Signs Of Fate - Alternative View

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Signs Of Fate - Alternative View
Signs Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: Signs Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: Signs Of Fate - Alternative View
Video: 11 Optical Illusions That'll Reveal Your Personality Type 2024, September

Every day there are more and more cars on the globe: cars have finally become not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Alas: often, instead of making our life easier, making it easier and more convenient, cars, on the contrary, complicate it. They get stuck in traffic jams, break down, get into accidents … How to avoid these road troubles? Take a closer look at the signs of fate: listen to yourself and trust your own intuition - especially when you are driving.


Imagine: it is a fine sunny day outside, the birds are singing, your mood is excellent. Here you sit behind the wheel - and suddenly you feel some vague anxiety. What will you do? Will you read to delve into yourself, look around "in edema"? No: most likely, you will brush aside the alarming premonition, and even go ahead. And for sure "fit" into the neighbor who decided to park in the yard, or you will not notice the inappropriately exposed trash can. It is then that you remember your foreboding and, perhaps, even complain: "But my heart sensed!" And the truth: the heart always anticipates trouble, but only the voice of reason drowns it out at once. We, educated and intellectual, cannot afford to believe in signs and signs from above. For which we are paying.

However, even now there are single specimens that not only trust their instincts, but also perform certain rituals “out of harm's way”. For example, they never wipe the windshield before leaving or take their time if a black cat crosses the road. They'd rather wait for someone else to take on the trouble she promised. And also, talking about the places in which Sasha's friend got dents in his car after the accident, such drivers do not point a finger at their own car. They intuitively feel that it is dangerous to do this.

In a word, lucky drivers differ from "losers" in that they are able to catch signs of fate, decipher, and most importantly, take them as a guide to action. Therefore, the matter is small - to master this wisdom.


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Everything that happens to us is our own fault. And don't even argue: it depends on us what events most often happen to us. If you are shaking over your priceless car, day and night thinking that it might be stolen, rest assured that it will happen. And the law of meanness has nothing to do with it: our thoughts sooner or later attract similar situations. If not the car itself, then the wheels will definitely take you away from it.

There are a great many such examples. Those who are panicky afraid of accidents, most often they get into them. Anyone who is sure that a woman cannot be trusted with a steering wheel will encounter the fair sex on the track.

Agree, not a single normal chauffeur will voluntarily drive along a bumpy road if there is an excellent track nearby. So why do we easily indulge in bad thoughts that create potholes and bumps in life's road? In this case - unlike a real track - only you can carry out the repair work. And to make it easier to determine what exactly is junk in your own body, take a closer look at your car.


If your car is capricious for no reason, do not fuss, it is better to sit down and think about what this might mean. One of four scenarios is likely. Where you intend to go, trouble awaits you. There will be an accident or other annoying incident on the road along which your route passes. You forgot something important: for example, you did not turn off the gas or the iron. And finally, the behavior of the car simply reflects your bad mood, and in such a state it is better not to drive.

The same applies when your parked car gets in the way of cars from other carefree owners blocking your exit. Don't be angry in vain. It’s just a sign: it’s better to wait it out, and it’s better for everyone.


Perhaps, at first, decoding car prompts will seem like a very difficult science to you. But the more often you listen to your intuition, the faster you will master the process of "decryption".

So, you and your favorite car constantly find yourself in a red wave of traffic lights. Higher powers hint: you are on the wrong path in life.

A traffic accident does not happen by accident either. This is a hint that you more often than necessary consider yourself a victim of circumstances or feel guilty. “Sacrifice” and “guilt” are always looking for punishment. And they find it - in the form of an accident. It's a shame, of course, but you shouldn't gnaw yourself for what has already happened. It is much more useful to identify, analyze and correct mistakes made, both real and mental - written in your thoughts.


Breakdowns and defects in the car do not arise just like that, but indicate "breakdowns" and "defects" in the driver himself. Correct yourself - the car will stop breaking.

The headlights of a car can be correlated with human eyes. If they fail more often than usual, this is a sign that you either stubbornly do not want to see something, or you are blinded by the brilliance of other people. Surely you are either desperately afraid of something, or envy of something. Dig into yourself: you will find a lot of useful and interesting information.

The alarm, which goes off at the most inopportune moment for no reason, reminds: you are worried about trifles and wasting extra energy. So stop fussing.

An eternally puffing exhaust pipe indicates that you are too tenaciously clinging to the old, not confident in the future, and showing anxiety even where it is not needed.

Every now and then the trunk swings open or breaks? You do not take care of yourself, you take on too much, exposing your back to the blows - physical and energy. In vain: after all, she only seems unbending, but in reality she is fragile and vulnerable.

Scratches on your paintwork indicate that you are ashamed of yourself, or that you attach too much importance to what others think of you. Remember: others think of us exactly what we think of ourselves - and move on!

Gasoline is to a car what blood is to a person. Disturbances in his circulation indicate that you yourself spoil your life, harass over trifles, do not listen to your true needs. Make it a rule to pamper yourself and give yourself pleasure at least occasionally.

Is it cold inside the car and is there a regular heating problem? It means that you are too tense, have forgotten how to relax and generally resemble a tight spring. Consider, sooner or later she will straighten up, and then both you and your loved ones will have a hard time …

Are you constantly catching nails with your wheels? Tortured by punctures? This is a sign that you are passionate about something, but do not dare to realize your dream. However, another option is also possible - you are preoccupied with something, and therefore are full of impatience and irritation.

Problems with doors indicate that you doubt your abilities, fear for your own authority, or you simply do not have enough space to turn around. One way or another, but, apparently, it's time for you to straighten your shoulders.

The list is endless. But we assume you have already learned the basic lessons. So - attention on the road. Yes, it is full of surprises: twists and turns, bumps and dead ends. But only you decide which path to take. We hope you don't miss your lucky turn now.

Traffic jams

Are you pushing in traffic all the time? This sign means that it would not hurt you to stop your run for a while, relax, be alone with yourself. And at the same time, you can change the route, perhaps not only the car one … Use the traffic jam to understand what prevents you from moving on in life. Remember what you thought about before you got stuck in it: about the upcoming renovation, the education of the children, the prospects for work? Perhaps this is what you should think about more thoroughly.