Roswell Incident - Alien Autopsy - Alternative View

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Roswell Incident - Alien Autopsy - Alternative View
Roswell Incident - Alien Autopsy - Alternative View

Video: Roswell Incident - Alien Autopsy - Alternative View

Video: Roswell Incident - Alien Autopsy - Alternative View
Video: Roswell: The UFO mystery that still haunts America | Planet America 2024, September

The mystery of the Roswell incident

When the conversation turns to aliens, one immediately remembers - the Roswell incident, where it turned out to be possible to perform an autopsy on an alien. There are photographs, films, witnesses … In ufology, this is the most famous case. But because of the hype, we know little about what really happened.

There was a loud headline, and under it - a text, mysterious and fascinating, which is worth reading. Maybe this is just another secret conspiracy, the existence of which everyone knows, but no one openly admits.

The most short-lived sensation in the history of journalism

Let's go back a little. 1947, July 3 - An unidentified object exploded near Roswell Base in Corona, New Mexico at Mac Brazel's farm. A few days later, the military appeared on the farm and took with them everything that remained after the explosion. Colonel William Blanchard told reporters that a ship from another planet was discovered. The news spread throughout America, but was quickly denied by Fort Worth, which showed the remains of a meteorological globe. It was announced: this is a mistake, no aliens were found and they do not exist at all.

After the official denial, the consequences of the sensational news completely disappeared. For 30 years, this story was hushed up and emerged by chance. Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman appeared on a television program in Louisiana in 1978 talking about his research on life on other planets. The host of the program told him that he knew a person who saw fragments of an unidentified flying object in Roswell. His name was Jess Marcel, he worked for the military and lived in Home, Louisiana. The scientist went to him.

Jess Marcel was an Air Force intelligence officer at the time of the incident. He collected the remains of the ship and took them to Wright Field, Ohio. This place was not accidental: a warehouse of captured alien material was located there.

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Ufologist William Moore, who collaborated with Friedman, began collecting information about the case. When they found the newspapers that came out that day, they were able to start their research.

Research group

It is believed that US President Harry S. Truman instructed Dr. Vannevar Bush to organize an interdisciplinary team of researchers to study the Roswell case. Little was known about the members of the research troupe, as they were forbidden to talk about what they saw. In those days, aliens were called an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. The authorship of this term is attributed to Dr. Detaev Bronk, but the term did not catch on, and the press had to look for new names that became popular.

The most famous case in the world

We interviewed all people involved in this case - 92 people in total. Most surprising was the testimony of Glenn Denis, a former airbase worker. He was once asked how to handle small bodies, but the next time he came to work, he was fired. Denis talked to a nurse from the base, who told him that the military performed an autopsy on the body with a foul smell, gray skin with a brownish tinge, with a large head, holes instead of nostrils, ears, mouth, four fingers and no hair. Denis had been in correspondence with this nurse for some time, but after the letter they began to return with the note “the addressee died”.

Friedman and Moore's research was featured on the 1989 television program "Unsolved Mysteries." More than 28 million Americans have been exposed to the event, which has fueled an endless array of articles and books. In the media, Roswell's secret was revealed in full detail.

Since that time, a huge stream of information has arisen, not nearly as reliable as the Roswell case. Rumors began to spread that a whole flotilla of flying saucers had been spotted a few days before the incident. And we even managed to ascertain two more explosions, which the military also kept silent about. There is video footage of an alien autopsy supposedly shown. It was not possible to prove the authenticity of this film, on the contrary, enough evidence was provided to consider it a fake.

That is why there were different explanations for the Roswell incident. Some believe that it was just an accident and the US government took the opportunity to conduct research. Others, on the contrary, believe that it was probably an attack that was repelled at the last moment. And in the end, there is a hypothesis according to which the possibility of meeting with aliens to reach an agreement between the United States and beings from another galaxy was put forward.

Zone 51 puzzle

Closely related to the Roswell case is the so-called Area 51. Many believe that this is where the autopsy took place. Presumably we are talking about a high-security area at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, where the most secret research was carried out. In this zone there was another, higher secrecy, 8-4, on which alien elements were analyzed with the aim of using them for the development of human technology.

This is the most famous base of its kind, but not the only one, because, according to researchers, there are similar bases in Carlsbad, Datil, Dulce and Taos in New Mexico, in Colorado Springs, Creed and Sandia in Colorado; in Chihuahua in Mexico, elsewhere in England, France and the former USSR.

But the military forces of these countries have always denied that there are remnants of alien technology on their bases and that any experiments are being carried out on them.

Other incredible theories on the topic

The most convinced skeptics did not agree with the idea that Roswell had proved the existence of life on other planets. Of course, over time, they stopped believing in this famous event, various theories began to appear, up to the fact that what happened was turned into a circus. As a result, the Roswell incident caused more damage than good to UFO research, because comedians joined serious researchers.

Due to this, alternative theories began to be put forward, which did not see anything extraterrestrial in everything that happened.

One of the most controversial claimed that these were not small creatures, but children who underwent mutations, being subjected to barbaric experiments. It should be borne in mind that these events took place at the end of World War II. It is known that Hitler experimented with concentration camp prisoners, but there are also various theories that claim the Americans did the same during the Pacific campaign. The consequences of the use of atomic energy have already begun to become known, and the hypothesis of human experimentation in this light is not so absurd. Another theory argues that, perhaps in the most remote areas of New Mexico, experiments were carried out either with atoms or with the transfer of matter and the explosion could be their "side effect".

Many opponents of alien research attribute all events related to unidentified flying objects to the activities of the government. They believe that this is a smokescreen covering military research, which, as a rule, runs counter to international agreements.