I See A Landmark: Signs Of Fate - Fiction Or Not? - Alternative View

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I See A Landmark: Signs Of Fate - Fiction Or Not? - Alternative View
I See A Landmark: Signs Of Fate - Fiction Or Not? - Alternative View

Video: I See A Landmark: Signs Of Fate - Fiction Or Not? - Alternative View

Video: I See A Landmark: Signs Of Fate - Fiction Or Not? - Alternative View
Video: Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development in Social Relationships 2024, September

“This is a sign,” “I feel it in my heart,” “a prophetic dream” … Probably, every person has come across what is commonly called the voice of fate. Some are sure, they say, this is a sign from above, others consider the situation to be a coincidence, and still others relate to predictions as a play of imagination. Are there really hints from above, and is it worth looking for a secret subtext in life events?

How many people, so many opinions

Every day, any person plunges into events that lead to a positive, neutral or negative result. Another thing is how we react to the current state of affairs. In general, people can be divided into several types:

1.be sure that fate is in the hands of the supreme powers

These very forces send tips on how to act. Therefore, it is extremely important to see these "leads" and be able to turn them into your own good;

2. believe that the search for secret and explicit meanings is the lot of losers and self-doubt

This type of people is used to relying only on themselves;

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3.are of the opinion that the so-called signs of fate are the connection between the conscious and unconscious parts of the personality

By listening to the prompts of the inner voice, following them, a person moves in the right direction.

What do psychologists say? In their opinion, people who avoid responsibility and independence pay attention to all kinds of clues from the Universe. It is much easier to shift the decision-making power to the mercy of fate or to blame it on its ill-will. For example, before going to an important interview, someone cannot find the keys to the house, the required bus is delayed, etc. One person will regard this as a bad omen, and a meeting with a potential employer will be considered doomed to fail. The other will write off the events on his absent-mindedness and work on the ability to manage time.

Of course, at certain times in our lives we all become superstitious, looking for evidence of the mercy of fate. Even being confident people, we do not always feel on a horse. We can say that the search for signs here acts as a defensive reaction. It's easier for us to think that everything in this world is predetermined. Therefore, we do not feel like losers if we fail.

Probably the easiest life for the materialists. They do not expect special mercy or permission from above for certain actions from life, they trust themselves and act. Although here, psychologists recommend not to be so categorical. They advise pragmatists to single out good signs from the tangle of daily events, listen to intuition and thus only improve their lives.

What do we perceive as signs of fate

And hardened pragmatists, and atheists, and suspicious people from time to time can overcome doubts. Most often, we take the following certain phenomena as signs of fate. For example, intuition. Insight, given by nature, is highly developed in some, while in others it is in its infancy. Sometimes it dawns on us when we hear the right phrase. It can come from a familiar person, be heard in a crowd, on TV, come to mind as the truth.

Or our emotions. Surely you have come across situations where a solution is given through force, discomfort, inconvenience, anxiety. This is how possible negative changes that come from the inner voice and previous experience manifest themselves. And vice versa: a person sees good signals in everything if he is at the peak of his mental form. Then all the traffic lights will be green, and people will be smiling, and the desired bus will arrive immediately.

We often perceive obstacles as a voice from above. But often it's just a series of coincidences. For example, many things are beyond our control, even if we try to calculate them two steps ahead. You can get stuck in traffic if you leave your home with a lot of time; lost your phone and missed an important call; planned a vacation, but got sick, etc.

And also signs and superstitions gravitate over us. Faith in them sometimes sits firmly in our minds. Although, often, at their core, they do not have any rational grain. The same is true for dreams. If we are preoccupied with some issue, certain night dreams can confuse us. Especially if the dream is clear, vivid, memorable in detail.

To believe or not in the signs of fate is a purely personal matter. No one can prove that this is an invention or a phenomenon that goes hand in hand with us. But one undoubted plus from the signs, imaginary or obvious, can be gleaned. Listen consciously to situations like this.

What will it give us? Their detailed analysis, consideration of causes and effects, tracking of consciousness helps to train the mental "muscles" and thinking. All this will ultimately help you better navigate in life and develop intuition. It is also compared to the falling of divine thought into human thought. Inner harmony, joyful emotions, a positive attitude in themselves help to turn life for the better. And their presence is also a sign. Kind.

Author: jauhenija