8 Horrific Alien Abduction Cases - Alternative View

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8 Horrific Alien Abduction Cases - Alternative View
8 Horrific Alien Abduction Cases - Alternative View

Video: 8 Horrific Alien Abduction Cases - Alternative View

Video: 8 Horrific Alien Abduction Cases - Alternative View
Video: People who believe they were abducted by alien spaceships | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, September

8. Betty and Barney Hill

In 1961, couple Betty and Barney Hill claimed they had been abducted by aliens after they noticed a strange glow near the moon. As the light drew closer, the couple spotted a ship with portholes showing several humanoid figures. According to Betty and Barney, they were forcibly taken to the ship and performed on them terrible medical experiments. What is odd about this story is that Bety could describe in detail the Zeta Grid galaxy, which she said was shown to her by the aliens who had abducted them. Moreover, this galaxy was discovered only a few years later.

7. Alien healers

One evening John Salter Jr. and his son were driving home. Suddenly, they realized that they were going in the wrong direction, and this had been happening for about an hour. When their memory returned, they remembered that they were surrounded by small aliens, similar to children. The men claimed that the aliens took them to a room and began performing various medical procedures on them. Some time after this event, John felt an improvement in his health. For example, the scar that he had on his forehead disappeared somewhere.

6. Travis Waloton

In 1975, as a group of lumberjacks were driving home from work in the evening, they noticed a strange bright yellow disk in the sky. 22 year old Travis decided to approach this light and see what is there. According to the story of his partners, Travis was suddenly captured by a beam of bright light, lifted up and disappeared. The search parties searched for the next few days looking for at least some trace of Travis, but to no avail. After 5 days, Travis inexplicably appeared back. He did not remember what was happening to him all these days and lost a lot of weight.

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5. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

The President of the International Chess Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, believes that in 1997 he was abducted by aliens. He stated that the aliens took him straight from his Moscow apartment and he flew with them to another planet. Just at this time, his assistants were looking for him, but they could not find him anywhere, as if he had disappeared somewhere without a trace. Kirsan stated that his captors told him that it was they who invented chess and that humanity needed to play more in it in order to purify the aura of the Earth.

4. Buff Ladge

Late in the evening in August 1968, two teenagers at Buff Lodge Summer Camp noticed a very strange bright light in the sky. According to the guys, when the light approached them, they saw a flying object, in which there were two aliens. The next thing they could remember was the light receding beyond the horizon. Using hypnosis, the teens decided to reclaim their lost memories. According to them, the aliens were conducting medical tests on them. Curiously, other people who were in the Buff Lodge area also saw a strange glow in the night sky.

3. Robert Taylor

In 1979, while working in the forests of Deckmund in Scotland, lumberjack Robert Taylor noticed three spherical flying machines hovering over him. After a moment, he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he realized that he could not talk. Frightened and confused, Robert tried to drive home, but soon flew into a ditch. When the investigation began, theories were put forward that Robert was attacked or had a heart attack. However, doctors did not find any medical prerequisites due to which Robert could lose speech and control over body motor skills.

2. Mysterious black object

On November 10, 1997, a family was driving their car through the British district of Greater Orme. Suddenly, they spotted a large purple object that was following the car. After a few seconds, he disappeared. When the family member looked at their watch, they realized that 3 hours had passed in that instant. None of them could remember what was radiating then. A couple of days later, a strange black object fell out of the head of the family. The following week, two unidentified men from the Air Force came to the family's home, took away the black object and warned all family members to never tell anyone about the event.

1. Jesse Long

In 1957, when Jesse was 5 years old, he was abducted by aliens. In his vague memories, he clearly remembered how unidentified creatures implanted some strange object in his shin. After 34 years, Jesse began to bother something in the left shin. He went to surgery and the doctors removed the object from his leg. At first, it looked like an ordinary shard of glass. However, upon closer examination, it turned out that this fragment had a very unique composition, and the properties of its surfaces were so unusual that no one could explain what it was.