On What In Ancient Times Did They Conquer The Heavens? - Alternative View

On What In Ancient Times Did They Conquer The Heavens? - Alternative View
On What In Ancient Times Did They Conquer The Heavens? - Alternative View

Video: On What In Ancient Times Did They Conquer The Heavens? - Alternative View

Video: On What In Ancient Times Did They Conquer The Heavens? - Alternative View
Video: 曾被日本奉为全民偶像的白居易,人品真的碎成了渣吗?他的爱情,是另一首【长恨歌】/“白江口”战役之后日本人的决定------学习唐朝/李世民会突厥语吗?埃及艳后的容貌----抱歉,让您失望了 2024, May

Many people consider the existence of a developed civilization before ours to be a real nonsense, but if this is so, then how in ancient times was it possible to describe flying machines? Such words and images will definitely not come to mind in a dream, and people would not be able to describe this technique without seeing it live, so I suggest that you familiarize yourself a little with a book that turns the entire ancient history inside out.


In 1875, in one of the temples of India, a treatise Vimanika Shastra was discovered written in Sanskrit based on even earlier texts. Its author was the Indian scientist, encyclopedist Bharadwaja Maharishi who lived in the 4th century BC. Translated from Sanskrit, Vimanika Shastra means the following - the science of flying vehicles.


The very term Vimana he explains as follows - "That which can fly in the air from one country to another, from one island to another, from one world to another." The book describes in detail the structure of these aircraft, instructions for their control, pilot training, and so on. Obviously, these descriptions cannot be a legend born of a sick fantasy. People who did not have the slightest idea about flying machines simply could not invent such a thing.


For experts who get started in the comments. This book is not recognized as a fake for officially science. It is kept in the central archive of the city of Delhi, and its English translation is in the library of the city of Mysore. The facts of the existence of flying vehicles in ancient times are confirmed by ancient literature. There are various references to vimanas and their details in Indian texts such as: Mahabharata, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Ramayana.


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Indologist Sergei Bulantsev said the following: "The ancient texts mention that in the production of Vimans, from 14 to 16 metals were used. The trouble is that we still cannot find the exact name of these metals." And here are some excerpts from the scriptures: "In order to ensure the supply of electricity to all parts of the vimaana, and to achieve their coordinated work, the Shakti panjara kela yantra is established." Right off the bat, that electricity, as a term, is an adaptation of the translation.


According to Yantra-sarvasva: Shakti panjara kela yantra is recommended to supply all parts of the vimaana with electric current. It is made as follows: steel, an alloy of blood and iron, in a ratio of 10, 8 and 9, are crushed, placed in a crucible and heated in aatala furnace."


There is also the following data: "In order to detect and reproduce sounds in eight directions from the vimaana at a distance of 12 krosha (43 km), emitted by birds, animals and people, using eight mechanisms, and transmitted through wires or through the space at the base of the vimaana wing, it is recommended to install a yantra shabdaakarshana."


A detailed description of these devices cannot be a fantasy, most likely such vimanas really existed. There are two options left: either there was a civilization before us, or someone taught people.
