The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View
Video: How the British Empire Exported Homophobia | Empires of Dirt 2024, September

Now even the Americans themselves are beginning to call their country an "evil empire", as the American director Oliver Stone did quite recently in one of his interviews. Indeed, the impudent US intervention in the sovereign affairs of other states around the world only arouses the hatred of peoples whose countries, as a result of the export of "American democracy", turned out to be robbed by transnational corporations or plunged into the chaos of war and devastation as a result of the US and NATO invasions.

Of course, the United States is causing more and more hatred throughout the world, but you need to understand that this aggressive policy does not come from this semi-colony of the British Empire, but from those forces that control Britain itself. And there is no doubt that Britain with its "commonwealth" and together with the United States remains the very last empire in the world and the very real "evil empire". It is the British special services that are behind many sabotage and organization of terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia. It is the British special services that are behind the murders of defectors from the Russian (and Soviet) special services and fugitive oligarchs who, in exchange for returning to the Russian Federation, were going to tell about the dark deeds of their masters in Russia. Therefore, all the false information campaigns about the "Russian trace" are the cries of the same pharisaic thief,who shouts loudest of all: "Stop the thief!". And this is not surprising at all, considering which forces are ruling this world empire of evil.

So G. Sidorov in his book "The Secret Project of the Leader" gives the following information about the British Empire:

By the way, it was the British special services that recruited the traitors of our people M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin, who are behind the collapse of the USSR and the plundering of its heritage, deceit and robbery of the people and the seizure of deposits by transnational corporations. It is quite understandable from what forces the campaign to rewrite history and denigrate Stalin, whom the hired chatterboxes of parasites are trying to put on a par with Hitler, was and is now proceeding. Why? Yes, because two-faced pharisaism is a "visiting card" of the very parasitic satanic force that created the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire to seize world power.

And the true nature of these hybrid nonhumans is becoming increasingly apparent. So, the facts of inhuman cruelty towards the indigenous population of the occupied countries during the period of open colonial oppression and even outright genocide are no longer surprising. Do you know who really invented the concentration camps? Do you think it is Hitler or Stalin? You are wrong! They were invented by the main European "civilizers" during the Anglo-Boer war of conquest of 1899-1902. And the first such camps in Russia were also built by them in the Arkhangelsk region during the occupation of the Russian North during the British intervention of 1918-1919, i.e. again, in fact, both Hitler and Stalin are smoking on the sidelines.

By the way. regarding the latter, I can say that Stalin became the chairman of the Soviet government only in 1941. And until 1937, the country was in fact ruled by the Trotskyist-Zionist gang and the construction of Russian concentration camps, as well as 90% of the people innocently ruined in them - this is on its conscience. The camps were created on the direct order of the bloody Jewish "revolutionary" N. Trotsky, who decided to keep up with his masters from the British Isles in this matter.

If we touch on the topic of Hitler, with whom Stalin is so diligently trying to put on the same level the corrupt degraded trash for the money of his masters - hybrid nonhumans, then he, like the British royal family and the "revolutionary" Trotsky, also had Jewish roots. That is why until the very last moment Hitler's Reich was financed by the Jewish banking clans of the City of London and, of course, without this powerful financial support, Hitler would not have been able to so quickly create the most perfect military machine in Europe out of a defeated, humiliated and dilapidated country. And this machine was just deliberately aimed at destroying the USSR. Such was Stalin's revenge for the fact that by 1937 he managed to defeat the Zionists from the Bolshevik party "elite" and wrest the country from the clutches of the Rothschilds, burying their "red project". But the peoples of the USSR managed to cope with this next "crusade" of the united Europe against our country.

True, in 1953, the Zionists still managed to kill Stalin and seize power in the country, launching the processes of its collapse, which were completed by the treacherous activities of M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin. Well, the campaign of denigrating Stalin, launched by the Zionist Perlmutter-Khrushchev, was a revenge for the defeat of the Trotskyists in 1937 and for the fact that Stalin did not agree to give Crimea to the Jews. Now you understand why, having seized power, Perlmutter-Khrushchev not only engaged in the "cult of Stalin's personality", but immediately, with his strong-willed decision, in violation of the existing constitution, transferred Crimea from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR under a far-fetched pretext?

The collapse of the USSR was planned by the Zionist "elite" of the CPSU Central Committee even then, as was the British-American "Maidan" in Ukraine, as a result of which the long-awaited Zionist project of "Crimean California" was to be realized, to which I. Stalin did not agree. And this is precisely the main reason for the delay in opening the "second front". Naturally, only when it became clear to the Jewish clans of the City of London that the Soviet army could defeat Germany without US and British military assistance, then the landing in Normandy took place. For if our "allies", who now claim all the laurels of victory, had not done this, the Soviet army would have been able to reach the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. And this was absolutely not included in the plans of hybrid non-humans.

But let's continue with the British Empire. It is known that the head of Britain and of the entire British Commonwealth is the Queen of England. But its power is quite real, and not "just a tradition", as they try to present it to us. She can personally declare war without the approval of the House of Lords and appoint ministers. And if this is “limited power,” then what is “unlimited”? But with all this, it can enter the City of London only with the permission of the Mayor of the City. And this fact alone should make one think that the real threads to the management of the Zion-Anglo-Saxon empire are located there.

But all this is by no means governed by the Jews, who are also only an “intermediate link” in the global governance of humanity. And that explains why the Jewish clans also control the British royal family. and City banks, as well as virtually all of the world's leading media and film companies in Hollywood, as well as most of the key posts in Britain and the United States. By the way, another sign that the United States is not an independent state is the fact that 43% of Jews live in this country, despite having its own national state. And we must think that just in order to continue to use its people as "cannon fodder" for the implementation of the plans of their masters. But who are the masters of the Jews? Yes, the very "world government" from among the richest clans and ruling dynasties of the Earth, which was described at the beginning by J. Coleman, and then other independent researchers.

The financial center of this "world government" is located in the City of London, the military-political center in the District of Columbia, and the religious-ideological center in the Vatican. By the way, the entire City is full of images of dragons, and in the Vatican there are also signs of either reptilian or insectoid hosts. And only in the District of Columbia only clear Masonic symbols are visible. All this should help us understand what kind of inhuman power is behind the plan of enslavement and gradual destruction of humanity, known under the term "new world order" and why all this parasitic satanic rag-tag hates Russians and Russia so much. So, in order to understand this, it is necessary to study the secrets of the real past, hidden from us by the pseudo-historical myths of several generations of falsifiers who serve the superhuman force hidden from us behind the facade of the "branches" of the so-called."World government".

And it is quite natural that this antihuman force, which is served by both the degraded peoples of the Earth and the non-human degrading Russians, fears and hates, choking on Russophobic cries and anti-Russian hysteria, those who are really capable of interfering with their antihuman plans. Only all these screams and hysteria are completely in vain: the world is steadily changing and soon everyone who is guilty of real, and not far-fetched crimes against humanity, will have to answer for everything, as for centuries of outright lies and deception of peoples, or to escape from our world into which - someone else, hoping that their bloody karma will not reach them there. But won't it?

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