The Emergence Of Species Of Animals From Nowhere Is One Of The Facts - Alternative View

The Emergence Of Species Of Animals From Nowhere Is One Of The Facts - Alternative View
The Emergence Of Species Of Animals From Nowhere Is One Of The Facts - Alternative View

Video: The Emergence Of Species Of Animals From Nowhere Is One Of The Facts - Alternative View

Video: The Emergence Of Species Of Animals From Nowhere Is One Of The Facts - Alternative View
Video: If higher dimensions exist, they aren't what you think | Exploring Worlds Beyond Our Own 2024, September

This is more likely not only history, but also biology, although this is not the main thing. Various sources give different numbers of known species of living creatures on Earth, somewhere it is several million, in others more than 10 million, but the point is different, where did all these species come from?

I have repeatedly asked myself this question and the explanation of scientists sounds quite funny. Thus, according to scientists, everything appeared through evolution, but where did the first forms from which evolution came from? Although I believe that there is no evolution as such, in principle, this is another story.

And by the way, in this example, you can take plants, because they also appeared from somewhere? But I will focus on the animals. According to the official known information, the oldest animal footprints on Earth were estimated at a billion years, and already the real tracks in the form of fossils and other remains were estimated at 600 million years.


An example is a person. I don't think it's worth talking about monkeys, since now hardly anyone believes this version. Suppose a person emerged from a living cell brought from outer space or any of the existing theories of the appearance of a person will go here, then one question - where did animals come from?

Once I read in general that one of the scientists put forward a version that says about the appearance of all animals at the same time, it's funny, isn't it? They just took it and appeared out of nowhere.


You can also overlook the fact that scientists do not know anything at all about the appearance of various forms of life on Earth. But even now, for example, no one knows where, for example, did amphibians come from?

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According to the studies of scientists, there were many species of amphibians at once, but from where? And if we assume that fish descended from amphibians, and not vice versa?


As for the animals that existed on land, then for some reason the "great evolution" immediately gave everyone developed limbs and, in general, everything for a comfortable life.

And so you can go on for a long time, asking these endless questions, but the conclusion is one - we do not know anything about the appearance of life on Earth.

And even if a person appeared from a cosmic body that arrived on Earth, millions of other life forms could not fly with him, this is not a “space train” with various creatures, but an accident, which is purely theoretically possible.


By the way, it is also worth mentioning that after the supposed extinction of the dinosaurs, new groups of mammals appeared, but from where? - Unknown.

Some species of animals appeared not so long ago, and something appears now, but from where? Scientists simply cannot explain, since no ancestors from whom something was transmitted and the so-called "evolution" took place, often simply cannot be found.


Where do I want to bring all this? I cannot believe in the randomness of the emergence of a variety of life forms in the most diverse, convenient habitats for them. Everything looks like it was created in the first place, from the smallest to the largest animals. Starting from the habitat of water and land, ending with air and even volcanoes, because creatures also live there.

The same applies to humans. No evolution in so many forms of life could simply exist, purely out of common sense, this is unrealistic.


As a result, one can only guess where all the animals on Earth came from, but the official "scientists", it seems to me, are even close to the wrong direction, which is "correct".