"Lessons Of Tolerance" - A Real Threat Of Decomposition Of The Spiritual And Moral Image Of The Suvorovites - Alternative View

"Lessons Of Tolerance" - A Real Threat Of Decomposition Of The Spiritual And Moral Image Of The Suvorovites - Alternative View
"Lessons Of Tolerance" - A Real Threat Of Decomposition Of The Spiritual And Moral Image Of The Suvorovites - Alternative View

Video: "Lessons Of Tolerance" - A Real Threat Of Decomposition Of The Spiritual And Moral Image Of The Suvorovites - Alternative View

Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

“A soldier should be healthy, brave, firm, resolute, truthful, pious.

Pray to God! from Him victory. The miracle of the heroes, God leads us, He is our general"

A. V. Suvorov

On May 16, the so-called psychological cafe "Tolerance" began its work at the legendary Suvorov School in Moscow. As part of the decade of psychology, an event was held under the motto: "We are all so different, but still we are together!" The organizer of the event was the company psychologist Irina Borisovna Filippova.

We bring to your attention the opinion of Dmitry Nesterov, member of the Council of the Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education and Science) of the Russian Federation on cadet education, Chairman of the Moscow Suvorovtsy RPO, regarding the inculcation of tolerance among the Suvorovites …

Club "Tolerance" in the Moscow Suvorov military school, "lessons of tolerance" - a real threat of decomposition of the spiritual and moral image of the Suvorovites, and hence the future officer corps of the Russian army.

What is the danger if we are assured that in these lessons the pupils will only be taught to tolerate people of a different culture, race or nationality, other religious views, those who adhere to a different ideology?

The fact is that in information-psychological warfare, one of the most important tasks is that the enemy is trying to impose meanings and concepts alien to his society, thereby undermining the system of traditional spiritual and moral values, which should ultimately lead to self-destruction of a society subjected to attack.

Promotional video:

Aggressive imposition of such a concept as "tolerance" in Europe before our eyes leads to a complete erosion of moral norms and spiritual decay of society, which, under the guise of notorious tolerance, was imposed indifference to its own culture and traditions, tolerance for any sins and vices, which leads to the inevitable degradation of many European countries. We see how, behind the calls for tolerance, certain forces hide the imposition of a liberal model of development and cosmopolitanism on all countries, which should lead to the disappearance of sovereign nation states, the loss of peoples' own identity.

In our time, liberals, accusing opponents of a lack of tolerance, no longer pose as a norm tolerance towards racial, national or religious minorities, but towards minorities of a different kind, such vices and sins that are categorically rejected by all Russian society, representatives of all traditional Russian religious denominations.

“Tolerance” is a Western term that originated in liberal society. Tolerance implies the ability for all members of a liberal society to organize their lives so as not to interfere with each other to achieve success in any way and strives for comfort. We see how in modern liberal society the concept of the equivalence of any point of view is being established, the understanding of freedom as permissiveness, and the erosion of moral norms is taking place.

Tolerance is indifferent to the concepts of good or bad, under the guise of tolerance for other people's views, it claims the absence of clear criteria for good and evil. A tolerant person, in accordance with liberal ideology, should be indifferent to sin, perversion and corruption of other people, i.e. to everything that does not concern him personally. At the same time, he himself can do all this, demanding tolerance towards himself from others.

What is happening in a society to which tolerance is imposed can be judged by thinking about the origin of this term, which was transferred from medicine to sociology: “Tolerance is a medical term, taken from transplantology and means the body's inability to distinguish foreign organs. This state is achieved by the gradual suppression of the body's immune system by toxic substances, leading it to apathy and indifference. Complete tolerance is death …”.

Tolerance presupposes a tolerant attitude towards sexual perversion, betrayal, money-grubbing, adultery and child molestation. In Western countries, homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals, transvestites and pedophiles are happy to serve in the army, developing a total dictatorship of tolerance for their perversions, and on November 16 every year they celebrate the International Day of Tolerance, urging normal people to tolerate their pathology and sodomy sin.

Before our eyes, in recent decades, during the liberal experiment of Russia, alien values were imposed on Russia, incompatible with the spiritual and moral traditions of our civilization, the national organism was oppressed with the help of the media with such poisonous substances as the cult of the golden calf, the desire to make money on human vices and weaknesses. In Russia, gambling clubs, slot machines and casinos, night clubs multiplied, the porn industry appeared, and drug addiction spread. Our country at the end of the 90s was on the verge of decay and death. But fortunately, our people failed to impose apathy and indifference to the fate of the country.

With the return to the native harbor of Sevastopol, irreversible changes have occurred in our society, the patriotism and spirit of self-respect characteristic of our people have revived. The aggression against the Russian World in Ukraine, the declared economic war on us, dispelled the last illusions in Russian society about how the collective West treats Russia.

So why, at this time, continue to act according to the recipes that were imposed on our people during the years of the liberal pogrom?

Why in the Russian education system, especially in the Suvorov military schools, impose concepts that were created to destroy the traditional values of Russian society?

We regard the lessons of tolerance in the Suvorov military schools and cadet corps as an attempt to undermine the traditions and foundations of the cadet movement.

Let us recall that in Russia they have never known such a thing as tolerance. But in the Russian Empire, all the peoples who were mentioned by Nestor the Chronicler were safely preserved. All subjects of the Russian Empire enjoyed equal rights, in contrast to the population of the colonies of the British Empire and the colonial possessions of other European countries. The ruling elite of peoples who were included in the Russian state received equal rights with the Russian nobility. In Russia, they have never known manifestations of racial intolerance, there was no religious persecution.

In Russia, they did not know "tolerance", but there has always been religious tolerance and respect for the customs and culture of all peoples that make up the Russian Empire. In the officer corps of the Russian Imperial Army, Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Roman Catholics and Lutherans served together and fought shoulder to shoulder against the enemies of the Fatherland. In the same way, future officers were brought up in cadet corps and military schools. These traditions of respect and friendship of all the peoples of the country were preserved in the Soviet Union, which was clearly manifested during the years of the Great Patriotic War.

The spiritual traditions on which Russia was built, which has a thousand-year-old Orthodox Christian culture, is the principle of love and respect for the culture and identity of all peoples of our country. Thanks to such a moral foundation, Russia has become a great power, stretching from the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean, and 190 peoples and ethnic groups, including the smallest, live in our country today. And they all enjoy equal rights.

There is no need to teach our people a kind of "tolerance". Our children should be brought up on the millennial spiritual and moral values of the Russian civilization, in the spirit of love and self-respect, to be patriots of their country, always ready to defend the Fatherland and their people.

PS Analyzing the inculcation of "tolerance" in the cadet institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, one is amazed at the childish naivety (or complete incompetence) of the responsible persons who are destroying the spiritual and moral core of the Russian Army to please the enemies of the Fatherland.

The letter is addressed to military and civil servants, citizens of the Russian Federation, to assess and make decisions on personal participation in protecting our children from the harmful effects of foreign psychotechnologies.

Respectfully, Member of the Council of the Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education)

Russian Federation for cadet education, Chairman of the RPO "Moscow Suvorovtsy"

Dmitry Nesterov
