A Portrait Coded For Murder - Alternative View

A Portrait Coded For Murder - Alternative View
A Portrait Coded For Murder - Alternative View

Video: A Portrait Coded For Murder - Alternative View

Video: A Portrait Coded For Murder - Alternative View
Video: Former FBI Agent Explains Criminal Profiling | Tradecraft | WIRED 2024, September

In the visual arts, there is such a thing as "picture cryptograms". The very Latin word "cryptogram" (cryptogramma) comes from two roots: the Greek kryptos, which means "hidden, secret", and gramma - "sign". Such images had, in addition to the obvious, also a secret meaning. Sometimes he even became the cause of tragedies …

So, on the engravings that are placed in the books of alchemists, masons and Rosicrucians, in addition to traditional occult symbols, there are "magic keys", encrypted, for example, in the number of stones of the castle wall, or the teeth of its towers … Some irregularity indicates the initial letter of the cipher in the image: for example, the character's hat is not worn according to the rules, the sword is hanging from the wrong side, or the shield is in the wrong hand …

In Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna" on the hand of Saint Sixtus, you can find an extra sixth finger (in Latin sex - "six"). This cryptogram points to the name Sixtus.

The Mannerist Parmigianino's painting "Madonna with a Long Neck" is also a cryptogram. The canvas is considered unfinished, since behind the Madonna's back, columns without capitals are visible going into the void, the head of the sixth angel is barely outlined … However, modern researchers believe that the artist, who was fond of alchemy, tried in this way to express the infinity of his striving for perfection …

In the picture, one of the angels is holding the so-called vase of Hermes (Mercury), which in alchemy symbolizes the initial stage, or conception. The red cross on the vessel symbolizes the future life path of Christ. The long neck of the Madonna, like a column, which has been an attribute of the Mother of God since the Middle Ages, symbolizes purity and purity (in Latin collum tuum ut columna - "your neck and a column").

Sometimes a parable or allegory is encrypted in the image. This is called an acroamatic cipher. Such a cipher is found in Roerich's painting "Madonna of Oriflamme". Madonna holds the Banner of Peace in her hands. Its emblem - three red circles enclosed in a large circle, according to N. K. Roerich, symbolize the Past, Present and Future enclosed in a ring of Eternity …

Another legend about the "secret cipher" is associated with the painting by Titian "The Kumskaya Sibyl". The canvas was at one time kept in the Nesvizh castle, now located in the Minsk region. This castle once belonged to the Radziwill princes, who owned it from the 16th century until the beginning of World War II.

At the end of the 18th century, an orphan, the Radziwills' niece, the future Countess Agnes of Lanskoronskaya, settled in the castle. The little girl was amazed at the rich decoration of the chambers, but she especially liked looking at the canvas of Titian, depicting an amazingly beautiful woman with pomegranate hair, burning dark eyes and an inviting smile … Once the girl dreamed that the beauty from the picture wanted to tell her something. But only in private … At night she approached the canvas with a candle in her hand. But when she looked at the stranger, Agnes felt something, she screamed violently with fear and lost consciousness. A servant ran up, but the girl did not tell anyone what brought her to a swoon.

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Subsequently, the little countess flatly refused to cross the threshold of the ceremonial hall. She immediately began to tremble, and tears appeared in her eyes. Escaping from the governess, she ran to her room. No persuasion and punishment could make her return to the hall. She never told anyone about the reason for her fears.

Years passed. The teenager has turned into a lovely beauty. A young man wooed the girl who wanted to intermarry with the richest and most noble family. In the very main hall where the ominous picture hung, guests gathered. But the bride still did not appear. When they came for Agnes, she explained that she was embarrassed by many strangers. Princess Radziwill still instilled in her that she needed to pull herself together, because she belongs to a glorious and noble family. Finally, the girl nevertheless went out to the guests, who by that time had moved to the dining room. In the midst of the merriment, the prince took her by the hand, led her to the doors of the empty ceremonial hall, pushed her inside and locked the door. It seemed to him that in this way he would relieve his niece of obsessive fears. The girl begged her uncle to release her, but in vain. But from outside the door came the voice of Agnes: “Don't you understandthat Sibyl from the picture predicted my death ?! The princess ordered her husband to open the door at once. The Radziwills ran into the hall. But it was too late. There was a terrible crash. The painting fell from the wall and cut open the skull of the Countess of Lanscorons …

There is a legend that Titian repented before his death, as if on one of his canvases he depicted an "unprecedented killer." Until now, researchers of his work argue what the artist meant. Maybe the Kumskaya Sibyl is a mysterious killer? And Titian created a painting that brings death?