Invisible Parents - Alternative View

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Invisible Parents - Alternative View
Invisible Parents - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Parents - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Parents - Alternative View
Video: Think Mark, Think! [SPOILER ALERT] | Omni-Man VS. Invincible | Invincible [Meme Origin] 2024, September

According to the views of some occultists, the souls of the dead constantly observe the life of their loved ones. Invisible entities are aware of family problems, know about the plans of relatives and even read her thoughts. But they are especially interested in love affairs …

Souls at the matrimonial bed

The recently deceased American occultist and clairvoyant D. Dzhebrailovich believed that the souls of deceased relatives flock to the bed of lovers during conception, and it is they who decide what kind of soul the child will have.

The religious teachings of some peoples of Polynesia and Indochina say approximately the same. In particular, in Polynesia it is believed that it depends only on the deceased family members whether a given marital affinity will lead to the birth of an heir or not. Therefore, couples try to appease the souls of their ancestors with various offerings, which are laid out near their bed.

The conception of a child is not just the fusion of male and female cells, but also the "entry" of the soul into a new organism. During intercourse, a certain channel is opened through which the soul, or an invisible etheric entity, enters the fetus and forms a person out of it.

It is believed that the souls of relatives who have left for another world are responsible for the gender of the child, for his appearance, character, abilities and much more, which will determine his future life. Each soul gives the fruit a part of its invisible body. A new soul is formed from these particles.

Some of the entities can give more to the fruit than others. If the relatives on the father's side are more generous, then the child will be more like dad, if from the mother's side, then, accordingly, like mom. Often the lateral lines of the family take over. Then the child will go to one of his uncles or aunts.

It happens that someone's soul completely takes possession of the fruit. Moreover, she may not be related. The deceased is reborn in the body of the unborn child, and what is called reincarnation happens.

The former shaman in a new incarnation

Here is a story recorded as a legend in the 1950s in Siberia. It was before the revolution. The Russian spouses-settlers, being childless, went to the old shaman. They traveled a long way through the taiga, found the camp where the shaman lived, and told him about their misfortune. He gave them amulets and ordered them to put them on during their intimacy, promising that in two years they would have a boy. And indeed, a son was born within the specified period. The father came to the camp to thank the shaman, but he died a year ago.

Over time, the parents began to notice Yakut features in the appearance of their son. When he grew up, he went to the Yakuts, to the camp where the old sorcerer once lived. Soon, everyone in the area admitted that their former shaman had returned to them in a new incarnation.

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The third in bed was … a ghost

In the late 1970s, in a Belarusian village, a poltergeist settled in one of the houses: small things ended up in the wrong places where they were put, electrical appliances went out of order, and then they started working again, at night footsteps and a cough similar to a recent cough were heard deceased grandfather.

Gradually they got used to the phenomena, they stopped paying attention to them. And in the summer, familiar townspeople - a young married couple - were allowed into the house. On the very first evening, during the proximity of the spouses, footsteps were heard near the bed - as if someone invisible had come up and stopped at the head of the bed. In the silence, someone's breathing was heard, although there was no one in the room except the husband and wife. Frightened, they moved to another room and the next day left back to the city. But from that night on, the poltergeist phenomena in the house stopped.

And after nine months the couple had a son. He grew up a little and began to talk about events that could not happen to him: the boy gave out episodes from the life of his late grandfather! By the age of seven, the child's unusual memories had disappeared, but over the years he became more and more like a deceased old man. The boy was his exact copy - both in appearance and in character.

Don't sleep with the possessed

In the old days in Russia, it was believed that otherworldly entities could affect the unborn child. For example, if a brownie spied on the spouses during intimacy, a sorcerer would be born, and if a kikimora spied on, then a witch. All kinds of deformities and deviations in children were attributed to evil spirits, which took the habit of interfering in the affairs of people. Not so long ago, news agencies reported the birth of a boy in China with 15 fingers on both hands. Subsequently, the mother admitted that during the conception of the child, evil spirits ruled the house.

In general, the influence of the poltergeist on the birth of the fetus, its formation and further development has not yet been completely studied. You have to rely on popular beliefs and religious teachings. And most of them say that the fulfillment of marital duties in the vicinity of evil spirits does not bode well for an unborn child.

The same applies to intimacy with a demon possessed person. The role of a spouse (or wife) here, obviously, is not a person, but that invisible entity that has entered into it. Children resulting from this bond may be physically ugly or have paranormal powers, but in almost all cases, the impact of the demon on the child is negative. This issue is extremely difficult and also practically not studied due to the paucity of available reliable material. But one case is described in medieval chronicles.

An incredibly lustful demon entered the 75-year-old man, increasing his potency so much and at the same time changing his character - making him arrogant and shameless that the Inquisition became interested in the newly-born Don Juan. Whether he managed to conceive a child, the chronicles do not report.

Is that you, Petrunchik?

The obsession probably also took place in an episode that took place in the 1980s in Ukraine.

Alexandra O. is a young woman who has lost her husband Peter, who loved her dearly. He died tragically. After some time, she got married again. After the first night spent with her new spouse, Alexandra confessed to her mother that she was constantly thinking about Peter, and when the time came for lovemaking, she was amazed at how similar they were to Peter's caresses. In the end, she even stopped realizing who was in bed with her - her second husband or Peter. And later it turned out that the newlyweds almost did not remember anything from what happened at night.

In ordinary times, Alexandra's husband was himself, but when the time of intimacy came, he turned into Peter. His voice, facial expression, all manner of behavior changed. It is impossible to reproduce this on purpose, especially since the second husband knew the first only from photographs. Sometimes, forgetting herself, the woman asked her beloved: “It's you. Petrunchik? " He answered in the voice of Peter: "I, I!".

Subsequently, they had two children - a boy and a girl. In the features of both, in the opinion of others, the features of the late first husband are clearly visible.

Whether the current spouse of Alexandra S. was examined by psychiatrists or psychics - we do not know. Perhaps the spirit of Peter instilled in him only during intimacy, or maybe he was in him constantly, manifesting itself only in these moments. History is also silent about how their children grew up.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №4. Author: Igor Voloznev