How They Destroyed The True History Of Russia. Part 1 - Alternative View

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How They Destroyed The True History Of Russia. Part 1 - Alternative View
How They Destroyed The True History Of Russia. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: How They Destroyed The True History Of Russia. Part 1 - Alternative View

Video: How They Destroyed The True History Of Russia. Part 1 - Alternative View
Video: History of Russia (PARTS 1-5) - Rurik to Revolution 2024, September

Often readers ask themselves a question and ask me: - why was it necessary to distort history (of Russia in particular and the world in general)? - if it was someone's insidious plan, where are the traces (evidence) of this outrage?

- is our and world history so strongly distorted, as they say about it, maybe they ruled little by little ("trochi - for myself")?

I bring to the attention of the discerning and thinking reader an article based on the materials of the historian D. Belousov (link to the original below), in it I will tell (for a start and briefly) about the REAL FACTS of the destruction of ancient manuscripts and books. This topic is a leitmotif in many of my publications, but I think it's time to dwell on this in more detail.

A still from the cartoon Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin
A still from the cartoon Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin

A still from the cartoon Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin.

He who has ears, let him hear, he who has eyes, let him see

The old chronicles not only existed in abundance, but were constantly used until the 17th century. For example, in the 16th century the Orthodox Church used the khan's labels of the Golden Horde to protect their land ownership. But the seizure of power by the Romanovs and the total extermination of the heirs of the Ruriks, the history of Tartaria, the deeds of the Tsars, their influence on Europe and Asia, required new pages of history, and such pages were written by the Germans after the total destruction of the chronicles of the times of the Ruriks (including church ones).

If we look at the available archives, we will find two oddities: the complete absence of chronicles of the peoples of Eurasia of the 1st-12th centuries AD. and all Russian archives were created only from the 18th century. The most ancient document in the archive is the contractual letter of Novgorod the Great with the Grand Duke of Tver and Vladimir Yaroslav Yaroslavich in 1264. The most ancient is the letter of the 13th century, but where are all the Slavic chronicles of the 1st-12th centuries, where are they? The so-called "old" archives (all) were created at the end of the 18th century and they did not collect old chronicles at all.

Promotional video:

In the 11th century, all historical materials were removed from the Kiev lands by Svyatopolk the Damned during his flight from Yaroslav the Wise to his brother-in-law and ally, the Polish king Boleslav the Brave, in 1018. Nobody else heard about them.

The name of Pope Paul IV is associated not only with the struggle against science and scientists, but also with the monstrous destruction of books. There was the "Index of Forbidden Books", the first official edition of which was published in Rome in 1559, and the last (still valid!) In 1948. On TV (the priests in their channels) do not say that following the decision of the Council of Trent (the 19th Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, 1545-1563), a huge array of books containing texts not dating events according to Christ was burned.

Burning of books by the Inquisition
Burning of books by the Inquisition

Burning of books by the Inquisition.

In Russia, it is customary to officially assert that documents died during wars, uprisings, as a result of poor storage conditions and natural disasters (especially fires and floods) - that is, the death of documents was of an accidental mass character. It is recognized that many old documents were destroyed later, in the 16-17 centuries, due to the fact that contemporaries did not see historical value in them and used old documents on parchment as ornamental or auxiliary material - for example, they pasted over the covers of book bindings (!). The practice of destroying unwanted documents was widespread.

There are almost no old Russian maps even of the 15-18 centuries. Map of Jacob Bruce 1696, "Book of Siberia" by Remezov (1699-1701), "Map of the hemispheres" by V. O. Kipriyanov 1713, Kirilov's Atlas 1724-1737 - that's all! Although there are thousands and thousands of foreign cards from this period. But our merchants and travelers swam and walked no less than Western ones … Russian maps were either destroyed, or they are kept in archives under the heading "secret" (officially, the archives of the RAS Library keep as many as 10,000 old maps). They are hidden because they contain a completely different history of Russia (which should not be seen in order not to ask questions).

Finding documents from the first half of the second millennium is incredibly difficult. Even those ancient manuscripts that have survived do not reach us in the original, but in lists (handwritten copies), sometimes very numerous and always having greater or lesser differences from the original text. Each list begins to live its own life, being both a role model and material for compilations and falsifications.

Velesov book
Velesov book

Velesov book.

The manuscripts are burning

In Russia, princes, bishops and monasteries began to accumulate old documents earlier than others. Written documents in the Old Russian state were common. Both documents and books, and material values and treasures had a common place of storage - in the cowgirl, the treasury, the treasury. The archives of monasteries and churches contained just a huge amount of documents.

And according to the Code of Law of 1550, the elders, (all) sotsky and ten’s had to keep "markup books" - indicating the property status and duties of the townspeople (imagine the amount of documents in cities and villages!). There were also documents from the period of the Golden Horde. These are the so-called "defteri" (written on parchment), "labels" and "paizi". In the Golden Horde sofas (offices), written office work was so developed that there were stencil samples of official papers (formulas). Where is all this? Almost nothing, pitiful crumbs, and the rest has disappeared …

Valuable documents perished all over Russia during the Time of Troubles of the Polish-Swedish intervention (1598-1613). With the beginning of the reign of the Romanovs in Moscow, in a strange way, fires (dozens) became more frequent, destroying state institutions with repositories of manuscripts.

Polish winged hussars
Polish winged hussars

Polish winged hussars.

During the years of the uprising of Stepan Razin and Pugachev, during the peasant war on the Volga, “a large number of valuable sources perished” (and for some reason in the capitals !?). And in 1774 (immediately after the execution of Pugachev) in Cherkassk, the Don archive burned to the ground, containing all the materials about the Cossacks (read more: Suvorov against Pugachev-2. What was hidden by the "Pugachev uprising"?).

Many documents were lost in the Patriotic War of 1812. The archives of Smolensk and the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs and the Razryadno-Senate, Local-Votchinny, and Landmark archives were almost completely destroyed. The fate of not evacuated private archives and collections was tragic: they perished in a Moscow fire, including the collections of A. I. Musin-Pushkin, D. P. Buturlin. However, on the question of finding certain documents in these archives (BEFORE the fire) - there is no confirmation, but were they there? (strange facts about the war of 1812 in a series of articles of 6 parts: "The war of 1812 - another look" part 1.).

The archives of the Tver, Ryazan, Yaroslavl and other principalities during the period of the unification of the Russian lands around Moscow were included in the "Tsar's archive in Moscow." By the end of the 16th century, they amounted to at least 240 boxes, but at the beginning of the 17th century - during the Polish-Swedish intervention - most of this archive was taken to Poland and disappeared without a trace.

The Poles are giving up
The Poles are giving up

The Poles are giving up.

The State Archives of the Novgorod Feudal Republic (until the 15th century) rotted away without proper care in the 17th and 18th centuries in Moscow.

On January 12, 1682, localism was abolished in Russia. And then all the "books containing parochial affairs were burned." Including the famous "category books" were burned, containing the history of state appointments in Russia in the 15-16 centuries (a treasure trove of invaluable information!).

Under Peter I, by decrees of 1721; 1720; 1722 and 1724, it was ordered to send from the localities ancient manuscripts and books used by schismatics, and in general "suspicious writings", to governors and dioceses - materials of a historical nature (in originals or copies). Special "German emissaries" were also sent to the field, like Gottlieb Messerschmidt sent to the East of the country and to Siberia. Everything disappeared without a trace. And the "gravedigger" Messerschmidt is now called the founder of Russian archeology! The top of humiliation….

A still from the film Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession
A still from the film Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession

A still from the film Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession.

Read the continuation here.
