Traces Of The Millennium War - Alternative View

Traces Of The Millennium War - Alternative View
Traces Of The Millennium War - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Millennium War - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Millennium War - Alternative View

The author has found answers to questions that are of great interest to many: where did the name "Europe" come from, and why was Asia artificially divided into 2 parts of the world - Europe and Asia? It turned out that this was not without the machinations of the churchmen …


If you want to hide something well, put it in the most visible place. The masters of historical forgery did just that. The borderline of a long confrontation between two civilizations - the Vedic and the parasitic - which could not be “crammed under the carpet”, now flaunts on all geographical maps, but we do not notice it.

This is how it happens in life. It seems that everything is already clear in the surrounding world. No surprises, and suddenly … An inquisitive child asks: What is Europe? This is not a country or a continent, but what then?

Since in geography I have never been below four, I immediately give out the answer: - Europe is part of the world; continent Eurasia is divided into Europe and Asia. And then a worm of doubt begins to swarm inside. And on what basis is the geographically undivided territory of a single continent designated as a part of the world ?! So, of course, we already know that Asia is Asia - the country of the Ases. But there must be a plausibly cobbled together official version. It can't be that we were bred so cheap!


When trying to clarify where that came from, the clear system of geographical representations begins to treacherously blur. Just some kind of magic. Morok. Parts of the world from school were presented to us as a "geographical concept". This is the largest division of land, including even the continents (both Americas are one part of the world). But, it turns out, no! Although they don't tell us about this at school, according to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:

Parts of the world, the historically established division of the Earth's land into regions …

Promotional video:

Wikipedia is even weirder:

And further:

So why are parts of the world studied in geography and not history?

Therefore, apparently, according to the initial concept, it was about geography, and only very recently the wind has changed. Judge for yourself. There are six parts of the world - America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and Oceania, Europe, Asia. Much of this division is geographically very logical. Part of the world America is, in fact, a single continent with adjoining island territories. The Panama Canal artificially divided North and South America only in 1913. Before that, both Americas were completely one continent. With Africa, Antarctica, Australia and the adjacent archipelagos of Oceania, everything also fits into geographical logic.

But with Europe and Asia, all geographic logic disappears completely. They fall out of this series. In turn, Antarctica falls out of the historical and cultural definition. Who is the bearer of the historical and cultural tradition there? Maybe penguins. So it turns out that this definition has been given a historical and cultural flavor in recent times. Not until the end of the 19th century. This can be seen from the work of researchers of that time.

It turns out that even then there were people who were struck by the absurdity of dividing our continent into two parts of the world. The publicist, naturalist and geopolitician Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky in 1869 wrote the work “Russia and Europe. A look at the cultural and political relations of the Slavic world to the German-Romanesque. Here is what is there on the question of interest to us:

And here it is difficult to disagree with Danilevsky. It is also obvious that in his time there were no historical and cultural definitions of a part of the world at all. It was then only about geography. At the end of his work, Nikolai Yakovlevich despaired of finding a rational explanation for this and attributed this incident to mistakes and old habits. But today we know more. I think everyone will agree with me that the fact of forgery is obvious. But to clear up this centuries-old heap of lies, you need to plunge into the origins of the issue. All the most ancient and secret is in words and names. Let's start with them.

Europe - what is this word?



Heap is small. Although this is the most common version, it is extremely implausible. Who in the 9 … 14 centuries was interested in France, Germany, etc. the lustful adventures of a locally revered Greek god to call his land that way? Let's take a look at the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (hereinafter TSB):

Let's say "presumably west", although getting Europe out of the erebus is not easy. But to the west of the Aegean Sea we have only Italy and Spain. And after a millennium, on the maps of the 15th century, Europe already flaunts almost in its modern borders. In fact, it doesn't matter what the Greeks or even the Romans called this or that. Europeans are not Greeks. Different place and different eras. There must be someone else who assigned a single name to the western territories by the 15th century. And he is in no hurry to gain fame. Therefore, tales of lustful bulls and girls are launched.

It is obvious that by the 15th century a certain unified political force had spread its influence over the western territories of Eurasia so much that it united them with a single name - Europe. And despite the fact that there were many different states, they all found themselves in a dependent position. This force could only be the Catholic Church, and it remains silent. However, everyone knows that the official language of the Catholic Church was originally Latin. If she appropriated any name, it was in Latin.

What do you think means euro in Latin? Get ready for a sharp turn - in Latin it means EAST! It's easy to check:

eurus, im (Greek; lat.vulturnus)

1) eur, southeast wind L, Sen etc.;

2) poet. east wind, also. storm H, V, St; wind (in general): primo sub euro Lcn at the first gust of wind;

3) poet. east VF, Cld.

euro – aquilo, onis m [eurus] - north-east wind Vlg.

eurocircias, ae m (Greek) - east-south-east wind Vtr

euronotus, im (Greek) - south-south-east wind Col, PM.

eurous, a, um [eurus] - eastern (fluctus V).

For those who are not sure that Europe is directly related to the Latin East, I will give the spelling of this word in Latin:

Europa, ae and Europe, es (acc.en) f - Europe.

Euro - pa (pars - part. Lat.) - Eastern part.

This is much closer than erebus, both in place and in time. And most importantly, not just similar - identical. It remains to be understood why Catholics should call the western lands east.

Very simple. This is for us - they are Western. But the spread of the influence of Catholics in the countries of Europe took place from west to east. And since the process of etching Vedic culture is not a quick business and is still unfinished, the new lands captured by the Catholics were called the east for a long time (in their Latin jargon). These are the very vast areas that are today called Europe (France, Germany, Poland, the Baltic countries, etc.).

It is important to note here that the name Europe is clearly of political origin.

Asia - what a word. TSB states:

Again, this is unscientific - "probably." Both incredible and unlikely. And in general, in the Greek language the word East - Ανατολή (trnskrp. Anatoli) is. Why do you need to introduce someone else's designation for the side of the World?

Wikipedia reports:

Assuva and Assiya, as it is generally written in all European languages, are not very similar words. Yes, and it is not clear why King Asia was so distinguished to call a whole part of the world by his name?

Nothing would have cleared up, but the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus described some Ases-Alans. And these Asses dwelt in that very Asia. Despite the unhealthy addiction of the scientific elite to distorted Assyrian words, it should be admitted that there is simply no more obvious hypothesis today. Again, it is clear that geography is far from the main thing here. Asia, this is a political entity - the country of Ases. Its boundaries are outlined not by seas and mountain ranges, but by wars and treaties. This means that the name of the part of the world Asia, like Europe, has a clearly political origin.

Now at least something is clear. But one big question arose: How did the political division of our continent turn into such an absurd geographical, and then for some reason into a historical and cultural one?

It was so by all indications. A thousand years ago, with the onset of the Night of Svarog, the process of seizing and uniting territories and peoples took place in the western territories. When the peoples could not be brought into conformity, they were completely destroyed. Thus, the multimillion-strong tribal unions of Lyutichi and Venedi, inhabiting all western lands, were destroyed. Broken peoples were mostly left in Europe. This, by all definitions, was genocide. A real massacre. A certain political force, the manifestation of which we observe in the actions of the Catholic Church, divided peoples into pieces, pitted against each other, weakened in civil strife. Then this same force gathered all the peoples under its control into a single fist, and threw it into the destruction of the rest. Everything was accompanied by the planting of Christianity.

After that same power was established in the ashes, the Age of Renaissance was needed. But the revival of their own, and not Greek or Roman culture, as historians usually explain. Europe could accept Greek or Roman culture, introduce anything, just not revive it.

So by fire, sword, lies and betrayal, the "peaceful" Catholic religion - ideology - way of life - another civilization was cut into the living body of the peoples of the West. The civilization of slavery, lies, luxury and poverty. An ideal habitat for social parasites. And they called it - Europe (eastern part). And then it sounded arrogant and contemptuous, like the Nazi Ostland (eastern lands).

It is inherently not a self-sufficient civilization. She always needed more sacrifices to keep her alive. When they finished eating their slaves, they went to seize neighboring peoples. And there was an abundance - free Asia.

Asia is the home of peoples, the bearers of the original, Vedic civilization, where there has never been slavery and poverty, where everything was created by one's own labor, where will and skill were valued above gold. This is our civilization, Ases or Asian, as they are now trying to alter and reverse the meaning. Not Chinese, not Mongolian or Japanese, but ours.

This is where the dog is buried. Asia has always actively resisted European expansion. In the 13th century, the Moscow principality and others were cleared of the slave infection (supposedly the Tatar-Mongol invasion). At the same time, the "Drang nach Osten" - an onslaught to the east was stopped. The strike forces of Europe went under the ice of Lake Peipsi.

But already in the 17th century the territories, long weakened by Christianization, could not resist. The principality of Moscow and its subjects began to be indicated on maps as European Tartary, or simply Europe. The front in the war of civilizations crept to the east. In 1720, Tatishchev allegedly proposed to draw the border between Europe and Asia along the Ural Mountains. At that time it was precisely the political border of the two WORLDS.

The pressure to the east continued. In 1775, as a result of the defeat of the liberation army of Asia (Great Tartary), which we know as the "Pugachev Uprising", the European civilization of slavery and profit overcame the remnants of organized resistance. Having hastily staked out the occupied territories, the newly-made "Russian Empire" began to clean up the traces of the great confrontation. On the inside, it was technically easy. For example, the captured papers of the Pugachev headquarters (decrees, orders, letters) were reliably hidden from prying eyes. Propaganda did the rest.


A. S. Pushkin, after only 50 years, through great pull, gained access to these papers. And this is another question - what was shown to him? At least those texts that are published by modern researchers (I don't know where they get them from) are full of the words “my loyal slaves”. But could a person write such a thing, who brought freedom to people, and communicated with them on an equal footing? At least, I have not yet managed to find the originals of even these supposedly Pugachev decrees.

They cleaned it up so thoroughly that already in the 18th century, the elite of new generations fawned like puppies in front of “enlightened Europe” and despised the dirty, dark Asian garbage heap, in the form of which they imagined undeveloped Russia. But the traces of the great confrontation too firmly entered the circulation all over the world, were preserved in names, in different languages, laid down on the maps. How to hide it?

This is where geography came to the rescue. The then European geographers were very practical and involved in big politics people. They hardly resembled the Paganels. Therefore, they lied easily and competently. Everything that used to separate two civilizations (armies, states, treaties) has gone into oblivion. Great generals became bearded robbers, empires turned into a gathering of warring princelings, big cities - into recently felled guard fortresses. And in geography, 2 new parts of the world appeared.

According to the authors of the forgery, not only the political background of the issue should be hidden from the Russians, but also from the whole world, and first of all - from the Europeans. They shouldn't know that the many supposedly independent European states are just a sign. It cannot be shown that the whole of Europe is governed by one power and the forgotten Vedic traditions cannot be revived. After all, the conquest of Europe is not over to this day.

And where two civilizations opposed each other, only a geographical border remained. She does not have patrols and guard regiments. There are silent mountains, rivers flow, and they don't care. You can look at the border between Europe and Asia from this side, then run across and look from the other. No one will say a word. That's how they left it for the time being.

Only a century has passed, and Danilevsky is sincerely surprised at the geographical absurdity. It never occurs to him to ponder the political interpretation of the name Eurasia. But the years passed, and there were more and more such Danilevskys. General education, be it wrong. Fursenko will not allow this in the future. Geographers have degenerated into armchair conditions. Politicians have almost wiped them off from the "fresh meat". They lost their wolf grip. Ordinary mortals began to argue with them and ask uncomfortable questions. So there was an urgent need to patch up the official version. And specialists-liars of the highest qualification began to lay a new layer of lies on the geographic crypt of Asia-Tartaria, which gave numerous cracks.

It was necessary to come up with anything, but not a political confrontation between two civilizations. So they started spinning around some kind of historical, well-established traditions. Then they realized that the whole history is inseparable from politics, and turned into a cultural channel. It is with this "historical and cultural" that they are now glossing over.

While writing this article, I encountered an interesting phenomenon. The authorities of the regions along which the border of Europe and Asia passes do not know what to do with this attraction. They are trying to find commercial use: excursions, etc. But something, apparently, the business is not working out. Not very interesting for people. It would probably be exciting and informative if you tell them the truth, but making money on the blood and valor of your ancestors will still not work.

Author: Alexey Artemiev