Leva Fedotov's Diary - Alternative View

Leva Fedotov's Diary - Alternative View
Leva Fedotov's Diary - Alternative View

Video: Leva Fedotov's Diary - Alternative View

Video: Leva Fedotov's Diary - Alternative View
Video: ЛЕВ ФЕДОТОВ - советский ШКОЛЬНИК-ПРОРОК из дома на Набережной, и маятник Исаакиевского собора. 2024, September

A soothsayer is a person who predicts the future. He tells other people what will happen to them in a week, in a month, in a year, or in many, many years. How he succeeds - no one can explain. The origins of such an unusual gift lie in areas of foggy and mysterious, into which the human brain cannot penetrate. Therefore, everyone can only listen with reverence to the words broadcasting about future wars, deaths and tragedies, and sometimes (though rarely) about wealth, happiness and prosperity.

There are many such soothsayers in the world. Some of them really have a great gift, but most pretend to be involved in such a sacrament. To determine right away - who is real and who is not - is a rather difficult task. Sometimes people learn about the amazing abilities of a person only after his death, after years, decades, or even centuries.

Among such an unusual audience, there are names that are on everyone's lips. The predictions of these people are printed in magazines and newspapers; they are controversial on television, discussed on the street or at home with their families. Sometimes they write thick books in which, analyzing the tortuous life path of the hero, they try to get to the bottom of the truth and get an answer to the only question - how did he manage it.

Alas, this is a secret with seven seals. Its owners seem to be inaccessible, distant, mysterious people; a kind of aura of romantic admiration and veneration hovers around them. It does not weaken over time, but even, on the contrary, intensifies, reborn into beautiful myths and legends.

The simple Soviet boy Lev Fedotov did not avoid such an attitude towards himself. Precisely Soviet, since he was born on January 10, 1923 in the family of a responsible party worker. His father served the communist regime in good faith, and therefore received an apartment in the "House on the Naberezhnaya".

This huge building covers an area of 400 thousand square meters. meters and is located in the center of Moscow in Zamoskvorechye. Just opposite, on the other side of the Moskva River, the towers of the Kremlin rise, creating around themselves a unique atmosphere of a distant historical era that made Russia great and with a sense of accomplishment sunk into eternity.

Lev moved into this house in 1932. Three years later, his father died in Altai, carrying out some important task of the party, and the family was left without a breadwinner. The regime allocated a pension for the deceased, but it was small, although it was a significant appendage to the mother's small salary.

At first, there was enough for food and modest clothes, but then, in order to continue his studies in high school, which in those years was paid, the boy had to earn money by collecting scrap metal, waste paper and earning money in every possible way. This is nothing special: during the described period of time, many lived like this.

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Lyova looked like a strong youth, but he was prone to epileptic seizures, and myopia developed from sitting for a long time at books. The books endowed him with extensive knowledge in completely different areas of human activity. He was well versed in technology, studied music, knew literature well, loved poetry very much. I also tried to write myself, perfecting the literary style on fantastic stories.

A large and noisy company of boys and girls always gathered in the courtyard of the Government House. They were all children of high-ranking party workers. The communist regime that seized power in the country considered that the people most loyal to it, the leaders of the highest ranks, should not live anyhow, but almost in communism, despite the fact that it would take a very long time to reach it.

House on Bersenevskaya Embankment, where Leva Fedotov lived
House on Bersenevskaya Embankment, where Leva Fedotov lived

House on Bersenevskaya Embankment, where Leva Fedotov lived.

Already in those years, Moscow stood out in its importance from the mass of Russian cities. Above the capital itself, the gray bulk of the "Government House" rose. Its architectural forms had nothing to do with other buildings, as if emphasizing their uniqueness and exclusivity.

In the pre-war period, most Muscovites huddled in communal apartments and barracks without basic amenities. In a cozy communist paradise, each family lived in spacious apartments with a bath, toilet, cold and hot water.

It is not known whether Lev felt a sense of superiority towards people who did not have the honor to live in his house, but judging by the entries in his diary, thoughts of this kind did not enter the head of this young man at all. The guy was occupied with completely different problems - they excited his brain, soul, and then were reflected on the sheets of the student's notebook.

There were several such notebooks, it was they who made up the very diary that later glorified Lyova Fedotov and put his name on a par with the most famous soothsayers of human civilization.

The boy's courtyard friends contributed to such fame. They were completely devoid of the arrogance of the barchuk and contempt for the world behind the walls of a huge gray building. These were the children of their era, sincerely believing in equality, brotherhood, in a wonderful, unclouded bright future of all mankind, which was about to come.

Yura Trifonov was Lev Fedotov's best friend. They studied in different classes (Leva was older), but the age difference did not play any role, since they were united by a common cause. The guys were engaged in the release of the school wall newspaper.

Frequent arguments and discussions during work made Yura pay attention to the interesting train of his comrade's thoughts. Lyova always reasoned outside the box, and some of his statements were simply surprising.

So one day the guys gathered after lessons in the red corner. The year 1938 was nearing the end and it was necessary to post the New Year's wall newspaper the next day. In between, a dispute arose about flights to Mars. At that time, everyone was raving about the red planet. Astronomers saw some incomprehensible channels on it, and a hypothesis arose about the existence of intelligent life on this distant cosmic object.

Leva smiled and said: “It would be nice to organize a flight to Mars for the New Year. Only in the absence of flyovers and detonating powder, this flight is canceled. It is expected in America in 1969."

As you know, the American manned spacecraft Apollo 11 was launched on July 16, 1969 at 13 hours 32 minutes GMT. He landed on the Moon 76 hours after launch. The boy was mistaken, only in one thing: instead of a satellite of the Earth, he named the red planet.

An interesting incident also occurred in the late spring of 1939. The boys were sitting on a bench in the yard when a dispute arose between them about infectious diseases. Someone argued that there is nothing worse than cholera, someone called "Spanish flu", some voted for the plague. At the same time, everyone agreed that with the current successes of medicine, there would be no more terrible epidemics.

Leva shook his head negatively and remarked: “The worst epidemic will come at the end of this century. But people will not die from any particular infection, but from the most common diseases that the body cannot fight, because its internal defenses will be destroyed."

For the last two decades of the 20th century, AIDS has raged on the planet. The echoes of this terrible disease are heard in the 21st century. True, now it is hiding, hiding in the bodies of people, turning them into HIV infected. But activation can occur at any moment, and then millions will die.

In the summer of the same year, Yura Trofimov had a sharp turn in fate. His father was arrested as an "enemy of the people" and shot. Mother and sister were exiled. The boy himself, along with his grandmother, was forced to leave Moscow. He never saw Leva Fedotov again.

Many years later. Yura became the famous writer Yuri Valentinovich Trifonov (1925-1981). The rays of glory did not spoil the character of a person who endured the hardest life trials on his shoulders. One day a bell rang in his apartment, and the voice on the other end of the line seemed vaguely familiar.

The caller identified himself as Mikhail Pavlovich Korshunov. Yuri Valentinovich immediately remembered the "House of Government", a noisy gang of children, Lev Fedotov and his best friend Mishka. The guys sat at the same desk and were, one might say, not spilling water. The writer warmed his soul from the surging memories and offered to meet. His caller did not mind, and two days later the men shook hands right in front of the fundamental walls of the famous house.

Mikhail Korshunov was not looking for communication under the influence of a sentimental impulse. He brought with him several thin student notebooks, explaining that this is Leva Fedotov's diary. The mother of a friend, Agrippina Nikolaevna, gave them to him just before her death. Her son, hiding epilepsy, volunteered for the front and died on June 25, 1943. He died stupidly and absurdly, in the rear section, from a bomb from a German bomber.

Already at home, Yuri Valentinovich carefully examined the notes made in small but legible handwriting, and was shocked. What Leva Fedotov wrote about did not fit into any framework. Two and a half weeks before the start of the war, the young man indicated the exact date of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union. He accurately described the course of hostilities until January 1942.

Loew writes on June 5, 1941: “Although Germany is now on friendly terms with us, I am firmly convinced (and this is also known to everyone) that this is only an appearance. These guesses of mine are confirmed by the fact that German troops occupied Bulgaria and Romania with particular intensity, sending their divisions there.

When the Germans landed in Finland in May, I firmly gained confidence that the Germans were secretly preparing an attack on our country from not only the former Poland, but also from Romania, Bulgaria and Finland.

The fact that Germany conceived to use the territories of Finland and Romania as a springboard for an attack on the USSR is very clever and expedient on her part, unfortunately, of course, one must add, owning a strong military machine, she has the full ability to stretch the eastern front from the ice of the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea waves.

Thus, it is only a matter of the longitude of the concentration of troops. It is clear that the concentration will end by summer and, clearly afraid to oppose us in the winter, in order to avoid meeting with the Russian frosts, the Nazis will try to drag us into the war in the summer. I think that the war will begin either on June 20 or 22, but not later, for it is clear that the Germans will strive to end the war before the frost.

I am personally firmly convinced that this will be the last insolent step of the German despots, since they will not defeat us before winter, and our winter will completely finish them off. The fact that the Germans are afraid of our winter - this I know as well as the fact that victory will be ours!

Victory is a victory, but the fact that we can lose a lot of territory in the first half of the war is possible. We, as a socialist country that puts human life above all else, can, in order to avoid large human losses, by retreating, give the Germans some part of our territory, knowing that it is better to sacrifice parts of the land than people, because that land, in the end, can it will be, and we will be recaptured and returned, but the lives of our dead soldiers will not be returned to us.

Germany, on the contrary, striving to seize more land, will throw its troops into the offensive recklessly, regardless of anything. But fascism thirsts not to save the lives of its soldiers, but to new lands, for the very basis of Nazi thoughts is the conquest of new territories and enmity towards human lives.

No matter how hard it is, it is quite possible that we will leave the Germans, in all likelihood, even such centers as Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Vitebsk, Pskov, Gomel, and some others. As for the capitals of our old republics, we will obviously surrender Minsk; The Germans can also capture Kiev, but with prohibitive difficulties.

About the fate of Leningrad, Novgorod, Kalinin, Smolensk, Bryansk, Gomel, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev and Odessa - cities that lie relatively close to the border, I am afraid to speculate. True, the Germans, of course, are so strong that the possibility of losses in these cities is not excluded, with the exception of only Leningrad.

It is possible that the Germans will take our especially large cities by bypassing and encircling, but I believe in this only within the borders of Ukraine, for, obviously, the main attacks of the enemy will fall on our south, in order to deprive us of the deposits of Kryvyi Rih iron and Donetsk iron closest to the border. coal.

Bypassing, for example, Kiev, German troops can capture on the way even Poltava and Dnepropetrovsk, and even more so Kremenchug and Chernigov. For Odessa, as a major port, we must, in my opinion, fight more intensely than even for Kiev, for Odessa is more valuable than the latter, and I think the Odessa sailors will adequately pour the Germans into the area of their city.

It is clear that the Germans will dream of encircling Moscow and Leningrad, but I think they will not cope with it; this is not Ukraine, where such tactics are quite possible. Here, the matter concerns the life of our two main cities - Moscow as the capital and Leningrad as a vital industrial and cultural center.

The Nazis will still be able to surround Leningrad, but not take it, for it is still a neighbor of the border; to surround Moscow, even if they were able, they simply would not be able to do it in the time domain, because they would not have time to close the ring by winter - the distance is too great here. In winter, the districts of Moscow will continue to be just a grave for them!

True, I am not going to be a prophet, I could be mistaken in all these my assumptions and conclusions, but all these thoughts arose in me in connection with the international situation, and logical reasoning and guesses helped to connect them and supplement them. In short, the future will show."

Trifonov's entry dated June 21, 1941, struck even more: “Now I am already waiting for trouble for our entire country - war. According to my calculations, if I was really right in my reasoning, that is, if Germany is preparing to attack us, the war should break out tomorrow morning. Frankly speaking, now, in the last days, waking up, I ask myself: maybe at that moment the first volleys had already struck at the border?

I feel an alarming heartbeat when I think that the news of the outbreak of a new Hitlerite adventure is about to come. We will lose a lot of territories! But then we will still take it away from the Germans. How could we get stronger if we paid as much attention to the military industry as the Germans."

It is naive, of course, given that Stalin squeezed all the juices out of the people, building up arms and not putting human life in a penny, but in fact it is absolutely correct, but humanly very touching.

The writer read the diary to the end. With the outbreak of the war, records dropped dramatically. The latter was dated July 7, 1941. In it, Leva talked about America. He pointed out that the most powerful capitalist power will oppose Germany only when the defeat of fascism is obvious. The Americans will reap the laurels of the winners along with the Russian people, presenting their merits no less.

He also foresaw a conspiracy against Hitler by senior Wehrmacht officers. To save their skins and prevent communist expansion, the most far-sighted generals will try to eliminate the Fuhrer and conclude a peace treaty with the Allied countries, but their attempt will end in complete failure.

Yuri Valentinovich put down his notebooks and thought. What is it - refined logic and brilliant analytical skills or some kind of foresight given from above? He could not answer this question and called Mikhail Pavlovich Korshunov to arrange a new meeting.

This time, he, seeing the undoubted interest of the writer, was more frank. He said that shortly before the war he saw a thick notebook at Lev's. Before his eyes, the young man put it in a briefcase, and together they went into the underground passage, which, as it was assumed, in the old days was dug under the bottom of the Moskva River and led to the territory of the Kremlin.

True, there was no confirmation of this, since deep underground the passage branched out into many other passages, some of which were filled up, and some went somewhere to the side and deep down. It was very difficult to understand all this intricacies of the catacombs. Underground galleries could lead travelers to places from which it seemed almost impossible to get out into the light of day.

Trifonov remembered these underground passages, since as a boy he himself traveled along them with friends more than once. They did not dare to go deeper, but even very close to the entrance there were many spacious galleries in which it was easy to get lost.

Judging by the story of Korshunov, Lev was perfectly oriented in the underworld. They walked for a long time along some labyrinths, until they finally found themselves in a spacious hall with a high vault. The young man hid the notebook in it. To the astonished question of a comrade, he replied that he called this modest work "History of the Future." It lays out some considerations for the times to come, but people don't really need to know about it.

All this smacked of frank mysticism, and the Komsomol member Misha laughed in his heart at such a statement, but outwardly he did not express it in any way, so as not to offend his comrade. The guys safely returned to the terrestrial world, and Korshunov soon completely forgot about the strange incident. I remembered after I had read Levin's diary.

To his great regret, he did not remember the path in which they walked with a friend to hide the briefcase. Trying to find this place in the catacombs was an absolutely hopeless occupation. Mikhail Pavlovich did not even try to do this. So the conclusion suggests itself: the mysterious notebook has sunk into oblivion forever.

Yuri Trifonov gave the diaries to the editorial office of one of the capital's magazines. But it took another fifteen long years before the whole country learned about the unusual abilities of Lev Fedotov. They began to write articles about him in newspapers and magazines, made a film on television. The invaluable gift of a seer attracted many people.

A feeling of regret was caused only by the irrevocable loss of a thick notebook, which the author himself called "History of the Future." What did the 17th boy write in it, what he wanted to convey to posterity, why did he say that people do not need to know this information? Considering with what tremendous accuracy the boy predicted the course of the war, indicated the most important historical events, the importance of this information could be invaluable.

In the late 90s, there was a rumor that diggers exploring the dungeons near Moscow found a dark brown briefcase in one of the catacombs. In it lay, only, a thick general notebook. The cover read: “Lyova Fedotov. History of the Future”. Well, everything secret always becomes apparent. The information contained in 48 pages, covered with small, fine handwriting, has become public knowledge.

People learned that at the beginning of the 21st century, America will elect a black president. The period of his reign will be accompanied by economic and political cataclysms. The world will gradually plunge into a state of aggression. In 2009, there will be a breakthrough into the abyss. It will overturn the consciousness of all mankind, make it completely different. But what - the author of the records does not specify this.

The notebook covers both the Hadron Collider and the amazing advances in medicine. By 2010, scientists will learn to manage human memory, erasing one information and implanting completely different information into the brain. A new generation of military weapons will appear, which will atomize man into atoms. By the end of the 21st century, a single government will be elected on the planet, and the borders between states will become conditional.

All this information is of undoubted interest, but is it really stated by Leva Fedotov. The thick notebook has not been seen in serious publishers, the diggers who found it, no one knows by sight or by name. Maybe this is just an ordinary sensational duck aimed at fanning interest around a certain person in order to siphon money out of people.

Be that as it may, Leva Fedotov's amazing gift causes a lot of controversy, hypotheses and assumptions. Some talk about an analytical mindset, others insist on meditative possibilities that lie beyond the boundaries of human consciousness. It is believed that the young man's unusual abilities were derived from the energy of the place where he lived.

If you look into distant times, let's say a few hundred years ago, then the area near the Kremlin, where now there is a house on Bersenevskaya Embankment, was a rather gloomy area. Here were the chambers of Malyuta Skuratov (the chief oprichnik of Ivan the Terrible), as well as his home church. When they began to reconstruct it, hundreds of human skulls were found under the slabs.

There was also Bolotnaya Square, where numerous executions took place. They cut off the heads not only of villains, but also of honest and decent people, whose whole fault consisted only in disagreement with the policy of the reigning person. So the boyar Berseny Beklemishev (the embankment was named after him) was executed for free behavior and thoughts objectionable to the king.

Under Catherine II, a long canal was dug here, and the resulting island was named Bolotny. Lush gardens have been planted on these lands, but the ominous destiny has not gone anywhere. Maybe it hid in the dark catacombs, into which, as legends say, Vanka Kain lured merchants and killed.

It was in such an interesting place that the communists built mansions for their leadership. Officially they were called "House of Soviets of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars", in modern times they say simply and clearly "House on the Embankment".

In 37-39 years of the XX century, horror, pain and despair again raised their heads on these lands. Four hundred inhabitants of the ill-fated house were repressed. Someone was shot, someone was sent to the camps. Ecumenical evil descended on a gray bulk.

It was during these years that Leva Fedotov's unusual gift came to light. His sensitive soul, refined psyche, subtle nature collided with a gross and animal essence. All this provoked amazing abilities. They suddenly arose in the boy, contrary to the materialistic foundations that had been hammered into him from an early age at school. The result was a diary, as well as a thick notebook with the title "History of the Future".

The secret of Leva Fedotov will excite the minds of people for many years to come. The end of his life path is quite natural. A pure and bright boy died defending the Fatherland. How could he, in that difficult and harsh time, choose a different path for himself? Such a choice once again emphasizes his sincerity and truthfulness, without which no true soothsayer can take place.

Sources: Yuri Roscius "Diary of the Prophet"