Esoteric Trinity - Alternative View

Esoteric Trinity - Alternative View
Esoteric Trinity - Alternative View

Video: Esoteric Trinity - Alternative View

Video: Esoteric Trinity - Alternative View
Video: The Esoteric Secrets of the Trinity 2024, September

Spirit has no antipode, as well as time, space, conscience, life and a number of words with a global meaning. Perhaps with the prefix anti, but these are already far-fetched antipodes. All the semantic meanings of these words have no end, and therefore no opposition. Time is a child of Eternity, and Eternity countdown does not have it exists in the past, future and present at the same time. “Infinity generates Space, Eternity - Time, Substance (energy) - Substance (matter), but all this is the correlation of Spirit. Also with "nothing" it exists simultaneously with "Everything". The same is with the meaning of birth and death, we divide them purely conditionally, but they cannot exist separately, but are included in such a concept as life. All this, who is ready to understand, is clearly explained in the book "Kybalion". The development of knowledge goes in the following way,mediumship - astrology - religion - philosophy - sciences - symbiosis of science with religion. Those whom we call primitive saw a god in every object: the god of stone, the god of plants, forests, roads, streams, lakes, mountains, etc. With the development of mankind, the gods also become more solid. So among the Egyptians and Greeks: Zeus is the god of lightning, Poseidon is the god of the sea, Hades is the god of Hell, Horus is the god of the sky and the Sun, Sebek is the god of water and the flood of the Nile, etc. Time passed and humanity developed and the Jews came up with monotheism - monotheism, and from them Christians adopted it, and from Christians Muslims. But with the concept of God, the concept of the Trinity appears. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And this is what Wanga prophesied: “All religions will fall. There will be only one thing … This is a New Teaching, - she said, - but built on the foundations of the old. The old here can be compared to the roots, and the new is like a flower blossoming in the sun."

According to her, the secret deep work on the Teaching is now over. It can no longer remain a secret. It will burst into people like a fiery stream.

"- The New Teaching will come from Russia, - prophesied Vanga. - Russia will be clean, there will be White Brotherhood in Russia. From here the Teaching will begin its march around the world." V. I. Vernadsky substantiated the existence of the noosphere near the Earth, which means that it exists in stars and galaxies, and finally in the Universe. And if so, then this is (the Universal noosphere) and maybe what, by our primitiveness, we call God. And what is reason, wisdom, soul? The incarnate Spirit, which we call the Soul, is the mind, and it is embodied in all kinds of matter "From mineral to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to man, from man to ….., from … to the Universe" This is the purpose of Being - i.e. improvement. The mind is formed by the wisdom that is in the Spirit, the brain is a relay. "… intellect is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom, intellect is reason. Wisdom decides, because this decision has long been impregnated. Intellect is the threshold of wisdom, and when it is sharpened, it merges into the sphere of synthesis. "(Agni - Yoga, par. 508). That is, intelligence is formed by the body (matter), wisdom - by the spirit. So what is the trinity?" Infinity gives rise to space, eternity - time, substance - matter ", but this is the triplicity of the Universe. But in turn, the triplicity is manifested in space - length, height, width; and in time - past, present, future; and in substance - soul, energy, matter, and this is the law of Fractality, that is, one of the seven Universal laws.wisdom - in spirit. So what is a trinity? “Infinity gives rise to space, eternity - time, substance - matter”, but this is the triplicity of the Universe. But in turn, the triplicity manifests itself in space - length, height, width; and time is past, present, future; and substance has soul, energy, matter. And this is the law of Fractality, that is, one of the seven Universal laws.wisdom - in spirit. So what is a trinity? “Infinity gives rise to space, eternity - time, substance - matter”, but this is the triplicity of the Universe. But in turn, the triplicity manifests itself in space - length, height, width; and time is past, present, future; and substance has soul, energy, matter. And this is the law of Fractality, that is, one of the seven Universal laws.