Can You Read The Signs Of Fate? - Alternative View

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Can You Read The Signs Of Fate? - Alternative View
Can You Read The Signs Of Fate? - Alternative View

Video: Can You Read The Signs Of Fate? - Alternative View

Video: Can You Read The Signs Of Fate? - Alternative View
Video: Pay Attention to the Signs of the Universe | Jack Canfield 2024, September

Many of us have at least once encountered some trifling event that they did not pay much attention to. But it was precisely this that turned out to be a harbinger from which something began to change in life. This is not a premonition, but a sign of fate, which would be good to take into account in order to stop in time …

Pierre-Simon Laplace Slippers

Pierre-Simon Laplace is an eminent French physicist, mathematician and astronomer. For his scientific achievements, Napoleon awarded the scientist the title of count and many orders of the Empire. Laplace was very attentive to any events that took place around him. Once he drew attention to a strange pattern: if in the morning his slippers turned out to be out of place, then it was on that day that thieves tried to rob his pockets.

He decided to check. It turned out that if the slippers were in place, then the robbery never happened. If the owner could not find his shoes in the morning, then in the afternoon he was attacked by pickpockets, from which he had to fight back with a stick.

Was it not these observations that inspired the creation of the theory of probability, one of the authors of which is Pierre-Simon Laplace? Perhaps he wanted to get answers to the questions: what is the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of two events and whether there is a reliable correlation between them. Not a bad incentive for an observant mathematician!

Sailors are well versed in the signs of fate

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Probably, sailors are especially observant people, since every exit to the sea is fraught with dangers. To avoid them, you need to carefully look at the prophetic signs.

For example, John Benbow, being a simple ship captain, if he noticed how a ginger cat ran across his path, he was sure that a sea disaster could not be avoided. Having become an admiral, he always looked around carefully and looked, if a ginger cat would not run over in front of his carriage. If this happened, then going to sea was postponed.

By the way, John Benbow was a very practical person in life. In 1698 a great embassy from Russia arrived in England, headed by Peter I. For three months the Russian tsar and his people lived in the Benbow house. When the guests left his residence, he turned to the treasury with a petition for financial compensation for the losses caused by the Russians!

Naval Commander William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, also looked around carefully on the way to port. If he noticed more than two chimney sweeps on the street, then the carriage, on his order, turned home. For the duke, many chimney sweeps were a prediction of a terrible sea storm.

Pirate Ship Captain John Flint from R. L. Stevenson's Treasure Island never went out to sea unless his pipe was lit twice.

What are the signs of fate?

At first glance, the signs of fate resemble omens, but this is not entirely true. Everyone has their own warning signs. For example, you are walking down the street, stumbled once, then caught your foot on the curb, cursing, continue to move in the chosen direction, suddenly your leg turned up, hitting a hole in the road. Stop! You have just received a warning from above three times: "Be as careful as possible, you may break your leg or get run over by a car!"

The signs of fate differ from signs in that they are repeated regularly in the same situations. If you ignore them, then some undesirable event may occur. Some believe that warning signs are just everyone's experiences. In critical circumstances, people are helped by premonition - the subconscious ability to foresee an event that may take place in the future. One way or another, in order to avoid dangers and live happily, everyone needs to learn to perceive signs, isolating them from the events of everyday life.

For many centuries, mankind has been faced with the phenomenon of signs of fate. Attempts have even been made to classify them. But this turned out to be a meaningless occupation, since each person has his own. It is only possible to show how it works with specific examples.

How do prediction signs come to people?

Denis Lynn in his book Pointers, Signs, Signs. Listen to the whisper of the Universe”gives a very interesting example of how one person received signs several times, which, as it turned out, saved his life.

A businessman from Australia is about to sail on a small scheduled ship from Adelaide to Bombay. He missed the ship three times. The first time I simply overslept, did not hear the alarm clock. The second time his beloved dog fell ill, he had to urgently look for a veterinarian. The third time he could not find the passport … Later he found out: the first ship was captured by pirates, the second one was missing, and on the third a fire broke out and more than half of the passengers burned down.

In the described case, fate sent signs to a person three times. If there are any unexpected obstacles, then you need to take note of this. This makes it easier to avoid potential troubles.

Sometimes you can find a sign for yourself in the conversation of strangers. Once Lena was on a bus, and two ladies in the front seat were very loudly discussing which drug to take if there are problems with skin and hair. The girl did not know where to get away from the talkers, but then something inside her clicked: “But something terrible has been going on with my hair lately. They come out in strands, split and look like a washcloth! She began to listen to the conversation, one lady repeated the name of the drug to another. Lena remembered. At the first visit to the pharmacy, she saw this drug on the window and bought it. After a couple of months, she again admired her beautiful shiny hair.

It so happened that Lena was in the right place at the right time and received a sign from complete strangers how to solve the problem that tormented her.

If you do something and feel joy and pleasure, this is a sign that you are on the right path, and your plans will be fulfilled. If "the soul does not lie" to some business, visit, trip, job change, then it is better not to start it. This is your subconscious mind trying to tell you to save you from unnecessary mistakes and disappointments.

The signs of fate are everywhere: in our thoughts, in the people we meet, in words and small incidents that we sometimes do not notice. The signs tell us where we are now, what awaits us and how soon it will happen. You need to be a little more attentive to yourself and to the world around you …

If you learn to read the signs of fate, then your life will become easier and more joyful.
