White Gods Of The East - Alternative View

White Gods Of The East - Alternative View
White Gods Of The East - Alternative View

China is an enlightened, ancient and wise country, whose knowledge and traditions have had a huge impact on the whole world. This is what we hear today, in particular from the Chinese themselves. But few people talk about where the Chinese themselves got this knowledge, who gave it to them.

“The White God Huang Di flew from the north in a chariot of fire and taught everything: to cultivate rice, build dams, make boats and chariots, dig wells, make musical instruments, be treated with acupuncture, and sew clothes. He gave the calendar and writing, learned the hieroglyphs …”- an excerpt from the Chinese legend about who and how taught this people everything. Other Chinese chronicles also mention people (or white gods) from the north who arrived in the territory of modern China.

But, as we know, the Chinese are a very proud people, who still believe that all other peoples are barbarians, and any foreign culture is wrong and unprepossessing.

Over the course of hundreds of years, the knowledge of writing transmitted to the Chinese has changed three times. Books written in the old (first) hieroglyphs were destroyed, and the history of China was rewritten dozens of times in a new way with the already corrected alphabet. Information about the White Gods and their influence on life and culture was removed from history.

At present, we can learn about the mysterious "Gods" only from ancient Chinese mythology and folklore, which is difficult to reconstruct. Famous historical and philosophical works on this topic: "Shujing", the oldest parts of the 14-11 centuries. BC.; "Yi Ching", the oldest parts of the 8-7 centuries. BC.; "Zhuanzi", 4-3 centuries. BC.; "Lezzi", 4th century BC - 4 c. AD; Huaynanzi, 2nd century BC.; Wang Chun's Critical Judgments, 1st c. AD). The largest amount of information on mythology is contained in the ancient treatise "Shan Hai Jing" ("Book of Mountains and Seas", 4th-2nd centuries BC), as well as in the poetry of Qu Yuan (4th century BC) …

But, scientists from China, a number of European countries (Russia in particular) decided to check all these arguments, indicating that, in fact, the entire territory of Asia (modern China, India, Pakistan) and the inhabitants of these lands were part of a single, huge country - the Great Tartaria (Slavic-Aryan Empire). Exploring those vast expanses, among many other unexpected cultural finds, they found several mummies with signs of the Caucasian race: brown or blond hair, elongated noses and skulls, slender bodies and large deep-set eyes.


They were taken to European museums for further study (later, most of these finds were destroyed, only a small part survived). These mummies are better preserved than those of the Egyptian pharaohs, thanks to the exceptionally dry air, as well as the fact that the graves were dug in salt soil, which speeds up the drying process and kills microorganisms.

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The oldest mummy found in Western China was nicknamed Loulan beauty: this well-preserved body was found by Chinese archaeologists in 1980 near the ancient city of Loulan, in the northeastern part of the Taklamakan desert. A woman about 170 cm tall, who died at the age of 40, about 4800 years ago.


What is most surprising, along with the mummies of white people, they also find their household items, which are almost completely identical to those found in Slavic burials. Objects are often found marked with a swastika and other Slavic symbols.


Chinese folklore preserves legends about blue-eyed, fair-haired people who were the creators of the Chinese state and its first rulers and statesmen. Even in the 8th-9th centuries of our era, folk songs were sung by green-eyed generals. An interesting fact is that according to these legends, Buddhism was also created by people of the white race. In a Buddhist monastery in Bezeklik in the northeast of Taklamakan, rich Tochars are depicted donating trays of purses to the holy Buddha, as well as fair-skinned and blue-eyed Buddhists.

All these facts indisputably point to one thing - the ancient civilizations of the East, like European and North African ones, were founded not without the help of the Slavic-Aryans, who carried the culture to other, less developed peoples. But, as we can see, the students paid back their teachers deservedly by stealing history from them (one of the examples is the Great "Chinese" Wall), unleashing constant wars with the aim of destroying the Great Tartary. Sadly, they have been incredibly successful in their black deeds, destroying, stealing and vilifying what has been built for millennia.