Esoterics. The Essence And The Beginning Of The Path - Alternative View

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Esoterics. The Essence And The Beginning Of The Path - Alternative View
Esoterics. The Essence And The Beginning Of The Path - Alternative View

Esoterics studies the hidden universal laws of the universe, applicable to any sphere of existence. They are called hidden for one reason: their knowledge does not lie on the surface, and their knowledge is impossible through standard research methods using logic and bodily channels of perception. Esotericism is knowledge of the world beyond touch, smell, hearing … To see the hidden, it is necessary to use the appropriate methods - intuition and subtle vision.

Most noticeable is the coarse and obvious. And behind the coarse and more expressed in form, the subtle fades into the background of human perception. As a result, most adults do not pay attention to information coming through subtle channels, because everything that does not receive development degrades over time.

As a child, we are more open to subtle information. But as we get older, social patterns make us more like others. And we already know exactly what is right and what is wrong; what can be and what cannot exist. The brain does not like to revise its picture of the world. Once he has accepted a model for himself, he will resist its revision, so as not to do the repetitive work. But taking something for the ultimate truth, are we not closing our way to further knowledge? It was not without reason that Descartes spoke about the main method of knowledge - doubt. Doubt is the eternal companion of the one who seeks when extreme conviction is a cessation of existence and evolution.


The path of the esoteric is the path of the evolution of one's own soul. The laws set forth in a metaphorical form by the greatest spiritual Teachers are Knowledge given to help humanity on this Path. These Laws are simple and complex at the same time. They are manifested both in the simple and the small, and in the complex and large. In itself, this is already a description of one of the laws of the world - the Law of Analogy, which was formulated by the ancient Initiated Thoth Hermes Trismegistus:

For example, the solar system is similar in structure to the structure of an atom. In the center is the Sun, the nucleus of an atom, relatively motionless and heavy. Around - the planets - electrons, mobile and light. Of course, when I talk about similarity, I am not talking about absolute identity. The difference in the course of time in planetary systems and in microparticles is incredibly large. And therefore, space at different levels will manifest itself slightly differently.

From left to right: an image of an atom, solar system, galaxy
From left to right: an image of an atom, solar system, galaxy

From left to right: an image of an atom, solar system, galaxy.

All microparticles that make up our planet Earth, at the level of the microcosm, would fit into a tennis ball. People from their own level see dense matter, while from another level matter is emptiness by more than 99%. Moreover, despite such differences, all levels of the Universe are interconnected. And every event that happened on one of the levels is reflected on all the others.

Promotional video:

From the point of view of esotericism, atoms, like planets, represent the physical layer of reality - the world of dense matter, the knowledge of which lies in the field of tasks of official science. The essence of esotericism is the study of subtle laws that exist in the form of energy and are manifested in the metaphysical principles of the Universe. This energy is invisible, like a magnetic field, the existence of which we can infer only on the basis of observing its impact on the environment. Although the magnetic field is, again, a phenomenon derived from the world of forms.

Each person, like the planet, has a magnetic field and the physical body that gave birth to it. But man is not just a body, right? At a minimum, everyone experiences emotions and produces mental images. And that space in which emotional energy moves is called the astral world. The space of thoughts, in turn, is called the mental world. And the human soul is manifested in all worlds.

Esoterics and the Phenomenon of Consciousness

Each world corresponds to a body: astral - a sensual body; to the mental, intellect. Esotericism in this context is looking for general patterns, a subtle essence that unites different layers of this multidimensional reality. Indeed, in addition to the body, emotions and thoughts, there is something else that unites this into a single system. And this is exactly what is called Consciousness.

From the point of view of esotericism, everything possesses consciousness, even stones and minerals. Therefore, to point out the difference, I write the word "Consciousness" (in the sense of self-identification) with a capital letter. Consciousness, also compared with the soul, is outside the body, emotions and logic. Moreover, it is in no way amenable to cognition from the corresponding levels. And therefore, trying to find the answer to the question "Who am I?", You will never be able to state at least something other than the awareness of your own awareness.


Thus, we have come to one of the main questions of esotericism "Who am I?" The search for an answer to this question is the eternal search for Truth. One can approach the Truth closer or move away, but in its Absolute it will never be achieved. This does not mean that it is completely unattainable. They say that in order to comprehend it, you need to become it. And even, finally, having comprehended it, it is revealed that the cognized Truth is not final, and further the path of knowledge continues. And this is another universal law - the Law of Vibration:

A simple esoteric truth: where there is movement, there is development. And development is life. Death is only an illusion, the path of the soul is eternal and endless.

Anyone who is able to somehow see the action of these and others like them hidden Laws of the Universe can be called an esoteric.

Author: Elena Zakharchenko
