Straightforward Logic Of Thinking - Alternative View

Straightforward Logic Of Thinking - Alternative View
Straightforward Logic Of Thinking - Alternative View

Video: Straightforward Logic Of Thinking - Alternative View

Video: Straightforward Logic Of Thinking - Alternative View
Video: The Psychology of Thinking - with Richard Nisbett 2024, September

No, this is not exactly what many understand by it. This is not always superficial logic and not always limited abilities in logic, when a person does not see more than 2-3 elements in the chain of cause-and-effect relationships, and one should not confuse it with the inability to make or understand hints. This is a kind of logic of thinking in which a person seeks to find the most simple solution for himself, which seems to him immediately understandable for one reason or another, which does not require too much thought and going beyond the usual things that can give a result quickly. People with this kind of logic can be smart enough, can understand and give hints, and even build long and deep chains of reasoning. But nevertheless, the straightforward logic of thinking, even being highly developed, remains a rather primitive tool of cognition,very severely limiting the capabilities of its carrier. Let's talk about the signs of people with this logic.


Let's agree that for simplicity we will abbreviate the phrase "straightforward logic" with the abbreviation "PL". Immediately I regret that this article will contain few real examples, because they will only spoil the picture being drawn. On many points, examples can give the impression of a one-sided view of a property, while the forms of its manifestation can be absolutely any. In addition, the article is designed for a reader with developed abstract thinking (even if he has a SP).

So, I will repeat right away so that there are no discrepancies: intelligence, talent, the ability to make deep conclusions cannot be considered signs of a lack of straightforwardness in logic, and in general one cannot judge this by intellectual development. People with such logic can be smart, and stupid, and philosophers, or anyone. Rarely do they become owners of creative professions, but they are also present there. That is, although the personal qualities of a person correlate with the straightforwardness of logic, there is no direct relationship here. The peculiarities of such people are expressed precisely in the way of thinking and decision-making.

First of all, a person with SP is distinguished by a tendency to take decisive action as soon as there is an urgent need to do something. As a rule, such a decisive action in a person is poorly thought out, designed only to solve a problem and almost never takes into account the consequences. Examples of such decisive actions include the following.

  • Someone deliberately commits a bad deed - that means he deserves immediate punishment.
  • Some person deserves punishment, which means that the form of punishment is immediate and harsh.
  • You need to nail down - the nail is nailed.
  • Something incomprehensible happened - God did it.
  • A person is beaten - you need to immediately intervene and break up the fight without understanding the situation.
  • Everything is bad in the country - a revolution is needed.
  • The liberals are absolutely crazy - to turn everyone up.

These are just examples, and I'm not saying that the examples given show the inferiority of the decisions of a person with straightforward logic (although, in general, the solutions given are often erroneous). I'm talking about the fact that in place of the "-" sign in the logic of reasoning of such a person is either empty, or some completely primitive habitual thinking that does not take into account the huge variety of options for the development of events in various historical periods of time (from a second or less to thousands of years and more).

Maybe you are not clear what I mean? Let me explain with a simple example "you need to hammer in a nail - the nail is hammered." There are plenty of options here. First, where to score? It is possible to hammer it into some materials, but it will not hold what it is hammered for. Why score? The nail can hold the shear load well, but will not handle the pull-off load. What is the size of the nail? Here you need to make a calculation scheme of the load, taking into account its nature and duration. Maybe you need to figure out how to get into the load-bearing beam, punching it through the wall "blindly"? Or maybe the nail does not fit at all and you need to start by completely revising the entire structure or idea? Maybe instead of a nail in such cases, you need to use an anchor or plumbing bolts? Not,usually a person just takes and drives a nail - and in most cases this solution will work, which creates the illusion of its correctness in general. Whether the board will dry out and release this nail over time, what are the operating conditions (wet or dry), how it will look at all - these are all secondary issues for the submarine carrier, which are usually resolved "later" if a straightforward solution suddenly does not work.

Having become attached to one such decision, which comes to mind as the simplest (in the near future), it is difficult for a person with SP to make a different decision without some convincing evidence. At the same time (important!), The first decision that came to this person does not require proof, such are required only for persuasion. The first solution is always considered proven with a phrase like "Well, are there other options?" and the lack of a quick answer to this question. That is, in fact, when a solution that suits a person is found, it will be extremely difficult for other solutions to take his place. This can be easily influenced only during the search process, when the person with the SP has not yet finally decided.

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The second important feature of a person with SP is that he does not know how to act in different areas, distinguishing one form of activity from another. If he sees a connection between some areas of his activity (even if there is none) or an obvious opportunity to connect these areas, he will do it. For example, a person has a project on the Internet about kittens and a similar project to save the world (well, let's say).

So, be sure that the kitten project will definitely indicate that this person is saving the world, or vice versa, depending on which of the projects requires more promotion. A person with straightforward logic cannot understand the fact that the intersection of the set of target users in both projects is negligible, and such a connection, on the contrary, will drag both projects back. He does not understand how to “be different” in one and the other project, but at the same time it is most efficient to redirect users from there to here or from here to there without direct indication of his involvement in both projects.

Another example of the manifestation of this property is a straightforward exactingness to other people as to oneself. That is, a person thinks that if he solves a problem in some way, then in exactly the same way it should be solved by all the others who took on it, even if it does not suit someone. The owner of the SP is not able to feel the difference between himself and other people, correctly giving them tasks, as a result of which he is often left alone or with a small group of people who, however, also do not really know how to do anything in terms of the organization, without feeling the extreme difference between yourself and other people.

Feeling the difference between yourself and others, as well as being different with different people - these are traits that are practically inaccessible within the framework of the SP.

Since the SP carrier usually cannot “be different”, since creative professions are almost always closed to him, especially acting or theatrical, he often does not have a developed imagination (as unnecessary). Such a person does not even have an understanding of why he should "be different" and almost never will. Due to the action of the Dunning-Kruger effect, he will not understand that as a result he loses a lot in the future, concentrating only on the obvious for him personally result "here and now", not understanding the consequences of his actions over a longer period of time, because this understanding requires going beyond the logic of "here and now", which cannot be done with such logic.

Here we come to the third feature of straightforward thinking. This is the inability to relate reality and your plans. Thinking in categories "here and now", without understanding the need for long-term strategic planning, a person can rarely finish correctly at least one fairly complex business that he started. Inspired by logic like “I want to build a house - I have to buy boards and nails”, he misses the need to investigate a rather complex chain of fifty actions, which is replaced in his reasoning by the sign “-”. He will think according to the principle “let's start, and then we'll see”, not realizing that (as a rule) he loses time, energy and motivation. Having started to do something, he quickly discovers that reality does not tolerate disdain for the implementation of any undertakings, but even then he does not understand what his mistake was. Usually such people are quickly "blown away", lose motivation and abandon the project, or delay for an inadequately long period.

The fourth feature is the tendency to believe that if something cannot be “touched,” then it is not. Or, if he personally does not see something, but others see, then he must see in order to believe it. “Until I see it, I won't believe it,” thinks the person from the SP. He believes in intersubjective testability of scientific knowledge. This principle states that scientific knowledge can be tested by any person, regardless of gender, race, religion, etc., only qualifications are needed in the area in which this knowledge lies. This, of course, is complete nonsense, but for people with straightforward logic, this is exactly the case. If knowledge cannot be expressed in symbols like 2 + 2 = 4 (or a more complex but strict formula, not necessarily in the language of mathematics), then it does not deserve attention and is generally under suspicion. An example is the so-called language of life circumstances. This term from the Concept of Public Safety is associated with the observation that God is not indifferent to the events taking place in the world, and speaks to each person individually, in one language of life circumstances that only he can understand. Each person has his own language, since each person is individual, therefore the same event (life circumstance) for different people can (and will) have a different meaning, sometimes even completely different, although it may seem to an external observer that there is no difference. Each person has his own language, since each person is individual, therefore the same event (life circumstance) for different people can (and will) have a different meaning, sometimes even completely different, although it may seem to an external observer that there is no difference. Each person has his own language, since each person is individual, therefore the same event (life circumstance) for different people can (and will) have a different meaning, sometimes even completely different, although it may seem to an external observer that there is no difference.

Another example is “mysticism”, which, bypassing the usual SP, persecutes a person, not allowing him to do something, or, on the contrary, pushing him to something. The PL owner is inclined not to notice such "mysticism", trying to find a rational explanation in a language already known to him (in natural, or the language of mathematics, for example). He does not understand that for some things it is necessary to create a new language of communication with the outside world. He believes that everything has its own explanation, and this explanation can necessarily be understood at his current level of development. Such a person is, in principle, incapable of admitting that his level of development may be insufficient for understanding "mysticism". Everything that seems mystic to him, he will consider stupidity and superstitious nonsense.

The situation is similar with the rule "everything happens in the best way in accordance with the morality of most people." It is impossible to understand its meaning by SP methods, therefore a person with such logic is doomed to always argue with this rule, putting forward straightforward examples as counterarguments, in which a superficial analysis really cannot see anything good, and even more so "the best." He will think that if you give an example like “here, he was a good person, and then he was hit by a car, and then a bad person is swimming in millions,” then that says it all.

Fifth feature. A person with SP usually admits that he may not understand something, but he does not admit that there are relatively simple things that he, in principle, cannot understand with his logic. Just as it is difficult for a blind person to understand what color is, and a deaf person - sound, so a person with straightforward logic cannot easily explain his shortcomings, since they can only be understood from the outside, from the position of a bearer of more perfect logic.

For example, here we can say that the attitude to horoscopes, predictions, prophecies, astrology and other such things in such a person is usually negative, he does not believe in anything like that. Except for one case: if belief in these things was not the first straightforward solution to some of his problems. As you remember, the first decision is made without proof, all the rest need to be proven. Thus, the understanding of such things for a person with SP will in any case be superficial: both for those who believe in horoscopes and for those who do not - both will not be able to clearly explain their position, but both will be equally sure that they are right.

Six. The bearer of such logic almost never does something that he does not see the meaning of (read, does not understand) in the near future. Only a few of these people can think for the future in a few years, almost no one is able to think about the situation for several decades ahead, and planning outside the time of their lives is inaccessible and incomprehensible to them nonsense, which does not need to waste time. A person with straightforward logic will not try to specifically understand what is incomprehensible, if right now it is not explained to him what the benefit is, that is, if he does not see it, then he will not look specifically. This is also a common feature of such people - they do not try to look for what they did not think about or what they did not see. They cannot and will not dream, invent, approach the business creatively (answering everyone: “why?”). These people are rarely able to invest in the future,that is why their life often resembles a series of random events, which, as they think, is the result of circumstances that cannot be predicted (of course, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance between two cities with a drawing ruler … although a person with straightforward logic will do just that if suddenly there will be such an urgent need to find this distance).

Seven. The attitude towards art is skeptical. Not understanding the meaning of art, the concepts of "beauty", "harmony" and many other abstract things from the toolkit for understanding the world, a person with straightforward logic will say that an idiot who bought a "daub" for a million dollars is an idiot, and the Black Square is an example of moronism, to cut down the attendants. It does not matter whether it is really so or not, it is important that the logic will be just like that, but the question "why?" there will be another rhetorical question: "What is the point then, tell me yourself?"

It is not necessary that all seven of the described points should be present in the carrier of the PL, but three or four are enough to ensure that a person is wasting a lot of his time and energy, doing the wrong work that he could do. Of course, a person with a more perfect, advanced logic can also wear similar signs, but, firstly, he does not depend on them and can control them, and, secondly, he usually has no more than two or three of them in his daily life.

What advice can you give to people with SP? In fact, any advice will be turned into emptiness, because if the reader is an SP carrier, he will not agree with what I wrote about him, find some pseudo-justification for himself, or say that this does not apply to him. Therefore, he will not understand my advice due to the presence of a SP. If the author can think more broadly, he doesn't need my advice. Why did I write this at all then? A-ha-ha, it's just boring for me to sit in the forest alone. But seriously, I just know that among people with SP there are thinking people who are able to change and improve through internal efforts on themselves. They also do not need my advice, since here they need to come up with (perhaps the first in life) their own solution. They only need to look at themselves in the mirror, which I tried to design for them. Good luck!