Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View

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Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View
Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Modern Society So Actively Degrading - Alternative View
Video: How the Modern World Makes Us Mentally Ill 2024, September

Anyone from birth is like a new computer with an installed

operating system, but without programs and files.

He is pure, and his character has not yet been formed, as well as his worldview, as well as the concepts of what is good and what is bad, and other mental attitudes.

What he will become after years depends only on his environment, on the information that will come to this "computer", on how this world will be presented to him and what he will understand.

The first module to download files to this computer is the parents. Their upbringing sets the necessary initial settings, with which then a person will perceive all the other information entering his brain. The concepts of what is good and what is bad, laid down in childhood, are like antivirus for the rest of your life. It will filter information, and if it is installed incorrectly, then malicious files can easily enter the human brain. This is a very important period of upbringing, and he does not tolerate mistakes. Suppose that the child's parents are decent people, and raised him appropriately.

What's next? The next step is school. This is a more complex mechanism, since here, from a cozy home environment, a person enters his first team … or a herd?

A team of completely different children, from completely different families, with completely different upbringing. All of them, completely different, are gathered in one class, in which they will spend all the other years of study together. And here the child must already survive. At the same time, as a rule, individuals who differ from the masses actively choke on everyone else. Over time, groups of several people are formed in the class, before a uniform mass is broken into parts, however, as in any human society, the content of cattle dominates, and it is possible that a worthy person can become a loner, and even an outcast, fighting against everyone else. It either builds character or breaks it completely. At this stage, only the settings that were entered earlier can help. A person must perceive all this correctly and treat it correctly,otherwise, it is fraught with serious psychological problems.

The second important factor for the formation of a person's worldview in school is the school curriculum itself. And here the state module is connected to the human "computer", which will try to "format" the human consciousness under a template that suits him. Through the education system, the government can impose any ideas, even the most disgusting, if they are not rejected by the "antivirus" that was installed earlier. The main tools for imposing ideas in school are humanitarian subjects, such as: history, literature, philosophy, psychology, etc. are not exact sciences that can be interpreted from any point of view.

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In this system, only those authors who are beneficial to the state go to print, although their point of view can be not only false or erroneous, but also deliberately distorted. And this prism of worldview will be hammered into a person through the educational program throughout the entire period of his education. Moreover, do not forget that teachers teaching people in schools and other educational institutions themselves studied in government institutions according to certain textbooks, according to a certain program approved by the Ministry of Education. So if a person does not have competent filters installed in advance, then any "shit" will rush into his brain, and he will not even understand that this is "shit", and the state will establish a prism for a person through which he will look at the whole world around him. …

If a person does not assimilate any information, in addition to the school curriculum, then he is doomed to always be in a crowd of cattle, think like a cattle and live like a cattle.

Well, the last, perhaps one of the most important modules of zombifying a person is now the media.

Fossilized memory

Closer, closer, the light is not near.

And you understand, you are not yourself, That every cobblestone thrown

Once upon a time he was also alive.

Ural, Tibet and Cordillera …

Lie on the slope of our days

Like busts of the silicon era

And the skeletons of giant stumps.

And a guy cooler than Hercules, Throwing selfies on your YouTube

Through the wilds of the stone forest

He walked like a noble lumberjack.

And he bent the rocks like branches …

And we could know him, When would the memory of our ancestors

They did not dare to steal from us.

And we would know, Slavs, That ours are West and East, And - "oak" on the island Ruyan, And in the sky is a lunar bun.

Then we would have heard the calls

And they would understand a hundredfold

What are we little sister Arizona

And Colorado is a blood brother.

But they lied to us about Columbus

And the discoverers of the lands …

And we dreamed under a snow coat

Elbrus stone spruce.

But they lied to us about the Mongols, And about two-legged monkeys …

And we were skipping school

As if they sensed deception.

Leonid Kornilov