Europe Has Brought "universal Values" To The American Indians - Alternative View

Europe Has Brought "universal Values" To The American Indians - Alternative View
Europe Has Brought "universal Values" To The American Indians - Alternative View

Video: Europe Has Brought "universal Values" To The American Indians - Alternative View

Video: Europe Has Brought
Video: Asian Values 2024, September

Columbus ordered all residents over the age of 14 to hand over a thimble of golden sand or 25 pounds of cotton to the Spaniards every three months (in areas where there was no gold). Those who fulfilled this quota were hung around their necks with a copper token indicating the date of receipt of the last tribute.

Hangman to the glory of Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles
Hangman to the glory of Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles

Hangman to the glory of Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles.

The token gave its owner the right to three months of life. Those caught without this token or with expired ones were cut off the hands of both hands, hung them on the victim's neck and sent her to die in her village. Columbus, who had previously been involved in the slave trade along the west coast of Africa, apparently adopted this form of execution from Arab slave traders. During the governorship of Columbus, in Hispaniola alone, up to 10 thousand Indians were killed in this way. It was almost impossible to meet the established quota. Locals had to give up growing food and all other activities in order to dig for gold. Hunger began. Weakened and demoralized, they became easy prey for diseases brought by the Spaniards. Such as the influenza carried by pigs from the Canary Islands, which were brought to Hispaniola by the second expedition of Columbus. Dozens,possibly hundreds of thousands of Tainos died in this first pandemic of the American genocide. An eyewitness describes the huge piles of Hispaniola residents who died from the flu, who had no one to bury. The Indians tried to run wherever they looked: across the entire island, to the mountains, even to other islands. But there was no salvation anywhere. Mothers killed their children before killing themselves. Whole villages resorted to mass suicide by throwing themselves off cliffs or taking poison. But even more death was in the hands of the Spaniards.jumping off rocks or taking poison. But even more death was in the hands of the Spaniards.jumping off rocks or taking poison. But even more death was in the hands of the Spaniards.

Columbus was the first to use mass hanging
Columbus was the first to use mass hanging

Columbus was the first to use mass hanging.

In addition to atrocities, which at least could be explained by the cannibalistic rationality of systematic profit, the genocide on Attila, and then on the continent, included seemingly irrational, unjustified forms of violence on a massive scale and pathological, sadistic forms. Contemporary Columbus sources describe how Spanish colonists hanged, roasted on skewers, and burned Indians at the stake. Children were chopped into pieces to feed the dogs.

Execution of captive Indians
Execution of captive Indians

Execution of captive Indians.

Interrogation under torture
Interrogation under torture

Interrogation under torture.

In the gold mines. Those who did not work well faced severe punishment
In the gold mines. Those who did not work well faced severe punishment

In the gold mines. Those who did not work well faced severe punishment.

Promotional video:

Frying over low heat
Frying over low heat

Frying over low heat.

Conscientious and handshake
Conscientious and handshake

Conscientious and handshake.

Barbarians and civilizers
Barbarians and civilizers

Barbarians and civilizers.

Spiritual image of the conquistador
Spiritual image of the conquistador

Spiritual image of the conquistador.

Santiago - patron saint of the conquistadors. The inscription on the engraving: "The Apostle Santiago patronizes the Castilians and persecutes the Indians."
Santiago - patron saint of the conquistadors. The inscription on the engraving: "The Apostle Santiago patronizes the Castilians and persecutes the Indians."

Santiago - patron saint of the conquistadors. The inscription on the engraving: "The Apostle Santiago patronizes the Castilians and persecutes the Indians."

Break and connection of times
Break and connection of times

Break and connection of times.

Winners and losers: Indians are forced to work for new masters
Winners and losers: Indians are forced to work for new masters

Winners and losers: Indians are forced to work for new masters.

Rapists and porters. The Spaniards used the Indians as draft animals
Rapists and porters. The Spaniards used the Indians as draft animals

Rapists and porters. The Spaniards used the Indians as draft animals.

Conquistadors took the Indians prisoner to be used as porters
Conquistadors took the Indians prisoner to be used as porters

Conquistadors took the Indians prisoner to be used as porters.

Since the time of the conquest, the verb aperrear - give to the dogs to be torn apart. The Indians feared dogs more than horses, cannons and arquebus
Since the time of the conquest, the verb aperrear - give to the dogs to be torn apart. The Indians feared dogs more than horses, cannons and arquebus

Since the time of the conquest, the verb aperrear - give to the dogs to be torn apart. The Indians feared dogs more than horses, cannons and arquebus.

Hernan Cortez tortures Cuautemoc to find out where the Aztecs hid the gold
Hernan Cortez tortures Cuautemoc to find out where the Aztecs hid the gold

Hernan Cortez tortures Cuautemoc to find out where the Aztecs hid the gold.

Execution of Atahualpa
Execution of Atahualpa

Execution of Atahualpa.

Pits with stakes on which the Indians were strung
Pits with stakes on which the Indians were strung

Pits with stakes on which the Indians were strung.

Those who fall have their heads cut off. They talk about children who are locked in houses and burned, and who are stabbed to death if they walk too slowly. It is common practice to cut off women's breasts and strap heavy weights to their legs before dropping them into a lake or lagoon. They talk about babies torn from their mothers, killed and used as road signs. Fugitive or "wandering" Indians are cut off their limbs and sent to their villages, having severed hands and noses hanging around their necks. They talk about "pregnant women, children and old people who are caught as much as possible" and thrown into special pits, at the bottom of which sharp stakes are dug and "left there until the pit is full." And a lot, a lot more."

Indians are burned in houses
Indians are burned in houses

Indians are burned in houses.

As a result, of the approximately 25 million inhabitants who inhabited the Mexican kingdom by the time the conquistadors arrived, only 1.3 million survived by 1595. The rest were mostly tortured in the mines and plantations of "New Spain".

In the Andes, where Pizarro's gangs were wielding swords and whips, by the end of the 16th century, the population had dropped from 14 million to less than 1 million. The reasons were the same as in Mexico and Central America. As a Spaniard in Peru wrote in 1539, “The Indians here are completely destroyed and are perishing … It is praying with a cross to be given food for God's sake. But [the soldiers] kill all the lamas for nothing more than to make candles … The Indians are not left with anything for sowing, and since they have no livestock and have nowhere to take it, they can only starve to death."

Dogs eat Indians
Dogs eat Indians

Dogs eat Indians.

Modern historians come to believe that in the Caribbean there was a whole network of "butcher shops" where the bodies of the Indians were sold as dog food. Like everything else in the legacy of Columbus, cannibalism developed on the mainland. A letter from one of the conquerors of the Inca empire has survived, in which he writes: “… when I returned from Cartagena, I met a Portuguese named Rohe Martin. On the porch of his house there were parts of the hacked Indians to feed his dogs, as if they were wild animals …”(Stanard, 88)

A Spaniard feeding the hounds with the children of the Indians
A Spaniard feeding the hounds with the children of the Indians

A Spaniard feeding the hounds with the children of the Indians.

In general, civilized Europeans brought "universal human values" to the American barbarians …
