Rome Was Founded By The Slavs? - Alternative View

Rome Was Founded By The Slavs? - Alternative View
Rome Was Founded By The Slavs? - Alternative View

Video: Rome Was Founded By The Slavs? - Alternative View

Video: Rome Was Founded By The Slavs? - Alternative View
Video: How The Romans Would See Us Today 2024, September

In the modern world, you can read hundreds of books about the thousand-year history of the French, Italians, Germans and Greeks, and the Slavs are considered a backward people that appeared in the 6th century AD. But the land remembers everything and there is evidence that the Slavic peoples were present in Italy in the first millennium BC. And the legacy of the Slavs of that time was Roman society.

Let's start with the fact that the ancestors of the Romans were the Etruscans and they are rightfully considered the most mysterious people of antiquity. Rome became great only thanks to the achievements that they adopted from the Etruscans. Construction, arenas for gladiatorial battles, the system of government and many other things the Romans learned and integrated into their society.


The Etruscans were also called Tyrrhenians, they were excellent sailors, and in our time the western coast of Italy is still called Tyrrhenian. Moreover, Rome was also founded by the Etruscans as a city on the border of their possessions.


The famous she-wolf, the symbol of Rome, was created precisely by the Etruscan sculptors and only hundreds of years later the images of Romulus and Remus were added. The sewerage system of Rome still works without any particular failures, only the water supply was built by this ancient people, and the Romans began to use it.


For a long time, scientists did not understand where this people came from. His language was not translated, and their origin was shrouded in mystery, despite the fact that 10,000 samples of their writing have come down to us.

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But this is only a myth, the language of the Etruscans was deciphered, albeit partially, but the key was found. In the middle of the 19th century, the Italian scholar Sebastian Ciampi lived in Warsaw and became the head of the department of Greek and Roman literature. To live in Poland, you need to know Polish and a miracle happened. Etruscan language has become readable !!


He learned that the Old Church Slavonic language is the very decryption password. In 1824, he presented his discovery to colleagues, but the scientist was ridiculed and not taken seriously. Of course, how to admit that it was the Slavs who were the progenitors of Roman culture?


But Poland turned out to be the place where another scientist conducted his research. In 1846, the Polish historian and archaeologist Tadeusz Wolanski wrote a book about the relationship between the Slavs and the Etruscans. In the book "Monuments of Slavic Writing Before the Nativity of Christ," he announced that the Slavs had written language much earlier than the Egyptians. He supported his theory with Slavic inscriptions, which he discovered in Persia, India, Italy and Egypt. However, the Catholic Church threatened Tadeusz with being burned at the stake. Therefore, the book was seized by the Russian government so as not to go into confrontation with the Vatican.


In 2001, the Russian lexicologist V. Osipov. The scientist deciphered dozens of Etruscan manuscripts. He sent his work to Etruscologists in different countries of the world, but there was no answer. Western countries stubbornly do not recognize the founding of Rome by the Slavs.