How Do Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons? - Alternative View

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How Do Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons? - Alternative View
How Do Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons? - Alternative View

Video: How Do Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons? - Alternative View

Video: How Do Orthodox Priests Cast Out Demons? - Alternative View
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In the Orthodox tradition, Jesus Christ is considered the first person to drive out demons from the possessed. Today, the holy father receives such an oral "appointment" from an older priest, his teacher or an experienced, but already elderly exorcist. The latter, as it were, transfers this responsibility to his follower.

How to get obsessed

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that a person can become possessed by evil spirits - become a kind of "vessel" for one or even several advocates of the devil - because of some unseemly deeds. These include fortune-telling, communication with sorcerers, psychics and any other people who offer to establish a connection with otherworldly forces. By opening invisible doors to another world, a person thereby makes his soul defenseless against the wiles of demons and their supreme patron, the Prince of Darkness.

Obsession in everyday life can be noticed only in the case of some extreme manifestations. Usually, however, it is discovered when a person comes to the temple of God. This can happen right during the service. The demon inside a person begins to react to sprinkling with holy water, words of prayers and chants, shading with the cross and other moments of the service. At the same time, the demoniac behaves inadequately and incongruously to the place in which he is. He begins to curse the church, spew curses, growl, howl, shake, roll on the floor, etc.

Exorcism procedure

After the possessedness has manifested itself, it is necessary to conduct an exorcism ritual. It is believed that only a priest who is on the upper stages of perfection and asceticism can conduct it. The ritual consists in carrying out certain actions and reading prayers over the demoniac, who himself is not able to pronounce the words of Holy Scripture (this is actively opposed by the spirit that has taken over him). The very procedure of driving out demons in Orthodoxy is called the "rite of exhortation" from the word "read" a prayer.

Promotional video:

A person suffering from demons must be brought to an excuse with a pectoral cross worn on him. He should fast the day before the service. Unbaptized people are not allowed to report. During the service of the possessed, the priest sprinkles abundantly with holy water and fumigates with incense. After that, he carefully reads certain prayers over him. This must be done with extreme concentration, with all your soul calling on God and believing in his blessing. Every word spoken during this procedure is very important. And the exorcism itself in any religion is considered a special mission, a kind of obedience.

Throughout the lecture, the priest reads Biblical texts and prayers, baptizes and sprinkles holy water on the demoniac until he gets better. The list of prayers is extensive. These are "Our Father", "Prayer against demonic intrigues", "Prayer to the Holy Spirit", Psalm 90, Psalm 50, etc. There are about several dozen such salutary prayers. The lecture can continue for quite a long time, sometimes a couple of hours, until the demon finally leaves the body of the sufferer.