Megaliths Speak. Part 35 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 35 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 35 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 35 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 35 - Alternative View
Video: The Elusive Megalith Builders - The Unknown pre-Roman Civilisations (part 2 of 3) 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 -

Their name is Bakhchisarai Sphinxes

And their name is also Saul-Kaya, which in Tartar means "the place of Sava". And this concept, in turn, also requires interpretation, because, in addition to the proper name - Sav, this word was used in a conceptual meaning - power. That is, literally - "Place of power". In addition, there is an opinion that the Tartars endowed the notorious biblical Ham (m) with the name of Sav, one of the sons of the righteous Noah, who preserved all forms of life on Earth and multiplied again after the Flood.

There is also a more prosaic name for the rocky complex, at the foot of which the city of Bakhchisarai is located in the Crimea. This name sounds like Boray, which means spelled (wheat porridge). And the comparison with porridge is really appropriate. Such a comparison involuntarily comes to mind to anyone who sees this magnificence.


Rock complex in the Kacha river valley. Bakhchisarai is the ancient residence of the Crimean khans Gireys, who ruled the khanate for over 350 years, from 1422 to 1783.

Many visitors to Bakhchisarai claim that they feel the special energy of this place. Frankly, I also feel something like a slight euphoria here, and the point here is not at all in landscapes of stunning beauty. Here all the verses converged at one point: fire - a hot southern sun, water - a river, springs and fountains, earth (of which there is very little) and air - winds blowing through the gorge, like in a wind tunnel.

Promotional video:


It is surprisingly easy to breathe here even in the hottest time of the year, when the air temperature during the day freezes at plus forty degrees Celsius. Even a long climb to the top of the mountains does not cause shortness of breath and fatigue. On the contrary, one feels a surge of strength and uplifting. I will say more. At the top of one of the Borai rocks, I irresistibly wanted to lie down on a hot stone. I lay flat on a slab of shell rock, lying on my back, closed my eyes, and tried to sort out my own feelings and thoughts.

We were to inspect the Mangup-Kale fortress, located not far from Bakhchisarai, and I tried to comprehend the origin of the name of this city. Suddenly I realized that Mangup could be a garbled word "mangul" (with an "L" at the end). And if this assumption has a right to exist, then the name can be translated into Russian as "Mangul Fortress". But Mangul is one of the names of the people, the most famous representative of which was Chinggis Khan. Otherwise, this tribe, related to the Tartar tribe, was called the Mungals, Mughals (Great Mughals) or Mogulls, from which, in fact, the hypertrophied term "Mongol-Tatar yoke" arose.

Immediately before my mind's eye, images of strangers, dressed in old dresses, flashed through my mind, and among them a portrait of the Sultan appeared, suspiciously similar to the portrait of Prince Rurik.

Crimean Sultan Kalga, 1685
Crimean Sultan Kalga, 1685

Crimean Sultan Kalga, 1685

And then he seemed to smile at me, nodding at one of the founders of Bakhchisarai, Mengli-Girey. Then I almost became firmly convinced that the Crimean Khanate was in fact inextricably linked with the Great Tartary, and was ruled by the Mogulls, the descendants of Genghis Khan. And Mengli-Girey means nothing more than “mogul-hero”. But okay, this is just a vague guess, which is not confirmed by anything. I told about it only in order to demonstrate exactly how this place affects visitors. And it would be strange if such a gigantic amount of crystallized rocks did not affect living organisms, one of which is man.


Giant stone giants rise 8-14 meters above the rocky ridge of the Uzun-Tarla (Long Field) hill. The Sphinxes bear their own names: the southernmost figure of Yukle-Kaya (Pregnant), then Shuyuryu-Kaya (Pointed), Chuyun-Kaya (Skull), two similar flat-topped Sandyk-Kaya (Chest) and Shapke-Kaya (Hat). All this is beautiful, of course, romantic, but let's still move on to physics, in which the mysterious side is no less attractive and intriguing no less than adventure adventure novels.


The fact is that geologists consider the Crimean Peninsula an exception. Yes exactly. In geology, there are also exceptions, and the origin of the Crimean Mountains does not fall under any of the theories considered proven. Disputes between scientists have been going on for more than one hundred years, but things, as they say, are still there.


In the Bakhchisarai region, three main structural units are distinguished: a folded complex (Triassic-Upper Jurassic), a cover complex (Cretaceous-Eocene), and a synorogenic alpine complex (elevated erosional relief and synorogenic sediments of the Oligocene-Quarter). Within the basic units, in turn, disagreements of different scales stand out. In the structure of the folded complex, two main zones are distinguished: the southern (Gornokrymskaya), composed mainly of Lower Jurassic hemipelagic and pelagic sediments, and the northern (Lozovskaya or Eskiordinskaya), formed by various complexes of the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic.

Scheme of the geological structure of the Crimea (according to M. V. Muratov, with changes)
Scheme of the geological structure of the Crimea (according to M. V. Muratov, with changes)

Scheme of the geological structure of the Crimea (according to M. V. Muratov, with changes).

Meganticlinorium of the mountain Crimea: 1 - large anticlinoria, 2 - large synclinorium, 3 - northern and eastern subsidence of the meganticlinorium. Platform part of the Crimean Peninsula: 4 - areas with deep bedding of the Paleozoic basement, 5 - protrusion of the Paleozoic basement under the cover of Mesozoic sediments, 6 - Tarkhankut-Dzhankoy anticlines, 7 - supposed deep fault separating the meganticlinorium of mountain Crimea and the Scythian platform, 8 9 - anticlinal folds, 10 - synclinal folds.

Schematic geological section through the Crimean peninsula (after E. V. Lvovskaya, with the author's additions)
Schematic geological section through the Crimean peninsula (after E. V. Lvovskaya, with the author's additions)

Schematic geological section through the Crimean peninsula (after E. V. Lvovskaya, with the author's additions).

Here we can be sure that geologists attribute the location of Boray to the Kachin anticlinorium. The basement of the meganticlinorium is the lower level, composed of the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic strata of rhythmically alternating mudstones (shales), quartz siltstones (loamy shales) and sandstones of the Taurian series and similar to them in composition and rhythmic alternation of Middle Jurassic deposits. These rocks make up all the anticlinoria of the mountainous Crimea.


If we translate from a scientific language into an accessible one, then we can say this: Bakhchisarai sphinxes (Borai) are located on the territory of an inclined hill (from the Greek anti …, klino - I cant and yros - mountain, hill * A. anticlinorium; N. Antiklinorium; f. anticlinorium; and. anticlinorio), and represent a large and complexly constructed complex of folds of layers of the earth's crust, usually arising in a geosyncline (a rather simple, but very large and extended deflection of the earth's crust with prolonged subsidence, as a result of which, according to geologists, powerful sedimentary bodies).


Boraya rocks are mainly composed of shell rock and limestone. It contains lower Cretaceous deep-water clays, as well as shallow-water conglomerates, limestones and sands with lenses of pebbles and gravel. These rocks form an almost continuous strip of outcrops on the northern slope of the meganticlinorium, which is now represented by layered and partly reef Upper Jurassic limestones. And just imagine that the thickness of such deposits in places reaches eight hundred meters, like on the massif of Mount Ai-Petri.


Well, now I would like to hear a clear answer to a simple question:


Hence comes the second, no less simple and logical question: If we are dealing with the "Lower Cretaceous" and "Upper Jurassic" deposits in the Bakhchisarai area, why do not such formations exist, for example, in the Armyansk or Genichesk area? Was there no Cretaceous and Jurassic periods there? Is it possible that in one of the rooms of the apartment morning and evening never came, but day and night followed each other in the same way as in other rooms?

Ammonite in a piece of rock chipped from the monolith at the top of Boraya
Ammonite in a piece of rock chipped from the monolith at the top of Boraya

Ammonite in a piece of rock chipped from the monolith at the top of Boraya.

It is clear that nothing like this could actually happen, and that is why geologists officially recognized Crimea as an exception to the rule. But this is the first step towards recognizing the fact that the whole of geological science is erroneous. There are no exceptions. There are processes that have not yet been explained. Therefore, we have yet to unravel the origin of the Crimean Mountains. And for some reason I think that a person or a team that is not part of a corporation of geologists will find the answer.

Personally, I am primarily concerned about the following questions:

- Why are there no remains of larger mollusks, as well as the bones of fish and marine animals in the structure of the rocks under consideration?


- Where do marbleized limestone inclusions, which are more like agate, come from in the thickness of the Boray rocks?


- Where do the inclusions of iron come from in the clay of clay-carbonate composition, and even often of the correct geometric shape?


- If the peaks of the Crimean Mountains are in fact the preserved bottom of the Mesozoic proto-ocean Tethys, then why are such formations not found anywhere else? After all, if the Tethys was a global world ocean, then the remnants of its bottom would have to be found absolutely on all continents! But geologists only talk about the "exception to the rule." So maybe you need to rethink the rules rather than invent exceptions?


- If the valley of the Kacha River is of natural origin, then why are its edges completely different from each other: on the one hand, sheer walls, and on the other, in the form of rushes, as if someone had poured a colossal bowl of wheat porridge?


- Where are the fragments of rocks that should have remained in place between the detached rocks?


- Why are individual outliers so similar precisely to anthropomorphic and zoomorphic sculptures? After all, there are no rocks that resemble an ax, for example, a jug, a barrel or an airplane, finally, there is not a single one here. Except for the chest, of course. Only now, in order to see the chest in this rock, you must have a special gift. Whoever I asked, everyone, without hesitation, recognizes the head of a monkey in it. Moreover, no matter from what angle to look at it.

Rock Yukle-Kaya (Pregnant)
Rock Yukle-Kaya (Pregnant)

Rock Yukle-Kaya (Pregnant).

Very much like an angel, and … Yes, in an "interesting position."

Of course, the artisan nature is capable of any miracles, especially since there are no masters in the world who can create a sculptural composition of such a scale. Yes, and if such existed, then they would surely make the figures more perfect so that a person does not strain his imagination in order to understand exactly who they look like.


However, how did it happen that so many "freaks of nature" suddenly found themselves in such a limited area at the same time? Just like in the "Park of Dragons" in the Primorsky Territory. Different versions can be put forward here. For example, suggest that giants, wizards, or aliens worked on the configuration of the rocks. But we are adults and do not believe in fairy tales. This means that we need to look for a simple and rational explanation for what we see.

But what rationality can we talk about if the crust begins to peel off from just one look at Borai? I mean the cerebral cortex, of course. One of such explanations could be the version that some sculptors with the help of primitive tools modified natural rocks in ancient times, but this assumption is too unlikely due to the unrealistically huge amount of work that would have to be done.

The second counterargument is even more weighty: what is the point in such a construction? It is not natural for a person to waste energy, money and time on useless work. If the figures were created in such deep antiquity that even the memories of such a significant construction site were not preserved, then it means that a person at that time should have been still at the mythological stage of development, if, of course, the theory of evolution is correct at least in an insignificant part of it.

Dog head
Dog head

Dog head.

Another explanation for the existence of the figures in their current form may be the version that in fact they are quite consistent with their real prototypes: an angel, a monkey, a dog or a bull.

Bull head
Bull head

Bull head.

There is also a bald head.

The awake batyr
The awake batyr

The awake batyr.

They fit inside, and on top they were filled with a solution - a liquid paste consisting of filler in the form of shells of small mollusks, a binder of carbonates and silicates with various impurities and water. In this version, the main counterargument is the lack of even the currently living opportunities to make such a large-scale fill. This would require equipment and containers of such dimensions, which cannot exist in nature. Or could not exist in the past, if we understand at least something in real physics, chemistry, mechanics, cosmology and biology.


But since we do not believe in fairy tales, we have no choice but to seriously consider only the unconditional traces of the influence of reason on the environment. And they are extremely primitive, and obviously ancient.

Excavation of unknown destination on the side of the flight of stairs
Excavation of unknown destination on the side of the flight of stairs

Excavation of unknown destination on the side of the flight of stairs.

In the central part of the cornice, there is a primitive staircase, artificially carved into the monolith, consisting of two flights: the upper one, No. 1, and the lower one, following after the inclined straight section like a flowing monolith, No. 2.

Staircase number 1
Staircase number 1

Staircase number 1.

Staircase number 2
Staircase number 2

Staircase number 2.

This is everything that, without a doubt, was made by human hands on this site of the complex. I do not consider the caves and grottoes left in other places in Boray, in view of their apparently recent origin when mining building stone. But these tracks are interesting because they have a very high percentage of wear. Local historians, of course, are convinced that the ancient Crimean Tatars cut down stairs with hand tools several thousand years ago.

I admit the likelihood of this version, but I myself am inclined to believe that, in fact, it was not a stone that was manually processed, but also a plastic mass, similar to hard clay, which was easily selected even with a wooden tool. Above, I have already talked about the fake "Fortress Psyfab" in Adygea, and so, next to that pseudo-fortress in the so-called "Dante Gorge" there is a staircase carved in soft sandstone, which is almost an exact analogue of the staircase on Borai.

Dante gorge, Goryachy Klyuch, Adygea
Dante gorge, Goryachy Klyuch, Adygea

Dante gorge, Goryachy Klyuch, Adygea.

The main difference is one: Boraiskaya completely crystallized in the sun, and the staircase in Goryachy Klyuch is constantly in a humid environment and therefore has not turned into stone to this day. But they look like two sisters. I suppose there is no need to explain that in Borai it was just as easy to carve a staircase with a simple tool in a soft influx, consisting of unfocused "paste". That is why the wear of the steps of the Borai staircase is so significant - it is the result of being used in a wet state, and not at all due to the fact that it was the result of long-term operation.

The steps are not worn out because hundreds of thousands of feet have walked them for centuries from generation to generation. It's just that the material from which they are made was extremely unstable to mechanical stress. And this means that the whole "spelled" in relatively recent times was soft and pliable.

I am sure that if we were dealing with granite, scientists would unanimously claim that it is a rock of magmatic origin that has poured out onto the surface. And everyone would have believed them implicitly. However, such a number does not work with shell rock, and geologists say: "An exception to the rule, however." But there are no such rules in nature, and the Latin proverb "Post hoc non ergo propter hoc", which in translation into Russian means "After that - does not mean because", like no other, confirms the correctness of my version.

Or let geologists show me at least one cubic centimeter of granite, which has poured out from the volcano in our time. Nowhere in the world has a single gram of granite escaped from a single volcano. An educated person will certainly correct, they say, all magmatites are divided into those that solidify in the bowels of the earth (intrusive), and those that harden, pouring out onto the surface (effusive).

It would seem that there is not the slightest reason to doubt this geological "axiom", but, excuse me, how to check the truth of this statement? Someone saw with their own eyes molten diorite, granite, syenite, basalt or rhyolite, which subsequently cooled down and took on the form we were accustomed to? Has anyone been 5 to 40 kilometers underground to watch the intrusion form? Not. So, all this is OBS, which in translation from geological means "one woman said."

Well, if they lie to us even on such a scale, and at the same time do not blush, then what to expect in small things? So I thought that in fact the answer to the questions posed should be in plain sight. I will talk about how, in my opinion, the Crimean meganticlinoria could have formed. But in order not to disturb the chronology of the Crimean expedition of 2018 AISPIK, I will first tell you about another curious object, whose name is Chufut-Kale.

Continued: Part 36

Author: kadykchanskiy