A Huge Transparent Object Covered Half Of The Sky Over The United States - Alternative View

A Huge Transparent Object Covered Half Of The Sky Over The United States - Alternative View
A Huge Transparent Object Covered Half Of The Sky Over The United States - Alternative View

Video: A Huge Transparent Object Covered Half Of The Sky Over The United States - Alternative View

Video: A Huge Transparent Object Covered Half Of The Sky Over The United States - Alternative View
Video: A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram 2024, September

Among the many videos with UFOs on photo and video hosting, from time to time there are reports of the observation of some translucent objects - completely without special devices visible, but as if cut out of denser air:


Since there is no UFO, as the academics say, in fact, people are almost used to such “hallucinations” and pay little attention if something is flying in the sky.

However, what the same was the surprise of an American citizen, in whose eyes an incomprehensible translucent object covered half of the sky:

The video is widely discussed in blogs and people put forward different versions, primarily based on the impressions of the film about “Independence Day”:

More skeptical citizens assess events without panic and refer to forecasters for explanations, who begin to talk excitedly about some kind of wave movement of atmospheric fronts.

Straight cloud edges are fairly common and usually indicate very strong demarcation between air masses, especially when a cold atmospheric front collides with very dry and hot air. In summer, this phenomenon is observed along the line of the squall due to the wave motion of the atmosphere …

Promotional video:

The explanation seems very logical and perfectly acceptable. However, it is generally known from physics that the wavefront is never square, so clouds are not rectangular even in theory. Nevertheless, perfectly square clouds are still observed:


Even the most famous forecasters do not know how to explain such clouds by the movement of wave fronts. Most of the answers on the forums are inclined to the version that the strange demarcation line in the atmosphere in the video has some kind of artificial origin. Perhaps this is HAARP, the purpose of which, in fact, no one knows at all, perhaps other technologies, other forces are behind all this.