The Great Secrets Of Famous Scientists - Alternative View

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The Great Secrets Of Famous Scientists - Alternative View
The Great Secrets Of Famous Scientists - Alternative View

Video: The Great Secrets Of Famous Scientists - Alternative View

Video: The Great Secrets Of Famous Scientists - Alternative View
Video: Secrets of the Universe - Great Scientists in Their Own Words 2024, October

One of the most prominent "encoders" was, as we know, Leonardo da Vinci, writer, engineer, artist and naturalist of the Renaissance. He, who created the greatest artistic masterpieces, managed to create fantastic projects for those times: a tank, a glider, a submarine, a parachute, a self-propelled cart and even a kind of gas mixture that allowed a person to be under water without a spacesuit. However, the great inventor understood perfectly well that if he created it all in reality, the powerful of this world would immediately use the created one as a weapon. Therefore, he simply destroyed all the drawings and descriptions.


For more than five hundred years, the riddles and secrets that accompanied Leonardo never cease to haunt the minds of mankind. Not so long ago, Italian scientists were able to discover the great maestro's secret workshop. She was in the dungeon of the monastery of St. Annunziata, in the heart of Florence. The entrance to the workshop was so skillfully hidden in the wall that it remained untouched for many centuries. The workshop has five rooms, which housed laboratories, a master's bedroom, a kitchen and a secret room in which Leonardo himself worked. Scientists examined the workshop in the most thorough way, but, alas, they did not find any documents or papers that could shed light on the disappeared inventions of da Vinci.

However, the efforts of scientists were rewarded with other papers - drafts of the prophecies of Leonardo da Vinci. And although these are not the first finds of this kind, they are worth your attention! Here you need to make one Retreat. The fact is that the great Leonardo was left-handed, and to hide some of his works from prying eyes, he wrote from right to left, and even in a mirror image, in addition, this cunning man combined or broke some words, sometimes turning them into anagrams. Thanks to these tricks, many of the master's texts and documents remained unread for a long time. And when some "keys" to the texts became known and the texts were deciphered, the predictions of Leonardo da Vinci came to light, which led mystical researchers to the idea of the author's travels in time, especially since he directly pointed out such a possibility in known documents. However, if you look at these prophecies through the prism of secrets swept into oblivion by two other geniuses - Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, then maybe something will become clear …

At the beginning of the last century, the American physicist Nikola Tesla dared to make a sensational statement: electrical energy (and not only it) can be transmitted over long distances without the help of wires! Some skeptical scientists ridiculed the "dropout", others pondered … Meanwhile, Tesla, having secured financial support from large electrical engineering companies, managed to build a prototype of a "tower" equipped with equipment unknown at that time: rods, twisted wires, something like electric current generators, metal concave "plates" and God knows what else.


After hard work, Tesla's installation was almost ready. He even performed initial tests. According to one of the employees of the "tower" Richard Heinz, he clearly saw how on the appointed day and hour, from a copper pin located in the middle of a metal "plate", bright blue circles burst out and instantly rushed into space. Inspired by success, Tesla goes to financiers for money. He shows them drawings and graphs, tries to prove the viability and profitability of work with the help of scientific theories and calculations. All in vain. The mere fact that the practical results of the required scale are ten to fifteen years away tilts the scales not in his favor: Tesla's opponents and the oil kings probably had a hand in this - both of which had Tesla's tower in the throat. Tesla's project was closed. He is ridiculed by the scientific world and … forgotten. The misunderstood and not accepted scientist destroys practically all his papers: journals of laboratory and field research, theoretical calculations and calculations, in a word - everything!

For many years, his name has become synonymous with the "searchlight adventurer" from science, but in vain! There is one well-known fact, or rather, a phenomenon included in the scientific annals under the name "Tunguska meteorite". What does Tesla have to do with it? Maybe it has nothing to do with it, but the fact that the "meteorite" fell exactly on the opposite side of the "Tesla tower" of the Earth, as if piercing it through and leaving no traces at the site of the fall, suggests some thoughts. And if we add that the day of the "meteorite fall", June 30, 1908, coincides with Tesla's experiment described by R. Heinz, the question arises: "Perhaps Tesla's experiment was more than successful?" Then what a monstrous power was in the hands of the ridiculed scientist! Perhaps, realizing the power of his invention and the fact that it is not yet controllable, Tesla, like the great Leonardo, destroyed all the records? May be…

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However, not only Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla enveloped their lives and deaths in riddles and secrets. Here it is more than appropriate to mention Albert Einstein and Academician Andrei Sakharov. Both of them worked in the field of nuclear physics, were the fathers of the most powerful weapons - atomic and hydrogen bombs, but along with this they conducted "closed" topics for the study of the properties of time and space. And again history repeated itself: shortly before the death of A. Einstein, according to the testimony of his relatives, some papers were burnt. Some researchers of the life of Einstein, who in recent months was engaged in the creation of the theory of the Unified Field, argue, not without reason, that he probably managed to create an equation that allows one to characterize the interaction of the three fundamental forces of the Universe - atomic (thermonuclear), electromagnetic and gravitational fields. In practice, this would be a revolution: the possibility of creating a time machine, reaching any star systems in a matter of minutes, and, in addition, creating an unprecedented weapon. This is what the "father of the atomic bomb" understood perfectly well. But, in addition, he suspected that work in this direction was fraught with a breakthrough into other dimensions, and what this threatens is completely unknown. Moreover, a certain precedent has already taken place. This is the US Navy destroyer Eldridge. This is the US Navy destroyer Eldridge. This is the US Navy destroyer Eldridge.

In the forties of the last century, Albert Einstein was in the service of the naval department. The Second World War was going on and the top management of the Navy, preoccupied with large losses, set a "simple" task for a group of scientists: to make the ships invisible to enemy radars. Along the way, the task of creating "stealth" technology, or, as they said at the time, "phantom", was also set for aircraft based on aircraft carriers.

In the Soviet Union, by the way, similar developments were also carried out and, I must say, very successfully. But, unfortunately, in the mid-fifties of the last century, the stealth plane project was frozen. Or not?!


Be that as it may, the US Navy apparently took advantage of Einstein's developments, and in 1943 a certain installation was assembled on the destroyer Eldridge. After careful preparation in conditions of a high degree of secrecy, an experiment was carried out What were its specific conditions and goals, and remained a secret, but something about the consequences is known. For example, the fact that after turning on the "invisibility generator" the ship really disappeared. According to some witnesses, the Eldridge simply disappeared into thin air. After some time, the destroyer appeared again. The paint on board had peeled off, streaks of rust were visible on the hull, as if the ship had returned from a long voyage, but the most incomprehensible and tragic thing happened to the crew of the Eldridge. Some of the sailors disappeared, some “dropped out” of the present time, some went mad, and there were those whothat they "crumbled" - they dissolved in the air, disappeared, so as not to appear again. It was then that Einstein, having learned about the results of the experiment, destroyed part of his developments, and some, according to some scientists, deliberately "led" in the wrong direction.

Our civilization is not yet ready to manage time and space, says Professor Teddy Lee. “A breakthrough into other worlds-universes is likely fraught with penetration into our world of the most unexpected forms of life, creatures hostile to us, we are not ready for such a meeting. This will be the biblical Apocalypse! Another specialist, nuclear physicist F. Rockwell, went even further in the early 90s of the last century: “Note, the activity of UFOs, all kinds of disks, luminous balls and others has increased significantly since the beginning of the atomic era of mankind. We, people, without knowing it, have opened some space-time portals, letting “something” into our world, and with each new test we continue to do this. I don’t want to scare anyone … but someday the cup will overflow!”.

However, let us return to A. Einstein and the story with "Eldridge". Probably, even then, in the forties, he realized the seriousness of the possible consequences of his discovery. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that the US Navy command destroyed all documents related to the experiment on the destroyer, including even the logbook. And further. In the 90s of the last century, a complex codenamed "HAARP" came into operation in Alaska (USA). According to official statements, the complex is a purely scientific structure for studying the ionosphere of the polar regions. According to unofficial data, the complex is a climatic weapon capable of causing natural disasters, tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., anywhere in the world. In addition, the installation seeks space-time "corridors" adjacent to the Earth, which allow making a timeless breakthrough to other star systems.


One way or another, but one of the creators of the complex said that the installation was based on the developments of A. Einstein and … Andrei Sakharov. Everyone knows him, the "father" of the hydrogen bomb, but few people know about the other works of the academician devoted to the study of space, the properties of time and space. So, for example, his work "Multilayer Model of the Universe", published in 1969 in a very limited edition, is available to a very narrow circle. Already from the name itself it is clear that the book deals with the theory of parallel worlds with very different characteristics. It is possible to get into these worlds (Universes) without leaving the Earth at all - along the space-time "corridors" of "punctures" in the space we are accustomed to with a powerful blow of energy - a controlled atomic explosion. Thus, dreams of reaching the farthest stars or traveling in time take on very real ground. But isn't it dangerous for us, people, for the planet? Probably, this was discussed in a closed (secret) note sent by Andrei Sakharov to the then leadership of the USSR. The note itself received the status of top secrecy, and its further fate is unknown, and the academician soon fell into disgrace and was expelled from Moscow into an "honorary exile" Volga city of Gorky. True, it must be said here that Sakharov was “officially” expelled from the capital as a dissident.that Sakharov was “officially” removed from the capital as a dissident.that Sakharov was “officially” removed from the capital as a dissident.

There is one piece of evidence supporting the theory of A. D. Sakharov

In the summer of 1973, a military builder S. A. Alekseenko checked the readiness of a "well" with an atomic charge for testing. Together with him were the commander of the construction troops of the USSR, General K. M. Vertelov, and an observer officer. At this time, a spontaneous short circuit and a premature explosion of an atomic charge (bomb) occurred at the command post. The explosion itself was underground and took place at a depth of more than three kilometers, so that the inspectors did not suffer much. In addition, Alekseev described cases of "scattering" of biological objects - experimental animals and people, which received the name "Zharov's disease" at the Semipalatinsk test site. Animals and people exposed to radiation "dropped out" of real time. And after two or three days "the dead came to life." (A similar thing happened to some of the Eldridge sailors). Before Dr. Zharov's discovery, the bodies of the dead (or not dead?) Were buried, then, after Zharov's description of the symptoms of "crumbling", the situation changed. However, as usual, all subsequent studies were classified as classified.

So, there are parallel worlds and Universes, the keys to the doors of which we ourselves, unknowingly, own? And in their own way, Leonardo and Tesla, Einstein and Sakharov were right, who took away with them secret knowledge, which is too early and dangerous for us to possess. It is dangerous for us, earthlings, and, possibly, for “them” - those who live on the other side of the “doors” Although, to be honest, it would be very curious to look at the past and the future, to see other worlds, our neighbors in the Universe.