Children Of The Gods Slavs - Alternative View

Children Of The Gods Slavs - Alternative View
Children Of The Gods Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Children Of The Gods Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Children Of The Gods Slavs - Alternative View
Video: No Longer Slaves (Official Lyric Video) - Jonathan David and Melissa Helser | We Will Not Be Shaken 2024, September

Children of the Gods - this was the attitude of the ancient Slavs.

The ancient Slavs had no reason to fear their Gods, they had nothing to ask for their forgiveness. And there was no need to beg for alms, the grace of God, because they are children, and the only feeling among the Slavs in relation to the Gods was love.

Therefore, the nature of the relationship of the Slavs with the Gods was different than in modern religions. Unlike religious rites, they did not humiliate themselves before the Gods. They never kneeled before them, never bent their backs, never kissed the hands of the priests. But at the same time, they felt a natural kinship with them.

If the Slavs felt their guilt, then they atoned for it not with prayers, but with concrete deeds, that is, trying on the functions of the Gods for themselves, without waiting for forgiveness, corrected what they had done, but coordinating their will with the will of their Gods, merging with them not only by its action, but also by thought.

It is now, people have turned away from nature, therefore, on a subconscious level, they feel their guilt before the Almighty, even without dividing it into many manifestations, because there is no obvious feeling of His multifunctional influence through certain functions of nature.

Therefore, today in the representations of human consciousness, the Most High is one, and not One in the multitude, and is represented in the image of the highest being, infinitely exalted above nature by the visible.

This is probably why a person, especially one who is at a low level of spiritual development, is not able to imagine this object in any way, all the more to feel his kinship in relation to Him, far from there, before living relations with Him, without any contrived medium.

This is how the rite serves today. Despite everything, a person still remains sensually spiritual and ritual is an external expression of a person's beliefs. Therefore, in his imagination, he tries to clothe the spiritual in the visible material, in order to somehow make it accessible to himself.

Promotional video:

In Joy, the Slavs glorified the Gods, the Rule glorification of the Slavs is, basically, Appeals to the Gods, often bearing the character of a hymn. Any wisdom (from the word LEAD, not to believe in God) brought up proud, courageous, cheerful, strong-willed, independent individuals, people of honor and dignity, who do not tolerate bullying and who know how to stand up for themselves.

Men, regardless of vocation, have always remained warriors, capable, if necessary, to protect themselves, their wives and children, their loved ones, their homeland.

As for death, the Children of the Gods understood that there was no absolute death. Our Ancestors appreciated and loved life, but never feared death.

In Vedicism, death is the end of one form of life and at the same time the beginning of the birth of a new form. Physical death is just a doorway to transition to other forms of life.

The human soul moves along with the experience of growing up to another world, a higher one, where a person takes on more and more functions of managing the world.

But apparently sometime, in times inaccessible to our memory, something happened that led a person off the path of elevation. An event that caused the evolution of ascent to be reversed.

And today we are forced to observe only what we see with material vision and to explore what is below our level of development. We are able to deal with atoms and molecules.

But where is the wise, providing for everything, creating nothing in vain divine nature - Our Gods? We have lost Kinship - resonance with our Gods. So the primary task is to restore this connection!

Two Ways were left to us by our Great Ancestors, two basic Commandments (Two Greats - so they said before):

1. to live in conscience in harmony with nature, 2. to honor the Gods and Ancestors.

Don't tell the Gods that you are in trouble. Tell trouble that you are with the Gods.