Sonya The Golden Handle: Who Was The Queen Of Thieves - Alternative View

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Sonya The Golden Handle: Who Was The Queen Of Thieves - Alternative View
Sonya The Golden Handle: Who Was The Queen Of Thieves - Alternative View

In the second half of the 19th century, a real thieves' queen appeared in St. Petersburg, which could not be stopped by either strong constipation or gentlemen detective investigators. But who really was Sheindlya-Sura Leibova Solomoniak, who became famous as the best fraud in the world - Sonya the Golden Hand?

Acquaintance with Russia

In Russia, the adventures of the beauty Sophia began unsuccessfully. Already at the Klin station, the police take her with someone else's suitcase, but the girl manages to convince the police that she took it by mistake. Realizing that there is nothing to catch in small towns, Sonya decided to set off to conquer St. Petersburg, which was reputed to be the capital of the underworld throughout Eastern Europe.


Good morning

In St. Petersburg, Sonya developed her own corporate identity for stealing from hotel rooms. The thief performed the "Guten Morgen" trick (good morning) in the best hotels in the city: choosing a victim, she entered the room at dawn, found everything valuable and quickly ran away. Sometimes the guest would wake up, but Sonya just pretended to be wrong with the number - it always worked.

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Marriage and tour

Having become familiar in St. Petersburg, the queen of thieves went to tiny Dinaburg, where she jumped out to marry an elderly Jew Shelom Shkolnik. Having cleaned her hubby at the beginning of her honeymoon, Sonya arranged a world tour for herself in the cities of enlightened Europe.


Aristocrat in law

A trip to Europe brought Sophia very good money. Bored with the local society, the beauty returned to Moscow, where she entered the representatives of the highest criminal caste, the club "Red Jacks". In St. Petersburg, the girl created her own gang, which she ran together with the famous raider Levit Sandanovich.


Popularity is worth the candle

Until 1880, Sonya had never been caught by the police. Moreover, even people on the streets recognized the famous thief, and several times the girl managed to escape in the crowd from the police officers. But no matter how long the rope twists, the end is still the same: the great thief was put on the dock and sent to the Smolensk punishment cell. Here the beauty managed to fool one of the guards and ran away with him.


Farewell tour

Escaping from Russian justice, Sonya again rushed to conquer European cities. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Poland - everything went well at first, but age already imposed its own restrictions on the possibilities of the poor thief. Upon returning to her native Moscow, Sonya was caught in a diamond scam and went into exile in Sakhalin penal servitude. Here, most likely, the great swindler ended her days.


Memory of the Queen

But there are other versions as well. Some historians believe that Sonya fled from penal servitude and lived out her life as a peaceful petty bourgeois woman in revolutionary Moscow. At the Vagankovskoye cemetery, where, according to legend, the great swindler is buried, there is a remarkable monument. It was built with the money of crime bosses from all over the world, and to this day, rows of gloomy people come here who want to pay tribute to the memory of the queen of the thieves' world.