Black Sands - Alternative View

Black Sands - Alternative View
Black Sands - Alternative View

Video: Black Sands - Alternative View

Video: Black Sands - Alternative View
Video: Why Don't We Live Around a Red Sun? Featuring Prof. David Kipping from Cool Worlds 2024, July

Unusual stones with a vitrified surface were found on the sandy islands of the Kama River. The most interesting thing is that such stones cannot appear in any of the natural processes, but only as a result of nuclear explosions …


It all started with a dump truck dumping a bunch of unusual sand right under our feet. Since a small private office for the production of reinforced concrete rings operates next to our enterprise, they regularly import material. This sand was different from anything I had seen before. It was darker than usual and had an uncharacteristic increased flowability. Just like the calcined and soot-dusty foundry sand after use in the molds, which I constantly observed when casting iron on the burned-out models.

I would not hesitate to recognize its foundry origin, but 2 things were alarming. First, foundry workers use only sifted sand, and this one contained pebbles of different sizes. Second, this sand was clearly riverine, that is, the grains of sand were round. Such sand is not used for casting, since it has a low gas permeability, which leads to defects in the castings. Metallurgists use special quarry sand, the grains of which have an acute-angled shape, like grains of sugar.

In general, all this intrigued me. In addition, from the heap, small pebbles mysteriously glittered in a pearlescent black shade. They looked like beads of irregular shape. Fig 1. If you split such a pebble, then inside it will turn out to be an ordinary pebble, completely matte. Fig 2. The mother-of-pearl black layer covering the stone is very thin, no more than 0.2 mm. All these questions required an answer.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1

Fig. 1.

Fig 2
Fig 2

Fig 2.

We soon learned that the sand was being transported from a storage pond near the city of Sarapul. He gets there from the Kama river. They also gave us an approximate place near the village of Yaromaska. It was decided to organize a search and inspection of the place where the strange sand was mined. But for this it was necessary to prepare. In particular, it was necessary to purchase a dosimeter. The fact that somewhere the background radiation would be increased was unlikely. After all, most likely, centuries have passed since the event. But even a small risk should not be discarded.

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Suddenly it became a problem. Not so long ago, dosimeters were on sale, and now I discovered that they are not available anywhere. The shop assistant looked at me in surprise and said, “Don't you know they were banned? After Fukushima, so that people don't get scared. True, she quickly recovered and began to insist that the old delivery was over, and the manufacturer did not supply new devices. In general, she blabbed anyway. Most likely, they were not banned for sale, but some restrictions on distribution were introduced through unofficial channels. This is how the authorities are concerned about our health. It is strange that in the summer of 2010 they did not think to ban thermometers. Everyone would feel cooler at once. And I bought the dosimeter via the Internet, although they are not everywhere there either.

Arriving at the place of search, we almost immediately found a rich placer of strange stones Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5. This is a sand spit stretching several kilometers upstream from the village of Yaromaska. It forms an island, on which vitrified stones are found everywhere to a greater or lesser extent. It is interesting that there are no such stones in other places of the Kama. They are not even on the banks of the river, very close to the island. There was also a place of maximum concentration Fig. 6.

Figure: 3
Figure: 3

Figure: 3.

Figure: 4
Figure: 4

Figure: 4.

Figure: five
Figure: five

Figure: five.

Figure: 6
Figure: 6

Figure: 6.

Here, because of the solid mass of black pebbles, the coastal strip has a dark color Fig. 7, Fig. 8. On the spot, we once again made sure that the stones were exposed to radiation. Many of them are half vitrified, or only on one side. That is, the part that was in the shade was not heated. There were also many small bones and vertebrae, which were also scorched by the daughter only on the outside, but inside were not damaged.

Figure: 7
Figure: 7

Figure: 7.

Figure: 8
Figure: 8

Figure: 8.

We have not found an increased background radiation anywhere. We were unable to find any specific place where these sands and pebbles were washed out. It is possible that the vitrified layer of soil was buried at the bottom of the river in the very epicenter of alleged past events. Recently, sand miners have stirred up the area and the erosion has begun. This is confirmed by the fact that the water has not yet had time to process the surface of the stones to matte.

It seems that everything, nothing else can be found out, but our land is rich in surprises. Studying the surroundings of the city of Sarapul using satellite maps, we managed to find two large craters Fig 9. One with a diameter of about 900 meters, and the other slightly less than about 700 meters. The map showed that these are ideally round, dimple-shaped depressions with a height difference from the center to the periphery of 8 … 15 meters. Such craters are found in many places on earth, but now we had the opportunity to see how it all looks not in the picture, but in reality.

Fig 9
Fig 9

Fig 9.

The location of the funnels is not accidental. In Figure 10 you can see the surrounding area as it looks today. But it was not always so. Judging by the terrain, the river bed was much wider. The water level was 10 … 15 meters higher. Under this condition, the funnels are strategically located. This is the promontory part of the coast. In such places, as a rule, there were settlements Fig 11. That is, a settlement that could be a target. And judging by the craters, the strike was nuclear.

Fig 10
Fig 10

Fig 10.

Fig 11
Fig 11

Fig 11.

Now, of course, it is difficult to imagine that there was a medieval city here (it is pointless to strike a village with a nuclear strike). But on the other hand, what could have survived within a radius of 2 kilometers from the epicenter of a 10 megaton thermonuclear charge (according to calculations relative to the radius of the funnel), and then another control 6 megaton? And what of the survivors could survive after several centuries? Probably almost nothing.

Arriving at the place, we found exactly what we saw on the map. Smooth dimple-shaped basin with well-defined edges. Figure 12 is a view from the edge of a large funnel, and a descent into the basin itself. Figure 13 is a view from the bottom of the basin to its edge. The southeastern edge of the funnel has a steeper rise. Machinery cannot process there, so a pine forest belt has grown here.

Fig 12
Fig 12

Fig 12.

Fig 13
Fig 13

Fig 13.

Figure 14 shows a view through these trees to the bottom of the basin. From the thickness of the tree trunks, we can conclude that they began to grow no later than the 50s. But this does not show the true time of the appearance of the basin. It is clear that it just appeared no later than the 50s, since from that time a landscape adapted to the funnel began to form.

Fig 14
Fig 14

Fig 14.

Most likely, the events leading to the emergence of the basin took place much earlier. This land is arable. Probably, it was also worked on the southeastern edge of the funnel, until the technique became more widely used. This is the 50s. And the lower northwest edge is being plowed up today.

It is interesting that strange depressions were also interested in before us. An old plugged well was found exactly in the geometric center of a large crater. Fig. 15. Judging by the absence of traces of industrial development, it is an exploration well. Apparently, geologists were interested in a perfectly flat depression, clearly visible from an airplane. So interested that they did not cheap exploration by drilling, but found nothing and drowned the well. There is no borehole in the center of the second funnel. Apparently, they decided that there was nothing to look for.

Fig 15
Fig 15

Fig 15.

People, looking at the vitrified stones, recalled that there was a gas pipeline accident nearby. They say that the burning gas could scorch the river pebbles. The version has been verified. We put a river pebble (which is basically basalt) in the flame of an oxygen-propane burner. As a result of a series of experiments, nothing even remotely similar in texture was obtained, which was to be expected. In Fig. 16, Fig. 17 below is a melted stone, and above it is the same, but not subjected to heating. This is for clarity.

Fig 16
Fig 16

Fig 16.

Fig 17
Fig 17

Fig 17.

Basalt requires about 1300 degrees to melt. The propane-oxygen burner easily gives out 1500 degrees, and if the stone is overexposed in the flame, then it melts with a glassy glaze of a shiny black color, but at the same time it has a porous and bumpy structure. The thickness of the fused layer is immediately at least 1.5 mm. At the same time, the stone itself inevitably cracks Fig. 18, Fig. 19.

Fig 18
Fig 18

Fig 18.

Fig 19
Fig 19

Fig 19.

If heated smoothly and for a long time, then a vitrified layer appears, but much thicker than that found on the samples, and in any case very uneven. Fig. 20. The body of the stone emits gases when heated, and they form bubbles on the molten surface layer. When it cools down, the surface remains uneven. What we find in the sands of the Kama is not like this Fig. 21, Fig. 22, Fig. 23.

Fig 21
Fig 21

Fig 21.

Fig 22
Fig 22

Fig 22.

Fig 23
Fig 23

Fig 23.

The only way to get such an effect is to heat the stone surface instantly (in a split second) to a temperature of 1300 degrees, and immediately stop the flow of heat until the thermal conductivity of the stone allowed it to warm up to a depth of more than 0.2 mm. With such a speed, heat cannot be transferred by convection, that is, contact heating, as in the case of a gas flame, as we have seen by doing experiments. It will not work simply because the gas heated to a temperature of several thousand degrees does not appear next to the heated body instantly, and does not disappear without a trace in a split second. This is a rather inert process. It can only be an instantaneous pulse of enormous power. Flash. What spectrum? I don’t know, it could be both infrared radiation and X-rays. It's hard to say for sure.

But we can say for sure the following - in natural nature on the surface of our planet, such a phenomenon should not be. We do not live on a star. And since it was, then this phenomenon is artificial, and believe me, very noticeable. After all, there are a great many melted stones. So far, only one such source of radiation is known to me. This is a nuclear (thermonuclear) explosion.

In fact, what we found is well known to scientists. This is called impactitis.


There are also tektites. This is a more pronounced case than ours (in my opinion, a consequence of a ground nuclear explosion with the release of molten soil), but an interestingly publicized explanation.


One way or another, all of the above versions (except for the meteorite), if voiced, are very reluctant, as very contradictory and unreliable. But the meteorite is the queen of the ball today. Do you think because it is the most reliable? Not at all. It is worth thinking a little, and you will understand that it is also very far from reality. For example, as I wrote above, a high temperature is required to melt the stone. If the heating is long (a few seconds), then those same 2000 degrees Kelvin, or otherwise 1727 degrees Celsius, are enough. But then the stones are melted to a great depth. This does not explain impactites like ours. And to obtain the thinnest film of vitrification, tens of thousands of degrees are required, and both heating and cooling must be instant. Flash.

How can this be done with a meteorite? No way! For some reason, some people are inclined to believe that a piece of stone, heated by the outer layers from air friction in the atmosphere up to 2000 … 3000 degrees, completely changes its physical properties. And when it hits the ground, this miracle, allegedly, will create a pressure of hundreds of thousands of atmospheres, and the temperature will increase to two million degrees (part of the rock will evaporate), and will also begin to emit alpha, beta and gamma particles in giant portions (flash). Why is this? Not a single physicist will subscribe to such a scenario.

If stones falling from the sky undergo such amazing metamorphoses, then why are we making nuclear bombs? Ballistic missiles must be stuffed with big boulders. What? The Energiya rocket launches 100 tons into orbit! And the speed is 4 … 5 kilometers per second. A noble meteorite will turn out. As it bangs, and all America will fill up with tektites.

Well, what is it ?! How can such a version be presented as a presenter? Yes, it’s just the most visual. It is not science that does it, but the "general staff for managing public opinion and concealing evidence." A person will watch a disaster film and think: “Wow! A large burning mountain falls to the ground. Fire. Flash (in the cinema now they draw, pay attention). Wow! I believe!"

In fact, there is no acceptable hypothesis in the scientific world today. All the versions put forward are contradictory and unverifiable. Except for nuclear, of course, but it's taboo!

To a reader familiar with my articles, the nuclear topic may seem like an obsession. Well, you know, "again, great." Everything exploded, everything burned down, now even stones. And again no one remembers anything. I agree, it sounds unusual, but I regard it as intrusive facts that are difficult to simply dismiss. What to do if there are too many of them …

Thus, the gas-fire version disappears, along with it, for the same reasons, the comet-meteorite version disappears. On the Kama River, in the region of the city of Sarapul, deposits of impactites, or otherwise, stones, melted by radiation of nuclear-thermonuclear origin, were discovered. Two characteristic funnels were also found, fully corresponding in shape and typical calculations to the action of a 10 and 6 megaton thermonuclear charge. The distance from craters to vitrified stones is about 10 … 15 kilometers. These two episodes (funnels and impactites) may or may not be related. The time of the tragic events is unknown to us.

Our main version is nuclear thermonuclear. And this version is very unpleasant, since it brings us closer and closer to understanding that it is not for nothing that most of the fairy tales of all peoples are terrible. There is even a saying: "We live like in a fairy tale, the further, the more terrible." I think this reflected not so much our tendency to tickle our nerves, but rather not so distant, eerie past.

PS The author expresses special gratitude to Dmitry Krasnoperov, a member of the Movement, and to other residents of the city of Sarapul, who rendered great assistance in conducting field research.

Author: Alexey Artemiev