The Letter That Wrote Happiness - Alternative View

The Letter That Wrote Happiness - Alternative View
The Letter That Wrote Happiness - Alternative View

Video: The Letter That Wrote Happiness - Alternative View

Video: The Letter That Wrote Happiness - Alternative View
Video: My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic 2024, June

If you are reading this letter, it means that I have already come to you. And now I will start to grumble, because there is something! It hurt, you know … I am very many years old - I myself do not remember how many. I guess I have always been. Therefore, I have accumulated a lot of observations of humanity. Never tried to put yourself in my shoes? But in vain! Very helpful and informative. Everybody says: "Happiness, happiness …" They rush, search, dream of me. And I, by the way, was not hiding anywhere! And did not run away! I am all the time around and just waiting to be noticed. But how will they notice me if the majority have no idea how I look?

It's funny: they are looking, without knowing what!

More often than not, they don't notice me, because everyone represents me in their own way. For someone I am a cake with cream, for someone - communication with nature, for others - world fame, and for someone happiness when another is in trouble. Unfortunately, there are some! By the way, I also don't have a definite place of residence, I wander around the world, looking for a haven. I would be glad to live with someone, I knock on all doors in a row, but they don't always let me in. Everyone will somehow recognize Misfortune at once, but for some reason they don't know me! I know that many are looking for me themselves, sometimes they just bump their nose at me, but more often they usually pass by without noticing. Or not recognizing? Or maybe they are just looking in the wrong place. For example, many seek happiness in marriage. Or at Work. Or in Children. No, of course, I am also present nearby! But then it turns out that if you take away your Marriage, or Work, or Children,I will disappear with them and you will be unhappy? And this is wrong! Happiness is the natural state of a person, so you know.

Here many are sitting, sorting through the past: "Well, they say, there were happy times!" And if you remember how they behaved then, then it’s not true! Even in those happy times they were all dissatisfied with something, all the time they lacked something for happiness. Only over the years did they realize that it was me! It's only late. Well, they sit and indulge in memories. And others all dream, which they lack for happiness. TO! ohm apartments, some cars, some million dollars, some perfect love. Well, so I'll tell you: a person always has something, but he lacks! Give him immediately everything that he asks for there, he will be happy for a week or two, and then he will get used to it and again begin to desire something, so that complete, that means, happiness comes. Oh, and it's difficult for me with you, people! How many nonsense you have piled up around me!

"Happiness is to be needed by people." It seems to be beautifully said, but there is an incorrectness in this. To the right people: What about yourself? So give yourself away by grain, but you will not recognize happiness. It's good to take care of others, but you shouldn't forget about yourself! When Happiness is in you, then the light of happiness spreads around you! How much can you give me ???

Or here: "My happiness is in children." The children grew up, they created their families, they built nests, and the mother kept trying to get in on them, interfering, offended that she was being pushed into the background. Why? But because I left with the children, she originally put me in them. But what about her now, without happiness, then? So I say - your own happiness should be, not dependent on anyone.

And then they also say: "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped." What are you people? Why do you have to hit you in the head with a brick so that you think that there was happiness, there was, but you didn't notice? Yes, do not be offended by what turned up, I immediately warned that it hurt me: You better listen to me, your Happiness, you see what is useful and take note. If you only knew how often I stand at the head of the bed when a person is already leaving and tears are welling up! After all, only then he realizes that there was happiness, it was, but he blinked, did not see, did not notice!

Here a man climbs a mountain, to the very top, climbs, puffs, knocks his fingers into blood. And all for what? To rise to the top and feel happiness! Well, me, that is. Happy moment! Flight of the soul! But then he will still have to go further. Descend to climb again. The eternal pursuit of happiness … And people do not know that while you are climbing somewhere, I am behind you, in p! yukzake with Izhu. Or in your pocket. Or I’m just flying next to me, whispering: “Stop, friend! Look around! Here I am, your Happiness! But where there is - very few people hear. I'll tell you my main secret: I am tied to time. I am not in the past - these are just happy pictures. And in the future I am not - these are only sweet dreams. I am always in the present!

Promotional video:

Have you heard the song - "There is only a moment, hold on to it"? Here, this is just about me! Your every moment is happiness. Of course, if at this moment you did not fall into the past or future.

The past is usually regretted, the future is worried. And where there is regret or anxiety, I do not live - we are incompatible, what can you do! I'll tell you what! If you are reading my letter now, it means that you have eyes and they see. Isn't this happiness? If you are blind, but someone read the letter out loud to you, you have a friend! What happiness! Breathe, walk, love, watch, touch and smell - yes, all happiness! Yellow leaves flew - beauty, happiness! Snow fell on the ground - light, clean, happiness! Streams flowed, grass is breaking through - isn't it happiness? And when the berries, mushrooms have gone and you can swim in the river - but simply delight! I ask you one thing, people: do not hold me!

Don't grab your wings! I'm mobile, volatile! If you deprive me of the flight, then I will turn into a memory. Like that dried leaf that your grandmother brought from Evpatoria in 1968. It, of course, pleases the soul, but that was when it was! You better remember: "Happy hours are not observed!" And why? Because every moment is happiness for them, why should they look at the clock? They have neither past nor future, but only a moment!

In general, I appeal to you, people: Let me in, I'm tired of wandering around the world without shelter. Let's live according to the law: "Man is the master of his own Happiness!" Well, that's all I dream about, to come to someone and make him happy for life. You just stop for a moment, stop your eternal running, look around - and immediately you will see me. And if you want, tell your friends about me, those who are to you! especially expensive. Let them also hear my desperate cry! And you will do a good deed, and they will rejoice. And there, you see, they will listen and look … And they will finally notice me. And there will be happiness for all of us!