Akasha Chronicles - Esoterics - Alternative View

Akasha Chronicles - Esoterics - Alternative View
Akasha Chronicles - Esoterics - Alternative View

Video: Akasha Chronicles - Esoterics - Alternative View

Video: Akasha Chronicles - Esoterics - Alternative View
Video: Akashic Records - The Unlimited Knowledge of the Universe 2024, September

We write the story of our life through our thoughts and actions.

The Akashic Chronicles - or "The Book of Life" - is a repository of information about every person who has ever lived on Earth, about all his feelings, actions, thoughts and intentions. It is also information about past lives and the future of each of us. And it is available to everyone!

The Akashic Chronicle contains the history of each consciousness (soul) since the creation of the world, they are the source of dreams, myths and legends. The Akashic Chronicles are mentioned in every ancient spiritual teaching, they are known in the Bible as the “Book of Life”, in the Tibetan Book of the Dead as Bardo Thodol and in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Imagine a computer capable of recording every event, thought, image, or desire that has ever happened on Earth. Imagine, too, that instead of compiling records of words and data, this computer system has countless videotapes and pictures that enable the viewer to see everything that happened in any period of history. Finally, imagine that this huge database not only interferes with information obtained from an objective perspective, but also reflects all the individual points of view and emotions of individuals. While all this sounds incredible, this description pretty accurately reflects what the Akashic Chronicle is.

The Akashic Chronicle contains the history of the most ancient civilizations. People of ancient races and ancient highly developed cultures, from where they got their knowledge, had contact with the Akasha Chronicles.

According to Helena Blavatsky, the Akashic Chronicles are not only an account of everything that happened, but also have a huge impact on the development of our time: “Akasha is one of the cosmic principles. This is plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, unchanging in its physical principles. This is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy: material, psychic and spiritual …"

The most extensive source of information about the Akashic Chronicle is the work of Edgar Cayce, who had the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness in which information of any kind became available to him. Edgar Cayce believed that the Akashic Chronicles contain an unlimited amount of data about the past and the future, since space and time carry a record of the thoughts, actions and activities of each person.

Like a radio receiver that picks up waves of different ranges, our consciousness can tune in to different vibrational layers of reality. The higher this frequency range, the more subtle layers become available - the world of half-sleep, dreams, lucid dreams, out-of-body experience, the world of second attention, the Akashic chronicles …

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Thoughts are energy, they are incredibly powerful and spread at high frequencies. They are limitless and can penetrate anywhere, influencing the earth level in different ways. Michael Talbot's holographic model of the Universe demonstrates that every cell of the human body is a model of the whole, the universe within itself, absolute knowledge within any element of the system. You can freely and for as long as you like to draw knowledge from this source. In this sense, it is true that "what is above, so is below". We can say that in this sense, consciousness acts as a kind of slider, which is tuned to a certain vibration frequency. As the ancient Hindu saying goes, everything exists here and now.


The Akashic Chronicles are a complex interweaving of visual, auditory, tactile and other sensory images, which can only be understood and deciphered in a state of altered consciousness. Miraculous insights, clairvoyance, intuitive guesses - all these are traces of a person's "study" of the Akashic Chronicles in a dream, the phenomenon of the "sixth sense" is not based on a person's personal experience, but on the knowledge gained from the Chronicles, that is, on the centuries-old experience of mankind.

To read the Akashic Records, one must attain a certain state of consciousness or practice lucid dreaming. In a dream, a person is able to receive information from the Chronicles, but rarely remembers what he saw, most often the results of the knowledge gained manifest themselves in the form of intuition.

As Carlos Castaneda wrote in The Journey to Ixtlan, in dreams we have the power, we can change things, we can find countless hidden facts, we can control everything that we want and every time we look at something in in a dream, it changes its shape.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya