What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View

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What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View
What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View

Video: What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View

Video: What Secrets Did The Classics Of Painting Encrypt In Their Canvases - Alternative View
Video: When Experts Studied This Van Gogh Painting, They Found A Surprising Secret Hidden In The Detail 2024, October

Artists, poets and musicians are creative people, and who knows what they really mean?

1. "Mona Lisa"

Many books and a decent number of films have been written about the intriguing smile of Mona Lisa, but another detail also attracts the attention of art critics: the hidden code in her eyes. Allegedly, if you examine the eyes of the Mona Lisa under a microscope, you can see letters and numbers in them.


Experts say that this is something like the "Da Vinci Code": in the right eye you can see the symbols LV, which, in fact, may be the first letters of the name of the artist Leonardo da Vinci. By the way, symbols are also written in the left eye, but they have not yet been identified.

In the background, namely on the arch of the bridge, you can see the number 72, or it could be the letter L and two. In addition, in the picture you can see the number 149 with a worn four. It is assumed that this is the date the canvas was created. Leonardo painted the picture during his stay in Milan in the 1490s.

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2. "The Last Supper"

We have already mentioned the Last Supper earlier. The painting is also the subject of much speculation. Information technologist Slavise Pesci has managed to achieve an amazing visual effect. When Pesci superimposed a mirrored translucent copy on the painting, two Templar-like silhouettes appeared at both ends of The Last Supper. Interestingly, a figure of a woman with a baby in her arms peeps out near Jesus.


The Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala claims that if you look closely at the position of the hands and bread, a whole musical composition is formed.

Moreover, Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galizia claims that she was able to decipher a mathematical puzzle in The Last Supper. According to Sabrina, the artist predicted the Flood and the coming end of the world, which will begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 of the same year.

3. "Creation of Adam": the divine origin of the mind

Everyone knows Michelangelo as a brilliant artist, but few people know that the future master at the age of 17 studied anatomy in depth and, as students of medical schools should be, took part in the dismemberment of corpses dug up in a church cemetery.


Art historians have been able to discern on the fresco "Creation of Adam" the outlines of such complex parts of the brain as the cerebellum, optic nerve and pituitary gland. And in the very figure of Adam, stretching out his hand to God, one can discern the outlines of the bridge of Varoli and the spine. Apparently, science has not been in vain …


4. "Madonna with St. Giovannino"

In our society, it is customary to attribute everything that is incomprehensible to the deeds of the hands of aliens. It's funny, but if you look closely at "Madonna and Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio, an interesting detail catches your eye: an unidentified plate-shaped object is visible above Maria's left shoulder. Some researchers dubbed it UFO.


In addition, on the right side of the picture, a man is depicted bringing his right hand to his eyes, which supposedly indicates that this strange flying object in the sky is dazzlingly bright.

5. "Prophet Zechariah"

It's no secret that Michelangelo and Pope Julius II had a rather tense relationship. Historians note that the artist depicted the Pope in one of his paintings in the image of the prophet Zechariah, and one of the angels behind him shows an extremely obscene gesture - a fig.


6. "David and Goliath"

The figures of David and Goliath form the letter "Gimel", which in Caballa symbolizes strength. It is believed that the genius of painting became acquainted with Judaism during his stay at the court of Lorenzo Medici in Florence.


7. "Flemish Proverbs"

The title of the work of Pieter Bruegel the Elder speaks for itself: in the picture we see 112 Dutch idioms in action, some of them are still fully used in language everyday life, for example, "Swimming against the tide" or "Bumping your head against the wall."


Most of the elements of folklore indicate human vices, for example, a person shearing a sheep sits next to a person cutting a pig. This scene reflects the proverb: “Some shears sheep, and some shears pigs,” that is, one person has an advantage over others.

8. "Dinner at Emmaus"

The painting by Caravaggio depicts the moment when the resurrected Jesus incognito stays in the city of Emmaus and meets two of his disciples there. Jesus breaks bread with them, after which they recognize their Master.


The picture is unusual already in that the figures of people are depicted on a dark empty background in full size, and at the very edge of the table there is a basket with food, which seems to be about to fall. If you look closely, you can see a strange shadow that resembles a fish, which symbolizes the vow of silence, obligatory for Christians.

9. "Portrait of Young Mozart"

What article on secret signs in works of art can do without mentioning Masonic epistles? So, portraits of people hiding their hands can indicate dedication or a level of hierarchy. An example is the portrait of Mozart painted by Antonio Lorenzoni.


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