Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View

Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View
Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View

Video: Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View

Video: Vatican Revives The Cult Of Moloch? - Alternative View
Video: Glenn Beck on "The Eye of Moloch": So Close to Reality, It's "Faction" 2024, September

On October 28, 2019, a satanic statue of the infamous god Moloch, associated with the sacrifice of children, was erected in the Colosseum, at the notorious site of Christian martyrdom.


The official explanation for the innovation is as follows:

“The statue of Moloch, worshiped by the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibition dedicated to the once great rival of ancient Rome, the city of Carthage. The large-scale exhibition entitled "Carthage: Immortal Myth" will run until March 29, 2020. A reconstruction of the terrible deity Moloch, associated with the Phoenician and Carthaginian religions, will be placed at the entrance to the Colosseum to welcome visitors to the exhibition."

The initiative of the Roman authorities caused a shock in the Christian community in Italy. The Italian Catholic website writes:

The scandal over the placement of the statue itself is compounded by the fact that the exhibition of the statue of Moloch takes place on the closing day of the so-called Synod of Bishops of the Amazon (commonly referred to as the Synod of the Amazon), which was held in Rome from 6 to 27 October 2019.


Promotional video:

In the presentation of the event, Pope Francis announced on 15 October 2017 that the Synod will work “to identify new ways of evangelizing a region where indigenous peoples have no prospect of a serene future”. And now the question arises: is all this somehow connected? Will the people from the Vatican take the statue of Moloch with them while carrying the gospel to America?

Coinciding with the closing ceremony of the Synod, the placement of the statue also coincided with the eve of Halloween (October 31) and All Saints' Day (November 1), which has its roots in the pagan holiday of Samhain. This borderline time (transition to winter) was considered a mystical time, when the sids (magical creatures, neutral and often hostile to people) come to the human world, and people also have the opportunity to “visit” the other world.

And again the question arises: was it also such an accident again?

Finally, a little earlier, on October 4, 2019, Pope Francis blessed the Inca Mother Earth Pacha Mama in front of the camera, from which Catholics still cannot move away and revise the ritual with bulging eyes.

In general, people have every reason to worry. However, Italian Catholic housewives do not know the most important thing.

The main thing is that the statue of Moloch was not made yesterday, but was delivered, apparently with great honors, from the Mole Antonelliana Cinematography Museum - a very controversial building built in the 19th century:


The statue was made of hollow bronze as a decoration for the 1914 film Cabiria. In one of the scenes of the film, it is shown how, using this statue, the priests sacrifice children to Moloch:

Thus, this bronze "dummy" is not quite a dummy and some kind of stove works there.

The film Cabiria was made by the Italian director Giovanni Pastrone, who dealt with the purely technical side of the issue. However, with the script, with the words of priestly chants, with the design of temples and statues, he was helped by the Prince of Montenevozo, Duke of Galles, Count Gabriele d'Annunzio, a 33rd degree Mason, who kept Mr. Mussolini on a walking leash:

Based on these regalia, one can guess that the "dummy" of the statue of Moloch is made on a natural scale and everything is done there as it should.

One of the most shocking scenes in this film is represented by the huge temple of Moloch, a giant three-eyed head with a mouth as the entrance to the infamous temple. footage of the film shows a hundred young children ready to perish as sacrifices to the evil god Moloch, and it is in this temple full of dark side cultists involved in the ritual that we see the colossal seated statue of the winged god Moloch now on display in front of the Colosseum.


The Moloch statue will remain in its new location until March 29, 2020, and will be removed before Pope Francis holds his annual Via Crucis at the Roman Colosseum.

As you can see, the situation is quite incredible, and even I, an old researcher on these topics, am in shock from what is happening and I simply have no words to comment. Will Rome soon feel the wrath of God and now they are trying to avoid it by sacrificing several children to Moloch? Or the Vatican Illuminati for the ultimate child sacrifice?


In general, I don't understand what's going on, so let's just pray, for this is another sign of the End Times.