UFO - The First Liquidator Of The Chernobyl Accident? - Alternative View

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UFO - The First Liquidator Of The Chernobyl Accident? - Alternative View
UFO - The First Liquidator Of The Chernobyl Accident? - Alternative View

Video: UFO - The First Liquidator Of The Chernobyl Accident? - Alternative View

Video: UFO - The First Liquidator Of The Chernobyl Accident? - Alternative View
Video: Chernobyl. "Inseparable" Movie (English subtitles) 2024, July

In the photo: UFO over the reactor.

As you know, the explosion of the reactor of the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on the night of April 26, 1986 at 01:26. The Chernobyl victims, awakened by the explosion, saw the glow, but among the thousands of participants in the events of that terrible night there are hundreds of witnesses who saw an unidentified flying object in the sky above the burning fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant …

Four years later, in August 1990, the author of these lines managed to track down the person who had been alerted on that tragic night. This person is Mikhail Andreevich Varitsky, senior dosimetrist of the Chernobyl Dosimetric Control Department (UDC), who worked and lived there from the very beginning of the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The author has written evidence from M. A. Varitsky, where it is said that on the night of April 26, 1986, he was alerted and with his companion UDC dosimetrist Mikhail Samoilenko was sent to the Chernobyl NPP area. The group was in the line of sight of the fourth block at 4:15 am. Seeing how the reactor of the power unit, torn apart by the explosion, was blazing, and feeling a burning sensation (they did not have protective equipment with them, and the device was "off scale"), professional dosimetrists, understanding the threat of radiation,decided to abandon the immediate execution of the task and return to the base for protective equipment.

They had already started to turn the car around when suddenly … Then we cite the affidavit of M. A. Varitsky “We saw a bright brass-colored fireball slowly floating in the sky. It was 6-8 meters in diameter. We again made measurements, switching the scale of the device to another range, the device showed 3000 milliroentgen / hour.

Suddenly, two searchlights flashed on the ball. Two bright crimson beams were directed at the reactor of the fourth block. The object was located at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the reactor. All this lasted about three minutes. The searchlights suddenly went out, and the ball slowly swam north-west, towards Belarus. Here we again turned our attention to the device. He already showed 800 milliroentgen / hour. We could not explain what happened, and therefore we sinned on the device, believing that it had deteriorated. However, when we returned to the base and checked it, the device turned out to be operational. Of course, estimates by M. Varitsky and M. Samoilenko of the dimensions of the object and the distance from it to the reactor are subjective, since here we can only talk about angular dimensions and values, and not about linear ones. However, the readings of a working device and clock are objective facts,and we have the right to rely on them as documented evidence that on the night of the accident, an unidentified flying object that appeared in the sky almost three hours after the explosion practically extinguished the smeared atomic explosion, knocking down the radiation from 3000 to 800 milliroentgens per hour. The rest was completed with great difficulty and human casualties by the Kiev firefighters.

It's scary to even imagine the scale of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident from which we were saved by an unknown object that came to the rescue in time. It is significant that until April 1986 over the territories adjacent to Chernobyl and subsequently exposed to hard radiation from radioactive dust, UFOs were observed quite rarely (over Kiev over the previous thirty years, from 1956 to 1986, only four cases were recorded), but since summer In 1986, strange luminous objects of UFO hovering over residential areas appeared in the sky, their patrol flights and maneuvers began to be massive.

On September 18, 1988, a resident of Kiev, Vadim Shevchuk, observed two luminous objects hovering over the reactor tube of the Kiev Institute of Nuclear Research. According to his description, these UFOs looked exactly the same as the object observed by M. Varnitsky and M. Samoilenko over the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the night of the accident on September 16, 1989, at the fourth power unit, malfunctions were again noted, accompanied by emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere. A few hours later, a doctor working in Chernobyl, Iva Gospina, observed an object in the sky above the station, which she describes as "amber" or "golden" in the photograph depicts a UFO, identified by I. Gospina as an object she had observed over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in September 1989.

A year later, in October 1990, Chernobyl nuclear scientist Alexander Krymov, who lives in Slavutich, photographed a UFO from the window of his apartment hanging over the houses of nuclear scientists. The picture given here was handed over to the author of these lines personally and is published in the periodicals for the first time on October 11, 1991 at 20 09 hours a fire broke out at the second power unit of the Chernobyl NPP. During the fire, the roof over the electric generator partially collapsed.

Five days later, on October 16, Vladimir Savran, a photojournalist for the Echo of Chernobyl newspaper, was filming. However, when Vladimir developed the filmed film, there was a UFO hanging over the hole in the roof. resembling an object that Iva Gospina saw above the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, only photographed not from the side, but from below. In the November issue of the Echo of Chernobyl newspaper, where this picture was first published, the following editorial commentary is given: Savran. Specialists who, at the request of the editorial board, have already carefully studied the negative, do not allow any falsification. Direct participation of UFOs in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as their increased interest not only in nuclear power facilities,but also to the post-Chernobyl Kiev, suggests that after April 1986, “they” continue to provide Kiev and Chernobyl with some kind of tacit, unknown assistance.