revision of the concept of space and the concept of a "spherical" Earth, there is also a revision of the concept of human evolution. An increasing number of facts indicate that a person is a program and a part of a certain computer game, which the programmer made on the principle of an aquarium. At one point, he formed all people of different ages and with their memories, added the environment to the people, placed the ruins of antiquity there, and then turned on the Sun.

It is interesting for the programmer to observe on our ludarium. He has fun breeding people - just like we keep aquariums and terrariums, in which fish do not know where they came from, and only meet together when the aquarium is populated. The ruins standing at the bottom tell the fish about ancient times, and we bought these ruins in a store.

Currently, many researchers have begun to actively study real facts, from which a completely different story opens. Let me remind you of the main milestones of the true history of the World:

IX - XII centuries - the existence of the antediluvian civilization of Russia.

XIII - XV centuries - the flood.

The end of the 15th century is the beginning of the water leaving

1492 - the appearance of the Sun.

The middle of the 16th century - the appearance of the first people.

1757 - human settlement of the Earth.

1857 - the beginning of the clone revolution.

1957 - the victory of the clones, the conquest of the Earth by the clones.

Let me explain about clones. Today, there are no more than a thousand real people on Earth. Clones are constantly hunting for people and act for complete extermination. There are devices that recognize both. The relevant services have such devices. The last centers of real people remained in Russia. That is why the rest of the world is organizing itself to strangle Russia. The goal is to finish off people and take control of the whole world (for more details see "Are 93 percent of the world's population clones?").

Naturally, those who are supposed to know this know all this. That is why today there is a massive resettlement of people - they are preparing for a change in climate, which, in turn, will take place due to a change in the position of the Earth. Our planet is not a sphere or a ball. It is flat, and every 259 years the position of the Earth changes, which leads to climate change, and styles in art have become a reflection of cataclysms and the short history of the Earth.

As far as the physics of the Sun is concerned, here too, much can become clear if we resort to modern knowledge of physics. Is the appearance of the sun possible? Maybe. This happens in the following way. In a certain area, a vacuum ignites, and a "white" hole is formed in it. It, using the proton-proton cycle, grows to the size of an ordinary star. We see it as the Sun.

The previous version of the Sun is the Moon. She is the shone and extinguished Sun, that is, the Moon is the past Sun. After the star burns out, an iron-nickel shell remains of it. We observe it at the moon. Both objects are flat and located close to the Earth, within 6 thousand kilometers. These are physical explanations that are supported by modern calculations and experiments.

But physics proceeds from what the observer sees. And he sees only what his own brain forms in the form of an image. That is, the observer sees images that can be demonstrated to him in isolation from reality. This, for example, happens during hypnosis, or during sleep, or during mirage. But any image is always formed by this or that machine - a computer or a computer.

To create an image in the observer's head, you first need to create this image programmatically. Let's go back to the circle example. Its form is the same throughout the Universe - does anyone really think that it appeared on its own and everywhere? For example, the operator, like many other operators of the html language, on which the graphics of the Internet sites are formed, is also the same for the entire Internet universe. And this operator was created by a human programmer.

Programming languages can be different. We humans have invented a language of letters and numbers. And the one who created us uses the language of chemical elements. With a simple description, this language creates substances. With a little more complex - organic chemistry. In operations with organic bases, the DNA of humans and other creatures is programmed.

There is no fundamental difference between a computer and a human. There are discrepancies in the diet, production method, etc. But the architecture of a computer is completely identical to that of a person. Moreover, the architecture of man is completely identical to the architecture of God. Let's remember the biblical: God created man in his own image and likeness.

Again, there are no miracles here. The image and the similarity, as well as all the algorithms, are formed on the same forms, which are the same for all types of entities - like the same circle, the same for the entire Universe.

And the last thing. Scientists working in this area know what they are talking about. It is not for nothing that in the fall of 2015 there were reports that the sun could go out. And in December of the same year, both the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II announced the end of the world or, perhaps, the literal end of the Sun. Moreover, they referred to extraterrestrial forces that people, according to the queen, are unable to cope with.

So this topic, the topic of the emergence and disappearance of the Sun, and the consequences of this, is very complex. It could be considered non-existent. But too many facts are being discovered lately …

Andrey Tyunyaev