Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View

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Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View
Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Slavs. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: SLAV MEMES V3 (RELOAD) 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 -


When the process of the so-called Christianization gained strength in Russia, all the lands outside the influence of the Christian Church, that is, basically, the vast Asian expanses controlled by the Slavs-Aryans, were declared "pagan", "Pagan", "Basurman", etc. etc. - in a word, "hostile" to the Christianized Slavic Russo-Aryan world of the European continent. Thus, a gigantic, mainly Asian territory - Tata-Aria, which was ruled by the Slavs-Aryans, who did not undergo Christianization, immediately fell into the number of our "enemies".

In turn, the Varangian population of the European space of the Slavs-Rus was presented to the Slavic-Aryan population of the Asian part of the Euro-Asian continent as "enemies", "enemies". In short, what happened for the sake of which the entire "Christian" campaign was undertaken - the monolithic Slavic World was divided into two warring camps. In order to consolidate the achieved result, many agitators were sent to the borders of Tata-Aria itself, who, taking advantage of the tolerance of the gullible Aryans, began to climb the Aryan cities and incite the local population against Russia, describing the Varangians-Rus as ossified enemies of the Great Tata Aria. Since then, in many Slavic languages, the word "Varangian" acquired a negative connotation and began to be used as "enemy".


Before continuing the description of the "general course" of the Christianization process, I would like to explain to the reader the origin of the terms "Varangians" and "Varangians" that have rang out to all of us. Both in popular publications of the most varied kinds, and in the works of a large number of scientists, one can find a variety of interpretations of the above words. Nevertheless, none of them, perhaps, corresponds to the true state of affairs, since this very word "Varangian" comes from the Old Belarusian - read - the Old Slavic word "Varangian" (in the opiginal: varAga), which meant "boar", "wild boar". In order not to be unfounded, I will say that the word "Varangian" is still preserved in the Sanskrit language, which, as I noted above, is frozen at a certain historical stage, the dialect of the Old Belarusian Language, in the same meaning. Someone will probably askthey say, why the word "Varangian" stuck to the Slavs-Rus.

It stuck to them because the Slavs-Rus - especially those who lived along the shores of the Baltic Sea - widely used the image of the Varangian or, more correctly, VARAGI, a wild boar as their kind of "coat of arms" (left top: "Varyag" of the Baltic Varangians-Rus from the north of Germany, 4th century). In addition, the Varangians-Rus of the lowest military rank, due to a lack of metal armor, going to battle with the enemy, used to wear armor made of rough boar skins (on the right), which included a helmet made in the form of a terrible pig's head with fangs, which actually gave them a resemblance to wild boars (see on the left below in the fourth paragraph, relief images of warriors with "boar" heads on their helmet). This circumstance was well known to the enemies of the Slavs-Rus and made them panic-stricken, as did the image of "VarAga" and, of course, the very sound of the word "VarAga" that inspired them with wild horror (left below: warriors of the Vikings-Rus with the image " Varangians "- a wild boar on helmets, 7th century AD. Torslunda, Denmark).


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With the transition of Europe-Rus to Christianity, not only the Vedic worldview of the Slavs-Rus, but also parts of the Slav-Aryans who lived next to the Rus in Europe, but also their Slavic language, began to be destroyed. This is especially true of the territory that today is called Western Europe. After Rome was Christianized, it grouped around itself countless regions of Southern Europe, which were once established, cultivated and civilized by the Slavs Ruso-Aryans, and now - when the Slavs, under the pressure of millions of migrants from the south, moved to the north - turned into an invincible bastion of parasitism, immorality, greed and thirst for easy money. Inspired and incited by the strengthened Vatican, this motley conglomerate of alien adventurers headed north into the Slavic World under the guise of “Christian civilizers”.

The sparsely populated south of Germany, which a significant part of the Slavic population had already left due to the increasing danger of an attack from the south of Europe, did not offer much resistance to the bandits. “Christianizers” easily entered the Ruso-Aryan cities of Germany, terrorizing the local population and destroying the Vedic temples of the Slavs, so that later, in their place, which was sacred for people, they could build their Christian churches. The Slavic language of the local population began to be subjected to intense discrimination, as the language of the bearers of "paganism", and those who still spoke it were forced to switch to the simplified "Esperanto" of Christianizers with no alternative prospect of further assimilation with uninvited foreigners.


It should be noted that the process of Christianization of the West European Slavs did not always go smoothly, and in order to complete it in full, Rome-Vatican needed many years. It was especially difficult to “christen” the north of Germany, inhabited by the warlike Varangians-Rus (left: a typical helmet of the Varangians-Rus, decorated with relief images of the traditional Varangian - a wild boar, 8th century AD. Valsgard, Sweden), which had been joined by almost all refugees are from the southern Slavic lands. Hamburg alone was able to be “baptized” only on the third attempt, when a werewolf bishop “from among his own” was finally introduced there, that is, the enemy, in fact, applied the same tactics as in the Christianization of Kiev.

In general, efforts to introduce Christianity in northern Germany - especially in Wagria (now the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein) - have been successfully fought off for a long time both with the help of their own Slavic army and with the active participation of the Slavs Rus - Varangians from Scandinavia, mainly from Denmark … Nevertheless, in the XII century, the long-term work of the Vatican, aimed at eradicating the Vedic worldview of the Ruso-Aryan Slavs in Germany through their Christianization, was successfully completed.


The last bastion of the Vedic Slavs Ruso-Aryans - the city of Arkona on the island of Ruyan (Rügen) was destroyed and razed to the ground, like everything Vedic before that in Germany (left: enlarged image of a Varangian warrior with a head disguised as "VarAga" - a wild boar; image refers to the helmet shown just above). The legendary Arkona was destroyed, mind you, not by the "Germans" - since those "Germans" were our half-blood Slavs of the Ruso-Aryans, who at that time still spoke the Slavic language that we could understand well - and by the Vatican "Christianizers" - trained, inspired, financed and specially sent by the Vatican to this dastardly case.

It should be added that the process of the Christianization of Germany, in contrast to the Christianization of Kievan Rus, was not particularly bloody and no one from there “with fire and sword” - with the exception of a few skirmishes - did not drive anyone, since the people cannot drive themselves. The Slavic language in Northern Germany was also not completely destroyed and it sounded there until the 18th century, until, as they say, it could not withstand competition with the Vatican "Esperanto", which until that time had been spoken by the overwhelming majority of the population of Germany (left below: on this On a hill in Arkona, on the island of Rugen, there was a Vedic temple of Svyatovit, destroyed by the "Christianizers" in 1169 - the remains of the once 25-meter rampart that protected this holy place of Ruso-Aryans from a possible enemy attack are clearly visible).

Slavic-speaking figures were also widespread in the north of Germany already in Christian times. So, for example, the last Slavic-speaking Duke of Pomerania, Boguslav XIV, ended the glorious Slavic dynasty with his death in 1648 for the reason that he did not have children-heirs. As for Germany in general, the Slavic language has survived there to this day - about 100,000 Germans living around the city of Cottbus still consider Slavic as their native language.


Thus, the forcible introduction of Christianity split Slavic Eurasia into two huge antagonistic groups. On the one hand, about a thousand years ago, we received Christianized Europe, inhabited by the Slavs Ruso-Aryans, and on the other hand, the gigantic expanses of the Eurasian continent, which stretched from Smolensk to the Pacific Ocean and from Taimyr to the island of Ceylon, and even, perhaps, even much further south - for the cultural and historical heritage of the peoples of Indonesia and Oceania exposes many common features with the culture of the Slavs-Aryans. So, for example, I managed to find already in New Zealand the originals of documents written by the leader of one of the Maori tribes and dated to the middle of the 19th century, which are certified by the "heraldic" seal with the Slavic-Aryan swastika!The unusually Caucasian appearance of the representatives of the Maori people and some groups of Aboriginal people from Polynesia cannot but lead the attentive researcher to the appropriate reflections.


The culmination of the process of Christianization was a radical change, so to speak, of the geopolitical situation in the ancient world. Not only were the Slavs divided into “Christians” and “Basurmans”, but also the “Christians” themselves were divided into “Vaticans” and “Byzantines” (left: “and the“Vaticans”and“Byzantines”rebelled against each other - the Slavs on Slavs. Rus to Rus. And they fought mercilessly for the amusement of their enemies "). As a result of this division, the citizens of Great Svetia - Kievan Rus were especially unlucky, who were forced to go in the "Byzantine" direction.

According to the carefully developed plan of the enemy, the Slavs-Rus who inhabited the territories of present-day Belarus and Northern Ukraine, as perhaps the most powerful community of the Slavic world, in fact, the heart of this world, were to suddenly be neutralized NOT by external enemies, which the Slavs were clearly not teeth, but by the Slavs themselves. So, for example, the Belarusians suddenly found their supposedly age-old enemy - the "west", of course, with Germany in the first place, whose population consisted not of any sworn alien enemies, but of our consanguineous and, at that time, common languages brothers - Slavs Ruso-Aryans, whom the Devil's Power forced to choose, although Christian, but still not "our religion", as if we ourselves preserved the Vedic Worldview of our ancestors and can serve as an example to someone in this. At the same time, in the east, we acquired another enemy - now the "Tatara-Basurman" in the person of the Slavic population of the huge Aryan Tata-Aria, for the reason that it was not Christianized.


After Slavic Eurasia was divided into "Christians" and "Basurmans-non-Christians", among the "Christians" themselves, due to the additional division of them into "Byzantines" and "Vaticans", as described above, there was no agreement either. This was provoked in order, firstly, to weaken the Christianized Slavs-Rus, having quarreled them among themselves and, secondly, to divert the attention of their entire community, as the strongest in the Slavic world in every sense, including the military, from all contacts with the non-Christianized part of the Slavs - the Great Tata-Aria, which at that moment had not yet lost its Vedic Worldview.


As soon as the Slavs-Rus were able to be broken into two parts and by the power of religious propaganda set these parts one against the other, soon making the brothers enemies who were ordered to fight each other forever, a foreign enemy-puppeteer began to skillfully incite the non-Christianized Slavs-Aryans from the huge Tata-Aria to punish baptized Slavs-Rus of Europe for deviating from the "ancestral worldview" - Vedism. Thus, the plan for the destruction of Slavic influence in Eurasia reached a new level - in addition to the moral, the case has now come close to the physical destruction of the Slavs as a human race.

Suddenly going against each other, the Slavs-Rus and Slavs-Aryans began to mercilessly destroy themselves in a grand confrontation, which dragged on for centuries and resulted in a series of monstrous battles, which had not yet been seen, to the most bloody of which a number of significant battles in Poland, Hungary and the Balkans in 1240-42, the Battle of Blue Water in 1362, the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, etc. - just a few hundred significant clashes, initiated mainly by the Slavic-Aryan Tata -Aria in order to burn out Christianity with a red-hot iron from the enslaved by "Christianizers" of the Rus of the European Slavs-Rus (left: "Mongol-Tatars" attack the fortress city of the Rus. Figure 1400. It is stored in the Library of Oxford University. The appearance of the "Mongols" cannot but lead to appropriate reflections).


To write off the shame of these fratricidal wars at the expense of some hypothetical enemy, figures from the Romanov Dynasty, which deceived the Vedic Slavs of Tata-Aria, invented the famous myth of the Mongol-Tatar yoke (left: the face of Timur-Tamerlane, restored by academician M. Gerasimov, according to the skull and remains recovered from Timur's grave in Samarkand in 1941. According to Gerasimov himself, Timur was a tall European with fiery red hair and a beard. the pressure of the Scaligerians, who expected to see an Asian in Timur).

The “Romanovites”, as inveterate proponents of Judeo-Christianity in the Asian space of the Slavic World, began to brutally eradicate any evidence of the people's belonging in the territory that today is called Russia to the Vedic Tata-Aria. Christianizing barbarians mercilessly destroyed all the monuments of Slavic-Aryan writing in Russia, without exception, that fell into their hands, written in the Aryan runes of the Slavs-Aryans, which, as you know, wrote in runes, and not in Cyrillic. There are widely known cases of knocking down runic texts in the South Urals even from copper Orthodox bells cast in the 16th century, when visiting Christian missionaries, taking advantage of the confessional tolerance of the Vedic Slavs-Aryans, began to build their churches in their country. The House of Romanovs and the "Orthodox" church robbers destroyed the Vedic temples and temples of the Aryans,creating in their place "Orthodox" Christian parishes, which had absolutely nothing in common with genuine Vedic Orthodoxy, for the Judeo-Christianity implanted by "fire and sword" was actually more anti-Orthodoxy than Orthodoxy. The carriers of the true Vedic Orthodoxy - the ancient Slavic Knowledge - were subjected to merciless physical destruction. In short, the well-proven tactics of "Christianizers" were applied in the once prosperous Slavic country of Tata-Aria, which once brought "brilliant" results in Germany and Kievan Rus. The carriers of the true Vedic Orthodoxy - the ancient Slavic Knowledge - were subjected to merciless physical destruction. In short, the well-proven tactics of "Christianizers" were applied in the once prosperous Slavic country of Tata-Aria, which once brought "brilliant" results in Germany and Kievan Rus. The carriers of the true Vedic Orthodoxy - the ancient Slavic Knowledge - were subjected to merciless physical destruction. In short, the well-proven tactics of "Christianizers" were applied in the once prosperous Slavic country of Tata-Aria, which once brought "brilliant" results in Germany and Kievan Rus.

When the "dirty" work was completed, all the Romanov mongrels from historical science received an order to urgently rewrite the history of the Tata-Aria Slavs-Aryans to the western spirit of the history of the Slavs-Rus in order to harmonize with it, as if flowing from it. According to this order, from that moment on, Tata-Aria itself was to be called not Aria, and not otherwise than Russia, but its citizens, the Slavs-Aryans, who had a Caucasian appearance - not Aryans, but "Russians". Pay attention, dear reader, the Slavs-Aryans had to be called not Russes, for, of course, they were not them, but “Russians”. In other words, to determine the nationality on the Slavs-Aryans, they even stuck NOT a noun, but the adjective "Russian", as if it were about some things or slaves belonging to a certain Rus or Rus. There is a great derogatory meaning in this. Unlike all other countries of the world, only the nationality of a resident of Russia is still determined by an adjective. See for yourself: in France - French (noun), in Germany - German (noun), in Belarus - Belarusian (noun), and in Russia - Russian (adjective)! Well, isn't that absurd?

But in order to finally erase their Vedic spirit from the Slavs-Aryans, the Romanov Christianizers did not stop there only. In order to even more sensitively push the Slav-Arya - a former citizen of the once mighty Slavic-Aryan state of Tata-Aria, face in the mud, a language alien to him was imposed on him, which will later be called "Russian." I hesitated for some time, say, is it worth writing what I am about to say so as not to offend anyone, but still decided not to distort the truth. Forgive me, dear reader, if the following lines will not be very pleasant to you, because, indeed, the essence that they reflect is very, very difficult to believe right away.


In fact, the Russian language in our today's understanding is nothing more than, although not completely, but, nevertheless, it is still largely artificially created about three centuries ago, based on not some foreign dialect, as was done once in relation to the Slavic population in Germany, and the language of the European Slavs-Rus, which in the 18th century was spoken both in many places on the Novgorod land, and in most regions of Belarus, Northern Ukraine, Poland, and earlier - in North-East Germany, Scandinavia and even the Balkans (above left: Battle with the Mongolo-Tatars at Legnica (now Poland) in 1241, when the army of the Slavs-Rus, which, as we would say today, included "Germans" and "Poles ", Suffered a crushing defeat from the Slavs-Aryans, ie," Mongolo-Tatars ".

And again, pay attention to the appearance of both - both sides are made up of white bearded Europeans. The painting was painted in the 13th century). However, at a time when the language of the Slavs-Rus is a full-fledged instrument of communication between people for many millennia, the language hastily imposed on the Slavs-Aryans on the territory of Russia is, albeit quite powerful, but nevertheless tangibly stuffed with foreign barbarisms Ruso-Slavic dialect. I advise everyone to think carefully about this for themselves. For starters, I suggest you pay attention to at least the names of the months in Russian. Naturally, these are not Slavic words. The names of the countries in the Russian language also have a strong Latin bias, etc. As for the daily vocabulary,by which the dictionary of modern international terms like "computer" or "synchrophasotron" is by no means meant, even here thousands of words in Russian do not have a Slavic sound. To better understand what I mean, I offer you one of the typical examples. Let's, say, take such a classic Russian word as "impression." What it is? This is a tracing-paper from the foreign word "impression". Don't believe me?

Well, let's read these words by syllable: B-PRINT-LENIE and IM-PRESS-ION. As you can see, when the word "impression" was formed, someone translated the word "impression" into "Russian". As a result of this translation, "IM" became "B", "PRESS" became "SEAL", and the ending suffix "ION" became "LENIE". That's the whole "etymology". If the Russian language were not artificial, then the word “impression”, following the laws of transformation in the Slavic languages, would sound like “hostility”, and the verb from it would not “impress”, but “incite”, since the Slavic key word denoting “Impression” is “URAZHANNE” or “URAZA”, as is the case, say, in the Belarusian language, as well as in Sanskrit, and the verb from this word is “URAZITS”.

In favor of the artificial origin of the Russian language of modern Russians - and no offense to them it will be said - is also evidenced by the fact that, unlike other Slavs, they do not understand a single Slavic language either by ear or by writing, except for their own. For example, this cannot be said about Belarusians or Poles, who understand all their neighbors. The Russian language, in essence, is more native to the inhabitants of the Far West of Russia than to Siberians, having, of course, in mind not the modern time, but the period 200-300 years ago.


Thus, seemingly harmless "Christianization" actually brought a lot of grief and suffering, perhaps, to all peoples of the Euro-Asian space. In addition to the blood shed by the Slavs, it is also worth remembering the many thousands of bonfires of the Christian Inquisition, on which the best sons and daughters of European peoples - carriers of the Ancient Knowledge of their ancestors - were mercilessly burned. Nevertheless, Christianization hit us especially painfully, the Slavs - the Rus and Arians, radically redrawing our Slavic World and breaking it into many small, often hostile parts to each other. As a result of Christianization, the Slavs almost lost their identity.

They lost the most important thing that kept them strong for millennia - their Vedic Worldview, which was created by countless generations of their wise ancestors. Everything light and human, created by the Slavs, was impudently spat upon by "Christianizers-civilizers" - both, at first, foreign, and then werewolves from among their own, who agreed to faithfully serve Judeo-Christianity. What could not be spat on for the obviousness of perfection was attributed to the "talent of the civilizing role" of strangers, who, in fact, learned the taste of culture and civilization only after they were cultivated and civilized by the Slavs. It is annoying and bitter now to hear that the culture of the Western European Slavs-Rus was nothing more than a "Scandinavian" or "Germanic" product, which supposedlyhas nothing to do with the Slavs. Something similar is said about the ancient Hellas and Rome created by the Slavs Ruso-Aryans. - The merit of their creation was given to certain “Greeks” and “Italics”, who did not even exist at the time of the inception of these states.

Likewise, dark-skinned Nubians have the same attitude to the construction of ancient Egypt as, say, a sheep to the cultivation of citrus fruits, since, in fact, Egypt was founded by the Slavs-Rus. The honor of creating Sumer was also taken away from us, the Slavs, in favor of God knows who. Forgotten or carefully hidden and our Slavic role as the builders of the famous Persian Civilization, created by our ancestors the Slavs-Aryans. These same Slavs brought civilization to Tibet, Central Asia, and Asia Minor (see on the left: the monument to Khan Batu in the city of Shogut, Turkey; pay attention also to the difficulty of zombifying the Turks - they remember well that Baty was a Slav and therefore adequately sculpted him as a European, not an Asian). They also created a powerful Slavic-Aryan state in India, and also mastered China and civilized it. Without any exaggeration,the same goes for Japan. Famous "Indian" cultures on the American continent are no exception.


However, at a time when the above-listed regions are outside the current Slavic World and, due to this circumstance, the return of the historical truth regarding the role of the Ruso-Aryans in these regions may take quite a long time, a misunderstanding about the true past of the Slavs in the modern Slavic countries only causes a sense of surprise and disappointment. I mean, first of all, Russia with its inhabitants - direct descendants of the legendary Slavic State of Tata-Aria, which, oddly enough, like our foreign ill-wishers, still continues the policy of concealment, stubbornly not telling the truth to its people about its glorious past, unconvincingly accusing certain "foreigners" of the 18th century for all the sins.

I am aware that in most cases my words will be an empty sound against the background of the fruitful creativity of the falsifiers of history, but let me still say: Dear Slavs, and, first of all, the Slavs of Russia! You have never had any "Mongol-Tatar" yoke and you have never paid tribute to the "Tatar-Mongols" for the simple reason that these "Tatar-Mongols" - and in fact - Slavs of the Tata-Aria - were you yourself - citizens of the flourishing Vedic Country of Tata-Aria, which occupied the territory not only of almost all of today's Russia, but also stretched at least from Taimyr to the Indian Ocean itself and from Smolensk to Alaska. The Christian religion and the House of Romanovs finally eradicated from you, the once omnipotent Slavs of Tata-Aria, all memory of your great past,to undeservedly ascribe to himself the honorable right to the role of "civilizers" of the entire Slavic World. Please shake yourself! Throw off the hypnosis launched on you by a cunning alien enemy.

Bring up the false information space in which you vegetate and analyze properly all available historical primary sources relating to the period of the Golden Horde. Compare the chronology of events of that distant era and - what is very important - also carefully look at the faces of the "Tatar-Mongol" khans, reflected on paper and in stone by the hands of their contemporaries. Ask yourself a question - why all these images depict people not Asian, but strongly expressed European (see on the right: Marco Polo kneeling while receiving a passport at an audience with the "Tatar-Mongol" khan.

Pay attention to the appearance of the "Tatar-Mongols". Drawn by a contemporary of Marco Polo in 1400) appearance? Try also to explain the fact why neither today's Tatars, nor the Mongols can read the written primary sources from the "Tatar-Mongol" era that have survived to our time. Apparently this is why they cannot because they are not written in "Tatar-Mongol", and not even in Arabic, as many think, but stylized Slavic-Aryan Runes of the late period in the language of your glorious ancestors - the Slavs-Aryans, which very much resembled both Sanskrit and the language of modern Belarusians. Never forget this, dear person, and be proud of your unique history - the History of the ARIA SLAVE.


Dear Friend, we have completed our short journey into the past of human civilization. We, as far as the format allowed us, touched in a sense the cultural and linguistic aspects of various regions of our planet. In addition to everything, we simultaneously, again, in general terms got acquainted with the genetic component - in other words - with that side of fundamental knowledge, which for quite a long time remained a taboo for us and which is still not held in high esteem in many countries of the world. because with its help it is easy to grind to pieces the numerous myths of forgers.

My material does not claim to be some kind of extraordinary status, since it is designed for an ordinary ordinary reader who, perhaps, does not have perfect knowledge in any particular field of science in the academic sense. If, say, an unprepared person is offered some scientific treatise from the field of genetic research in the original, then any non-specialist will simply understand little of it, just as I did not understand anything a few years ago. The task of popularization is to convey its content as intelligibly as possible to the general public without misinterpreting the meaning of the original source. An intelligent person who is friends with logic, even without special knowledge, is able, without any particular difficulties, to feel where the truth is, and where is false and false. It is for such a person that my words are designed.

Thus, I sincerely hope that after reading this material, many of you - if they have not yet followed me to the end about what was written - at least felt the presence of the fact that something is wrong in our historical science. - Something in it will not fit, especially in the direction that directly concerns both our Slav compatriot and the Slav in general.

Summing up the meaning of all that has been said above, I want to emphasize once again that human civilization, human culture, the ability of people to create, in a human way, and not in a predatory way of reasoning in relation not only to "our own", but also to completely alien people, etc..d. come from us, the Slavs, or - speaking more correctly - from the Rus and Aryans, who, in an exclusive manner, embody a person of the Caucasian race. There are no other Europeoids in the world other than the Ruso-Aryans, that is, the Slavs. To once again be convinced of the merits of our Slavic Ancestors, whom modern historical science has trampled into the mud, erasing evidence of traces of their existence before the 7th century AD, for those who still hesitate to believe or not, I propose to approach our topic from the other side, where to use elementary logic. Let's try to walk through some of the largest civilizations of antiquity, considering their inhabitants in terms of their genetic makeup.


Let's start with Scandinavia and, perhaps, Germany, whose culture - especially northern Germany - has many similarities with the culture of the Scandinavian countries. Official history says that both Scandinavia and Germany owe their cultural achievements to "Germanic tribes", "Vikings", etc. Let's take another look at what genetics says about this. Genetics in this regard says that both the people of Scandinavia and the Germans in the north of Germany are carriers, mainly, of two haplotypes - R1a and I. We already know well what R1a is. R1a is the Y-haplogroup of Slavs-Aryans, the content of which has the highest percentage among residents of the Grodno region in Belarus - over 90%, Poland - 53%, Northern Ukraine - 57%, Russia - 47%, Northern India - up to 70%. The content of R1a among Germans and Scandinavians is less, which suggests that, like Germany,so Scandinavia was settled by the Slavs-Aryans from Belarus and neighboring lands. Now it's time to turn to haplogroup I.

As we have already said, haplotype I, which for some reason is called "Varangian" or "Viking", is the Second Slavic Haplogroup. This is the Slav-Rus haplogroup. Why? Because its primary speakers spoke - and in some regions they still do - in the Slavic language with a strong bias towards the "Rusyn" way of pronunciation, in contrast to the Slavyan-Aryans (R1a), who spoke and still speak with the "Belarusian "Slope.

When asked who, they say, has the highest percentage of the "Viking" haplogroup I, I just want to say: Vikings, who else! But no. It is true that in Scandinavia the content of haplogroup I in some areas reaches 50%. However, the presence of I in Norwegians is only 32%, while in Belarusians it is 34%. The Germans in this sense, as they say, "did not come out" at all - only about 20% in the north of the country and that's it. The center of concentration of the "Viking" Y-haplogroup I is by no means in the north of Europe, BUT IN ITS SOUTH! As follows from genetic studies, the most "Viking" people in the world are, in fact, not the Scandinavians, but the Bosnians, whose I content is over 70%. Slovenes also have a significant percentage of this haplotype. In general, the Balkans are the historical epicenter of the concentration of the "Viking", or rather,Slavic Ruso-Varangian haplogroup I.

As follows from my previous words, the Slavs-Rus are the original inhabitants of Europe, who trace their ancestry from the Cro-Magnon Man. During the glacial period, the Slavs-Rus grouped around the Mediterranean Sea, mainly in North Africa, where they created Egypt. With the decline of Egypt as a result of the invasion of foreign migrants, the Rus were forced to retreat to the north - largely to the Balkans. Given the fact that the Slavic language is the titular language of those peoples who have the greatest content of the "Viking" Ruso-Varangian haplogroup, and who mainly lived and live in the Balkan region, it would be quite natural to conclude that it is the Slavic language and the Slavic the language with the famous "Rusyn" slant, and not some other, was the primary language of the famous "Vikings".


As you can see, haplotype I is not native to either Scandinavia or Germany. Thus, the question - what are the "Germanic tribes" who allegedly brought civilization to Scandinavia and Germany remains unanswered. If the "Germans" were carriers of the Slavic-Aryan haplotype R1a, then they came to Germany and Scandinavia from Belarus and are none other than the Slavs-Aryans, and not "Germans", whose haplotype, as we have already noted, is in nature does not exist. If we assume that the "Germanic" tribes were carriers of the "Viking" haplogroup I, then they came from the south of Europe from the Slavic lands of Bosnia and Slovenia.

So the concrete myth about the "Germans" and "Germanic tribes" burst, because, as it turns out, these "Germans" were in fact the Slavs of Ruso-Aria and only they. The final touch that puts an end to the "Germanic tribes" is the fact that the writing of the Germans and Scandinavians allegedly appeared only in the 9th-12th centuries, thanks to the Christian “civilizers”. Comparing this tale with the tale of "Cyril" and "Mythodia" in Kievan Rus, we clearly see one and the same handwriting of a foreign enemy. Thus, both among the Slavs of the German-Scandinavian region and the region of Kievan Rus, which at that time constituted one state formation with the previous one, the pre-Christian script of the Slavs was simply destroyed by the Christian Church in order to ascribe to the Christianizers the honorable role of "civilizers" of the Slavic Nations.

I foresee that someone who is very meticulous can object, they say, how, but the Celts - the Celtic haplogroup R1b has a significant percentage both in Scandinavia and in Germany. I agree that it is. However, let's take a closer look at the Celts. Firstly, there are genetic Celts, who are real, and Celts in the common sense are those who honored the Vedic Gods and lived mainly in the British Isles. So, these last "Celts" are actually NOT Celts - because the content of the Celtic genetic haplogroup R1b is not enough for them to be Celts - but Ruso-Aryans, that is, in other words, SLAVS, for they are carriers of not Celtic, but Slavic haplotypes R1a and I.

Secondly, as for the real, genetic, Celts, then the matter can clarify the Basque people, whose content of the Celtic haplogroup R1b is the highest in the world and exceeds 90%. The Basque Celts have preserved their solidity and purity of Celtic blood since time immemorial, having survived numerous millennia without mixing with anyone. In addition, the Basques speak an extremely archaic language, which has absolutely no relationship with the languages of Indo-European, in other words, Ruso-Aryan, has no family. The most advanced linguists of our time believe that the Basque language - read the primary Celts - has some kind of re-sounding as much as the Chinese language. As for us, we will stop talking about the Celts on this, in conclusion adding that the Celts, as an extremely alien element in the genealogy of the Russo-Aryan Slavic peoples,definitely have nothing to do with the creation of the ancient cultures of Germany and Scandinavia.

Thus - I repeat once again - the real creators of the so-called "Germanic" cultures in Germany and Scandinavia were none other than the Slavs for the simple reason that apart from their Slavic haplotypes in the above regions, in fact, there is nothing else worthy of attention and never was.


Let's now transfer to the same Balkans, where in the hoary antiquity the civilization of the Greek Hellenes suddenly arose. Immediately, I note that the name "Greeks" comes from the ancient Slavic word "garaki", that is, the inhabitants of the mountainous area. However, the titular people of the ancient Balkans became “inhabitants of the highlands” only after they were driven out of the fertile valleys of Ancient Greece by an impudent crowd of migrants, who would later call themselves “Hellenes”, and the country thus taken from the Slavs - Hellas. The genetic composition of today's Greeks is a real mosaic - there are both the Slavic-Aryan haplogroup R1a, and another Slavic haplogroup - Ruso-Varangian I, here you have Celtic R1b and a lot of Semitic J.

Which of the carriers of the listed haplotypes had the honor to build the ancient Greek state? The genetic Celts did not unequivocally build it, just like the Semites, for the simple reason that, firstly, neither the Celts nor the Semites built anything noticeable throughout history even in their native habitat, not to mention some foreign countries. Secondly, the features of the ancient Greek culture are convincingly Ruso-Aryan, that is, in other words, Slavic. The artifacts from ancient Greece are abundant, for example, swastika symbols, which are the product of the Slavic, and not some other world. In Hellas, the Pantheon of Vedic Deities was massively venerated, which convincingly testifies to the Slavic origin of Greece. In addition, the ancient Greeks were staunch altruists,giving huge funds for science, culture, art, monumental construction, mass sports events, etc. In other words, ancient Greece had all the features of a typical Ruso-Aryan civilization with developed culture and art, architecture, science and, what is especially important, strong, equipped with the latest science and technology of the time, an army and a navy, which has never been characteristic of any peoples other than the Ruso-Aryans, for other peoples have always put in the foreground the lightning-fast material return from this or that event.equipped with the latest science and technology of that time, an army and a navy, which has never been characteristic of any peoples other than the Ruso-Aryans, for other peoples have always put in the foreground the lightning-fast material return from this or that event.equipped with the latest science and technology of the time, an army and a navy, which has never been characteristic of any peoples other than the Ruso-Aryans, for other peoples have always put in the foreground the lightning-fast material return from this or that event.

Considering the fact that the Ruso-Aryan peoples are usually not very willing to mix with foreign groups, let's try to look in modern Greece for any significant traces of the Slavic presence. Is there anyone left there? As it turns out, even the most cursory glance at the genetic map of today's Greece convinces us that this country is still home to a fairly strong community of genetic Slavs. These are the Greek Macedonians, who, in fact, are the Slavs-Aryans, assimilated only linguistically, but not genetically. You don't have to go far to understand that it was the ancestors of these "Greek Macedonians", as well as their half-brothers from the Slavic territories of ancient Europe, where "Germans", "Scandinavians" and "Slavs" live today, and were the real creators of Ancient Greece …

The same applies to the ancient Roman State, which I have already described in relative detail above. I also spoke about Persia quite lucidly. By the way, here no one dares to object that the ancient Persians were precisely the Aryans with an insignificant admixture of Ruso-Varangian blood. The problem lies only in the difficulty of understanding that these Persian "Aryans" were we - the Slavs. Nevertheless, the gradual acquaintance of historians with the results of genetic research should sooner or later do their job, and they will have no choice but to finally admit that Ancient Persia was built by no one else, but by those who today are called the Slavs …

Once again, briefly addressing the topic of the origin of Ancient Egypt, I will remind you that it was also founded by a man of the Caucasian race. Since, basically, no one else belongs to this race, except for the Slavs-Aryans and Slavs-Rus, it would be quite logical to assume that the Slavs were the builders of Egypt. The fact that in Egypt the Slavic-Aryan haplogroup R1a was not found, but only the "Viking" haplogroup I of the Slavs-Rus was discovered, eloquently speaks in favor of the fact that Ancient Egypt was created precisely by the Slavs-Rus without the participation of the Aryans or anyone else. If the Slavs-Aryans were there in ancient times, then their genetic marker would be present today among the indigenous representatives of the North African population for the simple reason that the genetic marker never disappears without a trace.

Speaking about the ancient civilization in India, we make an adequate conclusion that this civilization was founded by the Slavs-Aryans due to at least the fact that North India is still another place after the Republic of Belarus, where the concentration of the Slavic-Aryan haplogroup R1a reaches incredible a high rate of 70%. Historical sources claim that the "Aryans" who brought culture to India were white people. Well, this information is also confirmed by modern genetics. Since in India no "white" haplotypes, except for the Slavic-Aryan R1a, have been identified and cannot be identified, no one else, except the Slavs, could physically build a famous civilization in the Indus river valley. Similar arguments with 100% convincingness allow us to assume that ancient civilizations in Harap, Tibet and China in general,as well as in Japan, they were created by the Slavs, and not by anyone else. A proper analysis of the results of genetic research cannot fail to strengthen an intelligent person in this absolutely correct opinion.

Since the Slavic-Aryan haplotype R1a has also been identified on the American continent, we can have no doubt about who was the creator of the famous ancient cultures there. As the current descendants of the contemporaries of the Inca civilization in Peru, and the Indians of Guatemala and Mexico, whose distant ancestors saw the Maya and Aztec empires, unanimously claim that those ancient states were founded and also ruled by white people with blue eyes, blond hair and red barodes, then there are attributes that, except for the Caucasian Slavs, no one at that distant time could have anymore under any circumstances.

If we look around carefully, we will see many vivid evidences that throughout the history of mankind, not a single noticeable state system was created on our planet without the participation of the Slavs. Having thought well and, accordingly, having analyzed even the information that we have, we will finally make sure that in reality this is exactly what happened.


The once powerful and monolithic Slavic World, located in the north of Eurasia, as a result of natural disasters that occurred in the distant past, one of which, of course, was the Great Glaciation, and the grief that befell it then artificially created by a clever enemy, an example of which is the so-called process Christianization, broke into many shining crystal fragments, like a beautiful crystal vase is broken. Each of these crystals was suddenly surrounded by the darkness of a hostile environment, which in each case considered it an honor to declare this crystal a product of its "mind." We, dear reader, are standing today at a kind of crossroads, where one road - wide and straight, like an arrow - leads further and deeper into the abyss of black insanity, and the other is half-overgrown with thick weeds with thorns and thistles,since almost no one has been walking on it for a long time - to the Truth and the Primordial Light, once kindled for us by Our Great Ancestors. Which of these two roads we go further - depends only on ourselves.


Now let's pay a certain amount of attention to Ancient Egypt, whose civilization arose much earlier than Rome. There are endless disputes, mainly about what kind of state it was and what race its citizens belonged to. I can answer the first part of the question right away - Egypt was the only state formation of antiquity, in the construction of which the Slavs-Aryans did not take part.


Egypt is completely the product and work of the hands and talent of the Slavs-Rus. Slavs-Rus or, in other words, Ruso-Varangians - I repeat once again - there are native inhabitants of Europe who descend from Cro-Magnon people. Thanks to the glacier, which licked almost everything, today we can not say anything that this people created on the European continent for at least 40 thousand years of its existence. We only know that glaciation drove the Rus to the south, where they grouped around the Mediterranean Sea, mainly in North Africa. The presence of the Russian-Varangian haplogroup I among the inhabitants of today's North Africa fully confirms our conviction. As for the second part of the question, the correct answer to it, perhaps, should be as follows: the population of Egypt was both white (left: Pharaoh Menkauri with his wife 2575 - 2467 BC) and dark-skinned,and even some intermediate. Why? But let's see for ourselves.


Facts say that Egypt was founded about 7-8 thousand years ago. In fact, this happened much earlier - somewhere else during the glaciation period. For some reason, historians tend to divide the history of Egypt into three periods - the Old Kingdom, the Middle and the New. They even provide for the fourth, so-called, preynastic period in the history of Egypt, when the pharaohs did not yet rule this state. These historians, however, do not say anything about the fact that Egypt in the preynastic period did not exist as a separate state, as we actually know it, but was the eastern province of a more powerful state formation of the Slavs-Rus, which occupied the entire territory of North Africa. The most fertile and generally favorable for life part of this mysterious country was the area of today's Sahara. Unlike the Slavs-Aryans, who,Somewhere around this time they left their polar homeland and, fleeing from the cold, went south in search of refuge, the Slavs-Rus, being the indigenous population of Europe, have long established their presence in the warm Mediterranean, making northern Africa their outpost during the period of global cooling … It was during this prehistoric period that all the main wonders of Egyptian architecture arose, such as, for example, the famous pyramidal complex with the Sphinx in Giza.the famous pyramidal complex with the Sphinx in Giza.the famous pyramidal complex with the Sphinx in Giza.


Pre-dynastic Egypt and even Egypt of the Old Kingdom period was an extremely developed state formation, where they were able not only to build, but also to use the most advanced knowledge in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, physics, etc. However, if I, for example, now say that In ancient Egypt, electricity was widely used, then an unprepared reader, to put it mildly, may not agree with me (see on the right below: "light for the pharaohs" in Dendera, 2250 BC). Therefore, I decided to avoid in this article from talking about various "high-tech" antiquity.


If we take a close look at the colored drawings, bas-reliefs and faces of the mummies of the Old and Middle Kingdom - in other words, more ancient Egypt, as well as at the artifacts of the preynastic period mentioned above, then we will certainly come to the conclusion that the ancient Egyptians were white Caucasians (see above left: Pharaoh Amenemhet III, 1841 - 1797 BC). Moreover, the more ancient Egypt was, the more Caucasoid its population was. So, for example, Nefertiti, well-known to us, was not a Negro woman definitely (top right: Nefertiti ~ 1350 BC), just as they did not belong to the number of Negroids, say, and Pharaoh Menkauri and his wife (picture above left), along with all the other pharaohs and the nobility of Egypt in the early period.

Egyptian aristocrat from 1400 BC; he is also the father of Tia, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhatep III. The falsifiers of history are trying their best to hide from the general public any information about how the inhabitant of the ancient Egyptian state really looked. Sometimes it even comes to absurdity. Facts of modern barbarism are known, when heads were deliberately beaten off from ancient Egyptian statues and the heads of a Negroid species were attached instead.


So someone wanted and still really wants to hide from us our true past. However, I will note that violence against history is becoming more and more difficult to implement. A very powerful proof that ancient Egypt was originally a country of European man is the appearance of Egyptian mummies (left: Yuya, an Egyptian aristocrat from 1400 BC; he is also the father of Tia, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhatep III. Note the blonde hair mummies and Caucasian features; right: wife of Mr. Yui Tui - golden-haired great-grandmother of Pharaoh Tutankhamun). Despite the fact that we are usually shown mummies wrapped in rags and with faces covered with painted masks, we, nevertheless, with the appropriate perseverance, can, if necessary, dig deeper. However, no matter how many ancient Egyptian mummies we see,No matter how much we look at their gray and withered faces under the burden of millennia, the result will be the same: before us is living proof that we are dealing with a person of a uniquely Caucasian species, who has both hair color and proportions of the face and head without any stretch of the imagination are identical to ours.


As for Egypt of a later period, studying the appearance of various representatives of ancient Egyptian society from the time of the New Kingdom and right up to the end of the existence of this once powerful state on the banks of the Nile in general, we will come to an undeniable conclusion: a white person of the Caucasian type is gradually beginning to disappear from the scene of life, giving way first to Negroids from Nubia (see on the left: one of the last Egyptian pharaohs - Shabaka, Negroid from Nubia, 710 BC), and then to a massive migrant from the Middle East, irrevocably attracted by the wealth of the country of the pharaohs. That is why at the very beginning of this section, when asked what race the population of Ancient Egypt belonged to, I replied that it was "both white and dark-skinned, and even some intermediate" or something … As in the later case with Rome,With the ousting from Egypt of its true owner - in this case - Slav-Rus, science and art, architecture, creative thought of the state begin to gradually, but more and more rapidly, disappear until they disappear altogether. The law is no longer able to keep the motley multiethnic society, which is drowning in a quagmire of vice, within the norms of civilization. Thousands of years of work of the Rus, aimed at the development of the African continent in order to turn it into the most comfortable piece of our planet for human life in the conditions of difficulties and hardships of the post-glacial period, is finally coming to naught. Thus, Egypt ceased to exist and disappeared forever into oblivion - a majestic ancient power, the founders of which, according to indisputable, but for the most part, carefully concealed from us until now facts,were our immediate ancestors.


If you, dear reader, already had or will once have the opportunity to travel across Africa, focus your attention not only on the pyramids and monuments of Luxor. I advise you to take a closer look at the people who inhabit the countries of this amazing continent. In the same Egypt, you will come across settlements, whose inhabitants are striking to this day because of their blond hair and extremely white skin color, which is very unusual for African latitudes. In Ethiopia, you will be amazed at the number of dark-skinned people with somehow Caucasian features, and in Kenya, especially among the Maasai, you will even see blacks with not only European features, but also with light blue eyes (on the left is a girl from Kenya). Pay attention also to the perfect astronomical knowledge of the Dogon tribe representatives,who know about Sirius and its satellites, perhaps, more than modern science, and who, at the same time, in everything else, barely moved from the level of development of the Stone Age. You will also be amazed by the Tuareg lifestyle, which in many properties intersects with your own. Look at the stone ruins of the Cyclopean buildings in Zimbabwe, created at least 10 thousand years ago as part of the perfect infrastructure for the extraction and processing of gold and precious stones and ponder a little about why all these African "anomalies", which you suddenly witnessed, in general take place. If you still have any doubts about this, I advise you to enlist the help of modern means, which include the latest results in the field of genetic research. Correspondingly comparing all the necessary factors,you will be convinced once and for all that all the above (and also not listed) "miracles" observed in Africa are nothing more than a modest echo of that distant era when a powerful highly developed civilization existed on this continent, the main creative and guiding the role in which - I am proud to say it again - was played by your immediate ancestor, SLAVIAN-RUS.