Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View

Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View
Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View

Video: Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View

Video: Why Scythia And Siberia? - Alternative View
Video: Are the Xiongnu the descendants of the Scythians and the ancestors of the Huns, Avars, Magyars? 2024, October

An important milestone in the history of the development of the peoples of the East was the 18th century BC, when a grandiose war took place in the territory from the Indian to the Northern Oceans and from Africa and the Urals to Malaysia and Yakutia. The peoples of a highly developed civilization lived in these territories. In this war, flying chariots, divine plasma weapons (similar to the "Tunguska explosion" of 1908), iron works were used. Many cities and peoples were destroyed on the territory of India and Siberia, which is reported in the ancient Indian legend "Mahabharata".

After the end of this war, the leaders of the northern peoples decided to create the Union of Confederate and federal (multinational) associations - "SKiF". This decision was made by the states in the middle course of the Ob River at the mouth of the Tim River. The high priests of the SKIF'ii were in this area. The peoples that were part of the SKiF'ia were located in the territories from the Northern Black Sea coast to the Indigirka River in Yakutia. On the maps of Muscovy and Europe of the 16th century, the Scythians continued to be indicated on both sides of the Urals.

He reported about the Scythian peoples in the 5th century BC. Greek historian Herodotus.


At about the same time, the compilers of the Bible called the inhabitants of the northern regions of Siberia the peoples of Magog and Gog (Gospel XXXVIII, 263 …). Ezekiel reports that "Magog" means - northern peoples.

In Chinese sources of the 8th century A. D. territories to the north of China were called Great Magolia (from "Magog").

In the Vatican and medieval Europe until the 17th century, the territory of the empire of Genghis Khan was also called the "Great Magolia", and its large multi-tribal population was called the Mughals, like the names of the peoples "French", "Spaniards", "English", etc.

Since the 17th century. the word "Magolia" for some reason was replaced by "Mongolia", and the people began to be called Mongols.

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The origin of the word Tatars is also mysterious, by which many ancient peoples in our country are called today.

The Chinese chroniclers called all the diverse sedentary and nomadic peoples who lived in the Great Steppe north of China as Tartars. On the maps of Muscovy of the 16th century, the territories on both sides of the Urals are designated as "Tartaria". From the 17th century on the maps of Muscovy, Vatican and Europe, the name "Tartary" was replaced by "Tartary". With the advent of the Christian religion, there have been many changes and renaming in historical documents and on maps of Russia. By changing even one letter in the name (addition or deletion) of the country, peoples, etc. their semantic meaning in the energy-informational layers changes, which leads to the interruption of historical and spiritual ties. All this took place with the participation of new religions.
