A Critical Look At The Diaspora - Alternative View

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A Critical Look At The Diaspora - Alternative View
A Critical Look At The Diaspora - Alternative View

Video: A Critical Look At The Diaspora - Alternative View

Video: A Critical Look At The Diaspora - Alternative View
Video: Belonging, Diaspora and Community 2024, September

There is an opinion that a strong diaspora is a support and protector of the national interests of its ethnic system (people, nation). But the reality, as usual, presents surprises. Three-quarters of Ukrainians turned out to be ready to choose a Jewish buffoon instead of the Ukrainian Poroshenko who got them (the legends about the latter's Jewish origin are not true), but the picture is different in foreign areas. The irony is that very often a strong diaspora plays an extremely destructive role in the fate of an ethnic system.

Every acquisition is a loss, and a loss is an acquisition. So in the case of emigration, leaving the territory controlled by one's ethnic system changes a person and his psychohistorical meanings.

A significant part of the strategic mistakes in the recent history of the post-Soviet countries is closely related to the rule / attraction of far from the best representatives of the emigre circles. How is it that the left passionaries and / or their children and grandchildren bring troubles and problems to their historical homeland? Can everything be attributed to external evil, accident? Or is it the norm that a “silly nurse”, a Diaspora woman Ulyana Suprun (aka Doctor Death) is taking the post of Minister of Health of Ukraine? Is this a manifestation of the principle - “the family has its black sheep,” or is it a systemic problem?


In one of the previous articles, it was shown that only in one case, namely when aiming at the reunification of the seized lands, nationalism does not destroy its own ethnic system. But the diaspora has little in common with a compactly located and historically formed exclave in a certain territory. Diaspora is a rarefied, socially simplified and exaggerated reflection of the ethnic system surrounded by outsiders.

In order to leave for a foreign land, strength and energy are needed, therefore the share of people with non-zero passionarity among emigrants is quite high. Several years ago, one of these emigrants, with a certain bitterness, shared with the author that most of the strength and energy are enough to leave, but they are no longer able to fight, tear their veins and gnaw out their best part. But returning back also requires strength, and taking responsibility for the mistake. Many of those who have not arrived are trying to live in a new place, without chances, prospects and fire in their eyes.

Well, we all see the "oil painting" - first comes justification, self-conviction and winding oneself up for a breakthrough, insulting the country and people, then moving abroad, accompanied by a sea of delight and dreams. Further, there is a rapid disappearance of illusions, an attempt to overcome the cognitive dissonance, well, of course, because I am so brilliant, talented, courageous and wonderful, and even more hatred for the rest, they say, they still have even worse.

Promotional video:

In our information age, when every person considers it his right and duty to try to spit into eternity, the opinion of the least organized and self-confident people sounds most loudly and massively, in the information garbage dump called the Internet.

Diaspora life cycle

Attempts to expand the boundaries of influence of the ethnic system are a constant process. If the territory is an object of greedy attention, located in the immediate vicinity of the controlled lands, then one can observe creeping expansion and / or direct aggression, where everything is clear, understandable and logical, both for one side and for the other (see about nationalism). For us, it is of interest to create centers of our ethnic identity far from borders, which in case of success, i.e. emigrants do not dissolve without a trace, leading to the formation of:

  • diaspora;
  • network power;
  • new ethnic identity;
  • ethnic wasteland.

By the way, according to the latter option, European peoples and newcomer neo-barbarians are jointly forming chimeric, multicultural formations without a future on the territory of the Old Continent.

Consider the life cycle of the most frequent education, the diaspora:

  1. Mass relocation of people outside the territory controlled by the ethnic system. It doesn't matter if we are talking about passionaries, or people with negative passionarity;
  2. Creation of a strong and numerous diaspora based on traditional socio-ethnic ties. The more archaic the latter are, the more united the diaspora is;
  3. Penetration into political, economic, cultural, etc. areas of life of the new territory, while the higher the passionarity of the diaspora and the closer the psychohistorical meanings of emigrants and the indigenous population, the more successful the process;
  4. The activation of the assimilation process (acceptance of psychohistorical meanings of the indigenous people), the faster, the more successful the previous stage was;
  5. Severing ties with the historical homeland, degradation of the structure of social ties in the diaspora;
  6. Loss of understanding of the needs, requirements and interests of the historical homeland among the representatives of the diaspora;
  7. Active, destructive and organized intervention of representatives of the diaspora in the life of their historical homeland;
  8. The transition of the original ethnic identity to the element of the pedigree, the loss of interest in the historical homeland.

The less in the traditions of the ethnic system of tribal, communal or other principles of rigid internal social organization, the weaker the diaspora turns out. People brought up on liberal principles do not have a tradition of unquestioning obedience to their elders, so the rules and principles of a foreign country turn out to be more significant than condemnation of “their own”.

If the diaspora is not constantly nourished with large waves of emigration, which consisted of those who remained loyal to those who remained, then its ties with the historical homeland weaken, and assimilation intensifies.

From a certain moment, the diaspora begins to actively intervene in the life of the historical homeland, while it turns out that the representatives of the diaspora have already become carriers of alien design meanings, values and alien hierarchy within the framework of these meanings. Otherwise, they would simply not go in with their "brilliant" advice and ideas, but continued to observe traditions.

Few have enough wisdom like A. A. Galich to understand and accept that if you became a cross (changed psychohistorical meanings), then you have nothing to do in Israel. The majority of the Russian population is left-conservative, but this does not stop all kinds of Kasparovs from trying to teach us how to live.

Look how many Diaspora people happily serve in the special services of geopolitical opponents, talking about their sincere desire to bring a bright future to the homeland of their ancestors. The Baltics, Georgia, Ukraine, and other "failed states" are excellent examples of such assistance.

Thus, the admission of the Disporians to power and the formation of meanings in the ethnic system is a complex and ambiguous process; in general, this should not be allowed without a period of adaptation. But from a certain moment, as they abandon the traditional psychohistorical meanings of their ethnic system, the Diaspora people begin to strive to correct the "wrong state" of affairs in their historical homeland, the more the more they have lost their spiritual connection with it.


It so happens that emigrants and Diaspora people over time lose part of the psychohistorical meanings of their ethnic system and become strangers to it. We are not talking about a forever cut off a slice, on the contrary, their return can be a very important and necessary step, but upon arrival they need time to embed and accept the psychohistorical meanings of their historical homeland.

A Diaspora person needs to realize and accept that his ideas about right and good no longer coincide with the opinion of the majority and, most likely, he will have to give in. And the greater the difference between the psychohistorical meanings of the point of arrival and the point of departure, the longer the period.

Only after going through a certain period of adaptation, the returnee can take an active part in the life of the country.

Russians practically do not create diasporas, since the immanent network, imperial principles make it relatively easy to find a common language and points of contact with representatives of other ethnic systems. But this is also a plus for Russia - there are no real organized attempts on the part of emigrants to interfere in the internal life of the country, killing its uniqueness to please the interests and meanings of the new homeland. Even 5 years ago, many of those who left had illusions that everything in Russia would eventually become the way they wanted, as soon as V. V. Putin. Recently, the situation has changed, more and more the opinion dominates - “this people cannot be corrected and saved”. In fact, these people talked about the necessity and inevitability of changing the psychohistorical meanings of Russia to please and in accordance with Western ideas, and now they realized that this will not happen.

In principle, we can be congratulated, because from the outside it seems that the power of Russia's psychohistorical meanings has grown. This is a positive result, now there is little left to do - to make it a reality for ourselves … After all, from within the country it seems that this is just a problem ….