The Mystery Of The Great Wall Of China - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Great Wall Of China - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Great Wall Of China - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Great Wall Of China - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Great Wall Of China - Alternative View
Video: What makes the Great Wall of China so extraordinary - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen 2024, September

The Great Wall of China is the largest architectural monument of mankind. The Great Wall passes through China for 8.8 thousand km (including branches). According to the official version, the construction of a large-scale fortification began in the 3rd century BC. e. during the Qin dynasty, during the reign of the emperor of the first centralized Chinese state, Qin Shi Huang. The fortifications were supposed to protect the emperor's subjects from the invasion of the "northern barbarians" and serve as a base for the expansion of the Chinese themselves. Most of the sections of the Great Wall that have survived to our time were mainly built already during the Ming dynasty in 1368-1644. In addition, recent research has revealed the fact that the earliest sites date back to the 5th century BC. e.

In the articles of VO: "Chinese civilization and Great Scythia", "Great Scythia and the super-ethnos of the Rus", it was noted that in Northern Eurasia (practically within the borders of the Russian Empire - the USSR) there was a highly developed civilization of the Scythians, which was the bearer of the traditions of the predecessors of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans. In addition, many scientists have concluded that the Russian people (Superethnos Rus) is the direct heir of this civilization. This ancient civilization existed simultaneously with the culture of Ancient Egypt and the city-states of the Proto-Sumerian and Sumerian civilizations. She has had a huge impact on neighboring cultures, in particular China and India.


Construction history

There is even an assumption that the "Great Wall" is not the creation of the ancient Chinese, but their northern neighbors. Back in 2006, the president of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences, Andrei Alexandrovich Tyunyaev, in the article "The Great Wall of China was built … not by the Chinese!" In fact, modern China has appropriated the achievement of another civilization. In modern Chinese historiography, the task of the wall has also been changed: initially it defended the North from the South, and not the Chinese South from the "northern barbarians". Researchers say that the loopholes of a significant part of the wall face south, not north. This can be seen in the works of Chinese drawings, a number of photographs, on the most ancient sections of the wall that have not been modernized for the needs of the tourism industry.

According to Tyunyaev, the last sections of the Great Wall were built similarly to Russian and European medieval fortifications, the main task of which is to protect against the effects of guns. The construction of such fortifications did not begin until the 15th century, when cannons became widespread on the battlefields. In addition, the wall marked the border between China and Russia. At that time in history, the border between Russia and China ran along the "Chinese" wall. " On the map of Asia of the 18th century, which was made by the Royal Academy in Amsterdam, two geographical formations are marked in this region: Tartarie was located in the north, and China (Chine) in the south, the northern border of which ran approximately along the 40th parallel, that is, exactly along the Great Wall. On this Dutch map, the Great Wall is indicated by a bold line and labeled "Muraille de la Chine". From French this phrase is translated as "Chinese wall", but it can also be translated as "wall from China", or "wall separating from China." In addition, other maps confirm the political significance of the Great Wall: on the 1754 map "Carte de l'Asie", the wall also runs along the border between China and Great Tartary (Tartary). The academic 10-volume World History contains a map of the Qing Empire of the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries, which shows in detail the Great Wall, which runs exactly along the border between Russia and China. The political significance of the Great Wall is confirmed by other maps: on the 1754 map "Carte de l'Asie", the wall also runs along the border between China and Great Tartary (Tartary). The academic 10-volume World History contains a map of the Qing Empire of the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries, which shows in detail the Great Wall, which runs exactly along the border between Russia and China. The political significance of the Great Wall is confirmed by other maps: on the 1754 map "Carte de l'Asie", the wall also runs along the border between China and Great Tartary (Tartary). The academic 10-volume World History contains a map of the Qing Empire of the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries, which shows in detail the Great Wall, which runs exactly along the border between Russia and China.

There are other inconsistencies: the wall was originally built against the northern barbarians, but the wall was completed in the 17th century, when this was no longer relevant. According to L. N. Gumilyov, when the construction work was completed, it turned out that all the Chinese armed forces were not enough to organize an effective defense on the Great Wall. If you put a small garrison on each tower, then the enemy will destroy it before the neighboring units have time to gather and provide assistance. If large detachments are deployed less frequently, the enemy can invisibly penetrate the resulting gaps. As a result, this wall is meaningless for China.

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According to Chinese scholars, the first and main part of the wall was built in the period from 445 BC. to 222 BC, that is, this is the period of the Zhou dynasty. The fortifications were located along 41 ° - 42 ° north latitude and simultaneously along some sections of the Yellow River. Chinese sources report that the Zhou, Rong, and Di peoples were typical Caucasians. The Chzhous were representatives of the ancient Caucasian population of Central Asia (Rus-Scythians, in the terminology of Yu. D. Petukhov) and brought a new cultural impulse to China, including the technology of iron processing, they had their own written language. Another genus of the Aryan-Scythian root were the Juns, they were engaged in cattle breeding, were good warriors, wore long hair and beards, lived in semi-dugouts, burned the dead, etc. The Juns gave a ruling dynasty to the Qin kingdom,which created the first all-Chinese empire. It was under Emperor Qin Shi Huang that the system of defensive walls (or rather, ramparts) of the northern Zhou kingdoms was united and the so-called. The great Wall of China. Thus, the fortifications of the northern states, which were of "Scythian" origin and were built against the southerners, became "Chinese".

Sections of the "Chinese" wall to the beginning of the creation of the Qin state (before 221 BC)
Sections of the "Chinese" wall to the beginning of the creation of the Qin state (before 221 BC)

Sections of the "Chinese" wall to the beginning of the creation of the Qin state (before 221 BC).

After the rise of the Qin Empire - 221 BC. e. (the Qin kingdom established sole dominance over the entire territory of Inner China) for the period from 221 to 206. BC. ramparts were created along the entire border of the Qin state in order to stop its onslaught to the north and west. At the same time, a second line of ramparts from the Qin Empire was built 100-200 km west and north of the first fortification system.

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built in the period from 221 to 206. BC
Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built in the period from 221 to 206. BC

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built in the period from 221 to 206. BC.

The next period of construction of the Great Wall covers the period from 206 BC. to 220 AD During this time, fortifications were built, which were located 500 km to the west and 100 km to the north of the previous defensive structures.

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built in the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD)
Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built in the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD)

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built in the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD).

In the 4-6 century A. D. e. a number of non-Chinese kingdoms (the so-called "Sixteen barbarian states", although there were more of them) that existed in the north and west of modern China, created another system of fortifications - one part was erected along the previous section (apparently, destroyed from time to time), and the other some - 50-100 km to the south.

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built at the beginning of the Tang dynasty (during the "barbarian states")
Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built at the beginning of the Tang dynasty (during the "barbarian states")

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built at the beginning of the Tang dynasty (during the "barbarian states").

During the reign of the Tang state (618 - 907), there was no active construction of defensive walls. During the fall of the Tang Empire and the establishment of the Song state (from 960 to 1279), China lost a significant part of the conquered territories and subordinate lands (vassals). So, in 1125, the border between the non-Chinese kingdom of the Jurchen (founded the Jin dynasty - "Golden") and China passed along the Huaihe River - this is 500 - 700 km south of the places of the created system of fortifications. And in 1141, the Shaoxing Peace Treaty was signed between Song and Jin, according to which the Chinese Song Empire recognized itself as a vassal of the non-Chinese Jin state, Jin received territories north of the Huaihe River, and the Chinese pledged to pay a large tribute to the Golden Kingdom. Interestingly, during this period of time,when China itself was a weak secondary power with a sharply curtailed territory, a new line of fortifications of the Great Wall of China was erected 2,100-2,500 km north of the Chinese borders. This part of the fortifications, built from 1066 to 1234, passes through the territory of Russia to the north of the village of Borzya near the Argun River. At the same time, another section of the Great Wall was built 1500-2000 km north of the Chinese state, it was located along the mountain range in the northeast of modern China - the Great Khingan. At the same time, another section of the Great Wall was built 1500-2000 km north of the Chinese state, it was located along the mountain range in the northeast of modern China - the Great Khingan. At the same time, another section of the Great Wall was built 1500-2000 km north of the Chinese state, it was located along the mountain range in the northeast of modern China - the Great Khingan.

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built during the reign of the Song dynasty
Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built during the reign of the Song dynasty

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built during the reign of the Song dynasty.

During the Ming period (from 1368 to 1644), the last, southernmost and deepest section of the Great Wall was built. The fortification system runs along the 40th parallel from Andong (40 °), just north of the modern capital of China - Beijing (40 °), through Yinchuan (39 °) to Dunhuang and Anxi (40 °) in the west. During this period, the Chinese empire pursued an active foreign policy. So the Chinese were temporarily able to subdue Vietnam. During the construction of the last fortifications of the Great Wall, the entire Amur region belonged to the territory of Russia. By the middle of the 17th century, Russian forts (Albazinsky, Kumarsky and others), peasant settlements, and cultivated lands already existed on both banks of the Amur River. In 1656, the Daursky (later - Albazinsky) voivodeship was established, it included the valley of the Upper and Middle Amur on both banks.

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built during the reign of the Ming dynasty
Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built during the reign of the Ming dynasty

Sections of the "Chinese" wall, built during the reign of the Ming dynasty.

In 1644, the Manchu army captured Beijing, the period of the Qing dynasty began. In the 17th century, the border of the Qing Empire was located just north of the Liaodong Peninsula, that is, exactly along the section of the "Chinese" wall, created in the 14-17th centuries. The Qing Empire came into conflict with Russia and tried to seize Russian possessions in the Amur River basin by military force. The Chinese demanded to transfer them not only the lands of the entire Amur region, but also the territories east of the Lena River. The Qing Empire was able to capture part of the Russian possessions in the Amur basin. As a result of the Chinese expansion, the so-called. The "Chinese" wall ended up inside the territory of modern China. Thus, it is clear that the Great Wall (often just a rampart) was created not by the Chinese, but by their northern opponents since the late Iron Age (5-3 centuries BC.) until the time of the Qin Empire and Russia in the mid-17th century. It is clear that further large-scale studies are needed to confirm this fact. But it is already becoming more and more obvious that the modern historical myth, which has been hammered into our heads almost from the time of the cradle, has little in common with the true history of Russia and mankind. The ancestors of the Russian people since ancient times inhabited vast territories from Central Europe to the expanses of Siberia and the lands of modern North China. The ancestors of the Russian people since ancient times inhabited vast territories from Central Europe to the expanses of Siberia and the lands of modern North China. The ancestors of the Russian people since ancient times inhabited vast territories from Central Europe to the expanses of Siberia and the lands of modern North China.

In the article "Old Russian Style in the Architecture of the Chinese Wall" Andrei Tyunyaev made several more noteworthy conclusions. Firstly, the towers of the ancient Russian fortresses-kremlin and fortress walls on the one side and the towers of the Great Wall (the last section of the wall, built during the Ming Empire period), on the other, were created, if not in a single, then in a very strongly coinciding architectural style. For example, the towers of European castles and fortress walls on the one hand and the fortifications of Russia and the "Chinese" wall on the other are absolutely different. Secondly, on the territory of modern China, two types of fortifications can be distinguished: "northern" and "southern". The northern type of fortifications is designed for a long-term defense, the towers provide maximum opportunities for conducting a battle. We can concludethat the fighting on this line of fortifications was of a strategic nature and was fought between completely alien cultures. For example, the early Chinese kingdoms are known to have practiced mass prisoner sacrifices. For the "northern barbarians", surrender was an unacceptable step. The southern type of fortifications was tactical in nature and, apparently, was built in the lands long ago developed by the Chinese civilization. Often, during seizures, only the ruling dynasty was replaced, the bulk of the population did not suffer at the same time. Therefore, fortifications can actually be decorative, or designed for a short-term siege. Towers and walls of fortresses do not have a developed system of defensive combat. Thus, the architecture of defensive structures confirms the presence of two powerful cultures on the territory of modern China: southern and northern. Northern civilization was in the lead for a long time,gave the south the ruling dynasties, the military elite, the advanced achievements of spiritual and material culture. But in the end, the South prevailed.

At present, this process continues - China considers the territories of the Russian Far East, Siberia, Mongolia and Central Asia as its sphere of influence. And in the long term, and their territories. True, this does not mean that China will achieve its goals. The history of Chinese civilization is cyclical, and soon we may witness another fall of China. A period of prosperity is always followed by a period of decline and chaos.

Author: Samsonov Alexander