"Mona Lisa" Is A Man! - Alternative View

"Mona Lisa" Is A Man! - Alternative View
"Mona Lisa" Is A Man! - Alternative View

Video: "Mona Lisa" Is A Man! - Alternative View

Video: Mona Lisa IS Leonardo da Vinci 2024, October

The famous La Gioconda Leonardo da Vinci turned out to be a man! This sensational version was put forward by a number of Italian researchers. It was originally believed that the portrait depicts 24-year-old Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a Florentine silk merchant. This portrait was commissioned by a loving husband in 1503 on the occasion of the birth of Andrea's second son.

In 2011, in order to dispel doubts about the origin of the model, archaeologists opened the grave of La Gioconda, but there has been silence since then. Scientists have not made any official statements. So who is behind the most mysterious smile in history?

The descendants of the famous Mona Lisa are hiding the truth! The painting by Leonardo da Vinci does not depict Mona Lisa Gherardini. This was proved during excavations on the territory of the Florentine monastery of St. Ursula. It is there, according to church books, that the ashes of the owner of the most mysterious smile are buried.

In 2011, the alleged remains of Mona Lisa were found. There was a lot of noise, because it turned out that neither the skull, nor the eyes, nor the hands match. There is nothing like the Mona Lisa from the portrait, and everything fell silent.

All work on the exhumation of the remains was carried out in the strictest confidence and under the vigilant control of two noble families of Florence - Gherardini and Strozzi, Mona Lisa is their direct great-grandmother, and 7 years have passed since the opening of the grave.

The results are simply unknown, they are deliberately hidden because it is associated with some kind of sensation that we cannot "digest" or, which in a certain sense is provocative for us.

It is still not known whether DNA tests have been performed. Scientists are confident that their results will destroy the main myth of wealthy Florentine families.

Princess Irina (left) and Natalia (right) Strozzi
Princess Irina (left) and Natalia (right) Strozzi

Princess Irina (left) and Natalia (right) Strozzi.

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Take a look at the 15th generation of the Mona Lisa. There is nothing, even remotely, reminiscent of La Gioconda, because in the picture, according to the researchers, the sitter dressed in a woman's dress.

Comparing the proportions of the skull and some features of the Mona Lisa's face with the images on other canvases of her beloved student, art critics have come to the conclusion that this is an image of none other than the favorite of Leonardo da Vinci.

Gian Giacomo Caprotti known as Salaino was Leonardo's student and model for 25 years. The image of an apprentice is quite common in the canvases of the Italian genius.

The student was his favorite model. He taught him to draw and drew him himself. Da Vinci took this young man at the age of 10, being young and with a slightly feminine image, without eyebrows. If you show some imagination, then you can see a young man in the Gioconda.

John the Baptist
John the Baptist

John the Baptist.

For example, Salaino in the image of a young man in yet another painting by da Vinci "St. John the Baptist": an oval, mouth, nose; all the painfully familiar features of the famous Gioconda and a characteristic smile wandering from picture to picture.

The nickname of the pupil of Salai / Salaino from Italian means "devil". In his diaries, Leonardo writes that the apprentice "had a violent disposition and did not mind drinking." The fate of Caprotti was tragic; he was killed in a drunken brawl after the death of the great mentor.

Modern Italian society is now in a stupor, because not only the image of the humble Madonna is crumbling before our eyes, but also the magical connection of the noble families Gherardini and Strozzi with a brilliant picture. That is why the results of the autopsy of the Mona Lisa's grave are kept secret and they are unlikely to soon become the property of the world community.

Although, from the point of view of art, it does not matter who is depicted in the portrait: the venerable mother of a rich family or a rootless drunkard. The painting of the great genius of the Renaissance, despite everything, was and remains a world masterpiece.
